July 26, 2017
by actforfreedom

IIRSA: Destruction Infrastructure (South America) [Documentary]

IIRSA: Infrastructure of Devastation (South America)
97.7% of the South American territory is being transformed forever. And with that, the totality of our lives. The IIRSA (South American Regional Infrastructure Initiative) is a mega-project at the continental level, carried out by all the South American states with the support, financing and coordination of the International Monetary Fund, an imperialist platform that generates the guidelines of the world economy. Its objective is to redesign the geography of the continent by creating a whole new network of infrastructures to facilitate, expedite and intensify the extraction of the so-called natural resources, which are nothing more than the elements that make life possible in this territory. Through the construction of roads, ports, hydro and thermoelectric power, airports, bridges, tunnels, among countless projects, which are the outpost of the extractivist machine that loot the territories, bringing with it nothing more than death. IIRSA is a weapon of mass destruction.
It is the greatest project of territorial reordering that has ever been carried out in the world, comparable only with the arrival and European invasion of America. In front of the voracious monster that grows in front of us, in front of the death sentence that imposes us.
Resistance is vital and urgent.
via: http://sosyalsavas.

July 26, 2017
by actforfreedom

Anathema A Philadelphia Anarchist Periodical Volume 3 Issue 5 – USA

Volume 3 Issue 5 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)
Volume 3 Issue 5 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)
In this issue:
  • Call for Week of Solidarity with J20 Arrestees
  • Assassination Attempted in Alexandria
  • Antifa v. 4Chan: A Perspective on the July 2nd March to Impeach Trump
  • What Went Down
  • News
  • Letter to the Editor
  • PA Pipeline Updates
  • Factory Death
  • NYPD Officer Assassinated
  • Watching Police
  • July 25 Day of Solidarity with Antifa Prisoners
  • Zoo Abuse, Collective Liberation
  • How to Buy a Gun
  • Poem, Pictures, & Comics
  • via:anathema.noblogs.org/

July 26, 2017
by actforfreedom

UK , by L- “Eco-extremism and the indiscriminate attack – The Church of ITS Mexico”

“And Severino Di Giovanni’s actions were never violent for the sake of it. They were never indiscriminate or striking at anything at all in order to create a tension that would favour power and it’s politics of consolidation. They were always guided by a precise revolutionary reasoning: to strike the centres of power with punitive actions that find their justification in the State’s violence, and which were aimed at pushing the mass towards a revolutionary objective. Di Giovanni always took account of the situation of the mass, even though he was often accused of not having done so” JW & AMB
Anarchism and Violence
Severino Di Giovanni in Argentina by Osvaldo Bayer
Elephant Editions
I don’t represent any organisation or group, I am writing this from my personal perspective, as nihilist-anarchist of an anti-civilisation insurrectional tendency. I have carried out direct action in defense of the Earth, so the state and society would probably view me as an “Eco-Extremist”, although I’m unconcerned with this term as it’s become a sect-like ideology of the Church. I haven’t written before about the Church of ITS Mexico or the idiot pseudo-nihilist(s) in Italy because over the last few years they clearly became reactionary and more akin to far-right ‘black’ groupscules.
It has been some years since the Church of ITS Mexico said something like that ‘the FAI doesn’t represent us’, that the ‘CCF doesn’t represent us’… Well I can’t recall anything like that being said by CCF or FAI or anyone else in the first place, so why is the ITS Church still issuing sermons about it now and why have they not embarked on a one-way trip far away from the black anarchy they proclaim is irrelevant and gone off into the nihilising abyss like they said they would, leaving all us anarchist nuns alone?

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July 25, 2017
by actforfreedom

Germany – Anarchist contribution concerning G20 in Hamburg

G20 in Hamburg: These were days of revolt

During the days of the summit of the G20, thousands of people flooded the streets of Hamburg with their anger about the cops` violence and the world that they protect. Already during the week before, there was no uncertainty around the cops’ will to confront every sign of protest or resistance with zero tolerance. During the demo on Thursday evening, they made their position clear once again, attacking the front of the demo from the first minute it started. The cops obviously and viciously embraced the possibility of potentially even lethal injuries, when they pushed and kettled the front block of the demo into a very narrow, canyon-like part of the Hafenstraße, bordered on the sides by brick walls. They caused panic, hitting, kicking, pepper-spraying, firing tear gas and shooting water canons from the front and the sides. Many people sought to flee over the walls on the sides, a lot of people got hurt – but you could also see impressive moments of solidarity, people helping each other up the wall, whilst others attacked the cops from above and brave and calm front rows defended the demo from the cops attacks, taking a serious beating.
The baton in the face, the knee in your neck, the pepper in the eye are there to remind you who is in charge in this world. During these days, the representatives and leaders of the 20 richest countries of this world met to discuss the maintenance of this order of misery. Tens of thousands of cops were supposed to protect this spectacle from those who seek to show their open rage, hatred and resistance to those arrogant authorities.
On the night of Friday a lot of people chose to get back a part of the dignity that is being stolen from us on a daily basis, attacking the cops in a lot of different places in the city. Barricades were built and with hammers, stones and fire people put numerous cracks in the facades of a society in which only those who function, consume and obey find their place. Continue Reading →

July 25, 2017
by actforfreedom

Hamburg Diary 2017

“The Black Block” call was made from Hamburg for the action organized under the slogan ‘Welcome to Hell’ against the G-20 summit to be held by 19 state leaders holding 85% of the world economy. Thousands of anarchists, anti-fascist individuals from all over the world came to Hamburg for action even though Schengen’s visas had been suspended.
Anarchist groups from Turkey were in action and they immediately reported what happened.
The activists from many different regions joined the preparations in the camps and at the Rote Flora occupation house, they attended some trainings for the action but the police harassment and attacks had started before the acts did. In the camps, police did search and took some into custody through helicopter and land raids. On the way, arbitrary searches were made by the police in various areas, extraordinary conditions and violations were experienced in the city.
Tensions were experienced when civilian police officers were detected among the activists.
Despite the efforts of the German state to block the people, St. Pauli Football Team announced that it opened the stadium to the activists as a shelter. The nearby bars provided free water and food. The press release titled “Yes, we are camping” was made. St. Pauli fans opened a banner in the tributary “Our Neighborhood, Our Rules”. Thus, camp resistance began before the G-20’s actions and solidarity areas expanded. Personal properties, theater, circus, church and various societies were opened for accommodation. Tents were placed for protest in some areas that nobody stayed in.

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July 25, 2017
by actforfreedom

Squatex equipment burned in Sainte-Jeanne-d’Arc – Canada

Bas-Saint-Laurent, Quebec: destruction of drilling rigs for gas and oil
 [The oil company Squatex Energy and Resources, associated with Petrolympic, had already drilled in the fall of 2014 “to measure the potential of oil and gas exploitation” located 800 to 1800 meters down (estimated at a total equivalent of 61.1 million barrels). After its initial stock market listing in April 2017 and having obtained an operating license for 656,093 hectares in the region, Squatex had announced resumption of its exploratory work this summer, drilling on a dozen sites in La Redemption and Sainte-Jeanne-d’Arc in La Mitis. Apparently, this did not please everyone.]
Squatex equipment burned in Sainte-Jeanne-d’Arc
Radio Canada, July 14, 2017 at 10:59 pm
Heavy equipment of the Squatex company succumbed to flames during the night from Thursday to Friday at Sainte-Jeanne-d’Arc.
The company has already drilled in the area. The equipment was located outside on a piece of land.
Emergency services were sent to the scene of a fire at around 8:30 on Friday. The fire, which is now under control, is considered suspicious by the police.
It would have started during the night. An investigator and a fire scene technician were called to the scene.
The SQ estimates the cost of damage as tens of thousands of dollars.

July 24, 2017
by actforfreedom

France,Besançon: Solidarity gluings

Indymedia Nantes / Friday 14 July 2017
These last two nights several offices and agencies of this mouldy society received a brief visit…
The locks of estate agencies (X5), an office of a security company and a sports club for the wealthy were sabotaged with glue. It took only a few toothpicks, superglue and enough rage and abnegation to carry out these small actions.
Solidarity with the two comrades, Kara and Krème, imprisoned for the fire of the car of the cops of May 18, 2016 on the quai de Valmy in Paris.
Much strength and courage to the compa Lisa, sentenced to 7 and a half years for a bank robbery in Aachen. who finds herself locked up inside four walls in Cologne.

Translated by Act for freedom now!
via: Attaque

July 24, 2017
by actforfreedom

Call to Action – We will go camping against prisons and punishment from the 26th to 30th of July at the Faetzig-Camp, near Görlitz – Germany

The “Faetzig-Camp” is a mixture of a Summer camp with political focus and a festival.
Why oppose prisons?
We live in a society of punishment. All of us have experienced the principle of punishment, whether in our families, at school, at work, at the job centre or other agencies, in hospital or in psychiatric institutions.
Punishment is part of a top-down system of power and powerlessness. It lets the strongest win, because they write and are able to enforce the rules. Punishment directs how we act and think. Punishment creates fear and makes us adapt. Fear of punishment is what creates the cop in our heads who forces us to help carry the violence known as normality. Fear of punishment stops us from taking action against injustices and wrongs.

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July 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Hamburg – A letter from anarchist prisoner Riccardo, arrested during the G20 (20/07/2017)

We are spreading news of the arrest of a comrade from Genoa, Riccardo, on Friday 7th July in Hamburg during the revolt against the G20.
Riccardo has seen his lawyers, is doing well and his spirits are high.
On18/07 a hearing confirmed that Riccardo and all those arrested be remanded in custody. In 15 days an appeal trial will be held to decide if imprisonment is to be continued until the trial. The charges haven’t been formulated yet.
We reconfirm our solidarity with all those arrested in Hamburg.
Freedom for all!
If you want to write to Riccardo or send him reading material, his address (name, surname, date of birth and address of the prison where is being held) is:
Letter of the comrade Riccardo from the prison of Billwerder, Hamburg
‘Guard Gohlosh impersonated the most hideous wickedness: the wickedness at the service of the powerful of the Earth. A wickedness that could be converted to money. It didn’t belong to him any longer. He had sold it to more competent individuals who used it to enslave and mortify an entire miserable people. He was no longer master of his own wickedness. He had to guide it and direct it according to certain rules whose atrocity hadn’t changed much.’
(Albert Cossery – Men God Forgot – 1994, free translation by act for freedom now)
At the moment I am being detained in the prison of Billwerder in Hamburg. I was arrested on Friday 7th July at 7:30pm near Rote Flora.
I am accused of insulting the State, endangering public security, of having played an active part in a group of fifteen people who challenged the police, in particular attempting to harm a policeman of the Special Unit of Bloomberg intent on carrying out arrests and finding evidence.
I don’t recognize the dichotomy ‘guilty-not guilty’ proposed by the State’s judicial apparatus.

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July 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

‘Posh’ Tumbridge Wells: ‘Hooligan’ foxes cut car cables

Fox youth recently have been held responsible for attacking human’s cars in the posh commuter town of Royal Tumbridge Wells, in attempt to take out the annoying posh humans. The toffs kept on waking up in the morning to find their brake cables cut and instantly presumed it was the work of a vandal with a grudge. Even the clueless cops believed it was ‘foul play’ after six attacks were reported in a fortnight.
Now it apparently turns out it could have been a rampaging gang of fox cubs. According to a so called wildwife expert the young animals, which use the underside of cars as cover when they are on the prowl, often chew on the pipes to help strengthen their jaws and teeth. The posh drivers are now being told to check their brakes are working before setting off and are also been advised to wash their cars in animal repellents in order to try and deter the foxes, more like poison them!
One local posh twit is not so convinced: ‘I can’t believe for a second it was just foxes. The cuts are just too clean. I think it was more malicious. I want cast iron proof that it was a fox.’
Haha guess the foxes are not available for foot prints or DNA testing! We at FOTH really like the idea that fox youth attacked them in a anti-rich or anti-civilization vendetta!

via: fireonthehorizon.

July 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

UK, Bristol -Sabotage of Nationalist Politician Ben Walker’s Car by Eco-Anarchist Vandals FAI-IRF

Hey Walker, we recently had a nice view of your home from the pedestrian bridge in the small hours of the morning…
… a car and work van belonging to a UKIP candidate and ex-mayor (2012) of Bradley Stoke (Bristol, UK), Ben Walker, was damaged with paint and the tires were slashed on the driveway of his home: 136 Ferndene, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.
Also done recently…
…cars at Bath Audi and Mercedes car showrooms in Peasedown, Bath (UK) had their bodywork scratched up with broken glass (about 25 vehicles). This option of sabotage was chosen over a noisy one as we didn’t want to wake the sleeping car-transporter guy who was in his cab with the curtains drawn.
With this action a warm firm hand goes out to the street fighters and black bloc who came together to trash the G20 in Hamburg, with bravery against such heavy odds, and to those spreading this fight over other German cities. Some of us are not up to the level of street combat of German cities or to go and engage with your cops, so here in the UK a few of us have been lubricating our rusty joints enough to be able to be active and show our distaste in a style we are more familiar with.
Although we may have different approaches to the same problems, we can pull together on a common thread, learn from each others qualities and mis-givings, and unite the effects of bloc and affinity group.

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July 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Pisa, Italy – Solidarity gathering following police operation against comrades of Galeone Occupato squat

Start: 20/07/2017 – 11:00
End: 20/07/2017 – 13:00
At 4:30am on 12th July, DIGOS and ROS wearing balaclavas, carrying guns and shooting in the air, stopped four comrades of the Galeone Occupato squat in the centre of Pisa. One of them was arrested and later served with an order of prohibition of residence in Pisa and the province. A hearing will be held on Thursday 20th July at 9am at the court in Pisa. Solidarity with those who struggle against this inferno!
We also express solidarity with those arrested following the G20 in Hamburg!
‘Constable Spara… And who’s he?
‘We don’t know him’
‘Of course his gun dropped and a shot was fired’
‘This is the most likely version’
– A homicide chief officer to brigadier Biglia –
Investigation of a Citizen above Suspicion (1970)
In the night between 11th and 12th July four comrades of the Galeone Occupato squat were stopped in the centre of Pisa by over ten policemen, DIGOS and ROS, the latter wearing balaclavas. Anti-terrorism paranoia led them to shoot four shots in the air (something police chief Alberto Francini denied in the daily Il Tirreno), as they aimed at the comrades’ faces, threatening and trying to intimidate them, hunting for explosives and bombs and even insinuating that they would call bomb disposal experts to deal with a SUV parked nearby. In the end the comrades were taken to the police station where they were warned not to call lawyers until they started speaking.

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July 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

Call out for an International Week for Anarchist Prisoners 2017

This year, the International solidarity week for anarchist prisoners will be spent for the fifth time in 23rd to 30th August and we come stronger than ever!
Some political prisoners are already supported, but far from all of them. Also, the supported are usually involved in authoritarian politics and not grassroots activities. Anarchist prisoners are not often well-known people, even though they might be long term activists. Their ways to fight back oppressors and wrongdoings are not necessary following the current laws of their location, which is judged by some authoritarian organizations. The vast amount and diversity of cases of anarchist prisoners is surprising to many.
We wanted to choose a week, so that it would be easy as possible to organize different kinds of expressions of solidarity, which would be supported by one another. The beginning of the week was chosen to be the execution date of Sacco and Vanzetti, two Italian-American anarchists, in 1927. They were convicted with very little amount of evidence, and many still consider that they were punished from their anarchist views.
Welcome to join!
Solidarity can express itself in many forms.
Please report us your done actions to the address tillallarefree@riseup.net. You can also announce your event in advance in the same address, we list them on our page http://solidarity.international/. From the pages you can also find examples and tips of actions and support mail to anarchists, links to prisoner lists and more.

July 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

France , Saint-Laurent-Sous-Coiron,- Arson Attack Against Communications Infrastructure by Wild Individualities

At the edge of the Escrinet mountain pass, a culminating point on the road that ensures the connection between Privas and Aubenas, a relay antenna, a military-inspired cluster of buildings, a 30-by-30-step fence, well-known logos of Bouygues, SFR, Free, Orange…
This is where we decide to attack, where the technologies necessary to cover thousands of homes in fixed and mobile telephony, TV and Radio are concentrated. Where we can cause temporary syncope in the frantic flow of information and communications.
The cathodic decay, the radio stupefaction or the profound alienation caused by phones are untenable to us. Here, we do away with an argued criticism of the media because their obvious ravages force fools to defend them, rather than us to condemn them. We do not cherish the illusion of dismantling the enterprises attributable to the poisoning of consciences nor the hope of triggering a revival of these consciences. If some people rejoice in this short respite in communicational hell so much the better, the others are fucked. That they continue to pay their subscriptions, to buy new screens, to put shelves in the hands of children. We are not fighting for them; on the contrary, they are part of the problem.

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July 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

Mexico – Update on the Situation of Anarchist Prisoner Fernando Bárcenas

After being locked in my cell in Zone 7 of the C.O.C. (Observation and Classification Center), on Wednesday, July 19, 2017, I went before a hearing of the Technical Interdisciplinary Council. It determined that I could not return to general population due to the conflict that happened the previous week for which I was taken to the Maximum Security Unit (M.M.S.), where I am currently in segregation in the Hexagon Area for security reasons.
Similarly, when the jailers searched my belongings at the entrance to the M.M.S., looking through my things they found papers with my writings and personal letters, which also included the general outline of “El Canero” newspaper. [A newspaper of prisoners’ writings, founded by Fernando.] They confiscated that from me and then began to behave violently, going through my personal correspondence and concluding with a threat directed at me, saying, “They can kill you for what you say” and “Stop already with your newspaper,” letting me know that by writing and expressing my ideas I violated the security of the institution and that is the reason why I should remain in segregation.
It’s worth mentioning that because of the earlier conflict, I couldn’t share a cell with anyone, one supposes in order to protect my life and safety. Yet even with that, upon arriving at the Hexagon Area they put me in a cell with eight other people who I don’t know and who inspire distrust in me. I hold the Technical Council responsible for what may happen, as this is once again a pretext to keep me in conditions of confinement and punishment.
Fernando Bárcenas
July 20, 2017

via: itsgoingdown.org

July 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

UK , Liverpool: Cop car gets turned over by wild youth

A gang of wild youth who were being pursued by the local fuzz obviously have a wicked sense of humour. Trying to alleviate their boredom of living on a concrete housing estate in another metropolis in prison island, they were passing the time on dirt bikes when some outstanding citizen of the year called the cops. After escaping the feds who went to make house to house snitching attempts, the 30 strong gang returned to the unattended patrol car, promptly overturning the car. The feds returned and ran after the youth who where too quick for them vanishing into a nearby estate.
That’s what they get for trying to disturb the kids enjoyment!

via: fireonthehorizon.noblogs.

July 21, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece, Athens – For the devastation in Ermou street (the most popular shopping street in the centre of Athens)

 Video:Free Ηριάννα: Anarchists smash one of the most expensive shopping streets in Europe (Athens, Greece)

A political positioning and taking responsibility
On Monday 17 July just 4 hours after the decision of the Court of Appeal to continue the detention of  Irianna and Periklis, an immediate solidarity gathering-demonstration was called in Monastiraki square  (a crowded square in the centre of Athens).
In just 3 hours there were at least 800 comrades from the spectrum of the Anarchist/Anti-authoritarian movement and the extra-parliamentary left, from mouth-to-mouth propagation.
On the demo’s way to Syntagma square (the central square of Athens, in front of the parliament), it was decided by part of the demo to make a simultaneous attack on the shops of Ermou street.
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July 21, 2017
by actforfreedom

About the events of 18-07/17 in the Moria detention centre in Lesvos island. – Greece

A group of, predominantly African, migrants had announced since Monday 17-07 that they would start repeatedly protesting the prolonged delays in the examination of their asylum applications, as well as the horrid living conditions they face in the Moria detention centre. On Monday, the protest took the form of a sitting demonstration that blockaded the headquarters of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO). On Tuesday, while the sitting demonstration resumed, again outside the EASO headquarters, which led the service workers to leave their offices, the authorities pointed out the protesting immigrants as those responsible for the delay concerning the processing of the asylum applications to the migrants who were not taking part in the protest, turning the latter against the protesters.

The quarreling between the two groups that ensued led to heightened tensions, and the protesting migrants walked out of the detention centre, blockading the road. During this protest, they once more faced the brutality of the police forces, who tried to remove them from the street chasing them to the inside of the centre and using tear gas and stun grenades. On their part, the migrants responded to this attack by throwing rocks, resulted to the initial retreat of the police forces, and to some damage to cars that were parked around the detention centre. Meanwhile, fire was started in order to set up roadblocks, some of which spread to the nearby olive fields. The police forces were amplified with more riot police and intervened in the centre’s interior, while at the same time two Petzetel-type firefighter planes threw water where fire had spread.

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July 21, 2017
by actforfreedom

UK -John Bowden: Post-tariff life sentence prisoners, the Parole Board and my continued incarceration

There is currently a massive population of “post-tariff” life sentence prisoners over-crowding British Prisons. Lifers who remain detained long beyond the time originally recommended by the judiciary or secretary of state, which includes prisoners sentenced under the IPP (‘Imprisonment for Public Protection’) Law. Although this law has been scrapped, it has left a legacy of thousands of prisoners still languishing in jail. Britain has more life sentenced prisoners than the whole of Europe combined, a consequence of a “lock em up and throw away the key” culture and mentality that pervades the bourgeois judiciary and justice apparatus, as well as a Parole Board that exists just to legitimise what is in reality the unlawful detention of thousands of prisoners. “Preventative Detention” was created by the Nazi Party in Germany in 1939 to “cleanse” society of anti-social elements and Britain is a zealous inheritor of that instrument of repression, while British prisons are now little more than modern day concentration camps, full of prisoners with no hope of release.

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July 21, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – Call for a Week of Solidarity To End The Punitive Isolation of Anarchist Prisoner Davide Delogu July 22-29

Appeal for solidarity against Davide’s punitive isolation
On July 18, a hearing was held at the Cagliari Court of Appeal for a complaint made by Davide against the conditions that he is being subjected to at the Augsburg Prison.
Via the details of the complaint we learned that Davide, who is already subjected to the Article 41-bis prison regime, is undergoing a very extreme torture, he was ‘sentenced’ to six months of punitive isolation.
Complete isolation, in an underground cell, no TV or radio, no contact with other prisoners and without ever seeing the sun. In addition to this his correspondence is subject to censorship. The only people he ever sees are the guards and his lawyer.
Unfortunately we have only just learned that he has been living under these conditions for two months now.

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