Psychiatry group tells members they can defy ‘Goldwater rule’ and comment on Trump’s mental health

Psychiatrist's Office Totally Not Trying to Set Off OCD 2017-06-16

A leading psychiatry group has told its members they should not feel bound by a longstanding rule against commenting publicly on the mental state of public figures – even the president. The statement, an email this month from the executive committee of the American Psychoanalytic Association to its 3,500 members, represents the first significant crack in… Continue Reading →


Indian doctors fight sexism by delivering baby girls for free

Since this compassionate doctor started his efforts to challenge sexism seven years ago, 17,000 other medical officials have joined him on his mission to change public perception of giving birth to baby girls. style=”display:inline-block;width:300px;height:250px” data-ad-client=”ca-pub-8420654331411867″ data-ad-slot=”1313712966″> In light of Indian families berating mothers for giving birth to girls instead of boys, Dr. Ganesh Rakh started delivering… Continue Reading →


John McCain loves the GOP, not you and your stupid healthcare

What Charlie Pierce said:

God, this is gorge-inducing. Alone, he could’ve stopped the process he so dislikes in its tracks. He could’ve done it in a way that echoed through the ages. But he said, “yes.”

The Obama administration and congressional Democrats shouldn’t have forced through Congress without any opposition support a social and economic change as massive as Obamacare. And we shouldn’t do the same with ours.

Alas, this is an absolute lie, and an embarrassing one, and the Straight Talk Express is in the ditch. The Affordable Care Act was the product of endless hearings and at least 100 amendments proposed by Republicans. It was scored by the CBO. The Senate debated it for almost a month, and the senators knew what was in it. Right now, the bill that John McCain facilitated likely will be one that isn’t scored by the CBO, and the Freedom Caucus crackpots in the House are trying to defund the CBO and hand the job of scoring legislation to the Heritage Foundation. I would bet a substantial number of buffalo nickels that John McCain votes for whatever bill finally comes before him, no matter how many people’s lives that bill makes miserable.

I wanted this to be different. In 2000, I thought McCain might be the person to lead his party back to marginal sanity at least. But he wanted to be president, so he became like all the rest of them. Yes, he scolded that person who said Barack Obama was a Muslim, but he chose as his running mate a nutty person who still may believe he is. Yes, he put his name on a campaign finance reform bill, but he also voted for every member of the Supreme Court who subsequently eviscerated that law, and others like it, and he’s been absent from that fight ever since. There have been very few senators as loyal to the party line as John McCain. He has been a great lost opportunity to the country. Now, he will end his career as the face of whatever wretchedness is brought on the country by whatever the bill finally is.


By the end of the afternoon, the Democrats had taken over one of the wide marble staircases outside the Capitol. They had walked across the piazza and onto the East Lawn of the Capitol to talk to some protesters, many of whom are struggling with diseases and disabilities that would be covered under the Affordable Care Act, and certainly under the Cadillac healthcare plan enjoyed by John McCain. It was a nice gesture, and they were warmly received, but there was something of the stunt to it.

The Republicans have the votes now. Dean Heller and Rob Portman and Shelley Moore Capito have lined up with their party once, and the likelihood is their respective prices will be met again because this is not a policy issue any more, it is pure politics now, a promise made by an extremist majority to its unthinking base. That’s what the end of this ugly day looked like, a day on which the final bloody death of Barack Obama’s legacy was placed on the fast track by people who know better, and on which Susan Collins of Maine was more of a maverick than John McCain ever was. It was an ugly day in the U.S. Senate, and there was nothing but ruin everywhere you looked.


Senators on hot mic: ‘Trump is crazy’

Prospects for repeal of Obamacare remains uncertain

Sen. Susan Collins forgot to turn her mic off after a Senate Subcommittee hearing and her conversations with Sen. Jack Reed (D) are the stuff of legends. Sen. Reed called Trump, “crazy” and Sen. Collins responded to a duel challenge by Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Tex.) The two Senators discussed a host of Trump administration craziness including… Continue Reading →


Senate votes to advance Obamacare repeal

McCain returning to Senate in time for health vote

I wish John McCain a long and painful death, the kind morphine doesn’t touch:

After high drama in the Senate beginning with protesters in the galleries shouting “Kill the Bill!” and being ejected, they proceeded to a vote to open debate on repealing Obamacare without knowing what was in the bill or what the actual outcome of the bill might be. As staged as a Trump rally, all Republicans voted… Continue Reading →


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