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Category Archives: Far-Right

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July 11, 2017

Tom Wilson discusses far-right extremism on BBC Daily Politics

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, CRT News Coverage, Far-Right
June 19, 2017

Finsbury Park attack is latest example of growing far-right extremist threat

The UK authorities have indicated that the incident at Finsbury Park on Sunday evening was a terrorist attack. While it is too early to be definitive, all the signs point to a terrorist motivated by far-right hatred. The attack appears …

Posted in Extremism, Far-Right, Press Release, United Kingdom | Tagged ,
March 21, 2017

Event: ‘HJS Report Launch – Mitigating the Risks? Compliance with the Prevent Duty on Campus’

TIME: 13:00 – 14:00, 21st March 2017
VENUE: Committee Room 5, House of Commons
Palace of Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA
Rupert Sutton
Research Fellow, Henry Jackson Society
Jessica Trahar
Head of Strategic Development,
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
Sam Slack
Regional Higher Education Prevent Coordinator,
Department of Education
For a summary …

Posted in Event, Extremism, Far-Right, Islamism, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
December 7, 2016

Why integration should concern British Jews, and everyone else

Originally published by The Times of Israel
In their 1963 book Beyond the Melting Pot Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Nathan Glazer cautioned Americans that ethnicity is a stubborn thing and that integration between people of different origins was going to be …

Posted in Far-Right, Opinion Editorial, United Kingdom
November 29, 2016

Austria Elections Reflect Europe’s Right-wing Surge

Originally published by Voice of America
LONDON — Austria’s elections on Sunday could see Norbert Hofer chosen as the country’s first far-right leader since World War II. Austrians will head to the polls following a victory this week by Francois Fillon, the …

Posted in Europe, Far-Right, News Coverage

Welcome to the world of right-wing gateway drugs. Are you ready for the ride?

Originally posted by The Spectator
Even in its twilight years the Guardian remains the gift that keeps on giving.  As the tin-shaking below the pieces grows stronger (generally presenting the publication as the only barrier between the reader and incipient fascism) the …

Posted in Far-Right, Opinion Editorial
November 28, 2016

Prevent gets a bad press, but it’s a crucial tool against the far-right that killed Jo Cox

Originally published by Left Foot Forward.
Recent reports that there has been a worrying rise in the number of far-right referrals to the government’s counter-radicalisation programme, Prevent, have been given a grim postscript this week by the conviction of neo-Nazi terrorist, …

Posted in CRT Editorial, Extremism, Far-Right, Opinion Editorial, United Kingdom
November 26, 2016

UK: Two Systems of Justice

Originally posted by the Gatestone Institute
So farewell, then, Anjem Choudary. For two and half years at least. On September 6, the radical cleric was sentenced by a British judge to five and a half years in prison for encouraging people …

Posted in Far-Right, Islamism, Opinion Editorial, United Kingdom
November 25, 2016

The right must stop explaining away the crimes of Thomas Mair

Originally published by the New Statesman
When I was a teenager, and prone to overlapping love affairs as teenagers often are, I found myself abandoned by one girl in favour of a white boy, and found another at the expense of …

Posted in Extremism, Far-Right, News Coverage, United Kingdom
November 20, 2016

When Marine Le Pen loses, it will not be because she’s too right wing

Originally published in The Times.
Surely after Brexit and Trump, President Marine Le Pen and “Frexit” will follow. That’s been the prevailing presumption of international punditry in recent weeks. And while the narrative arc may seem persuasive, what’s missing is the …

Posted in Far-Right, France, Opinion Editorial
September 14, 2016

Event Transcript: ‘Europe in Crisis – a Shattered Haven’

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Posted in CRT Event, Europe, European Union, Event Transcript, Extremism, Far-Right, France, ISIS, Islamism, Israel/Palestine, Middle East, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
September 7, 2016

Event Summary: ‘Europe in Crisis – a Shattered Haven’

By Patrick Benjamin
On 6th September, by the kind invitation of Matthew Offord MP, the Henry Jackson Society held a film screening of the recently released documentary ‘Europe in Crisis – A Shattered Haven’. The film looked at rising European extremism, …

Posted in CRT Event, Europe, European Union, Event Summaries, Extremism, Far-Right, France, Hamas, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism, Israel/Palestine, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
August 30, 2016

HJS Research Fellow Rupert Sutton Appears on Time FM News Bulletin to Explain Prevent Strategy

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, CRT, Extremism, Far-Right, ISIS, Islamism, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
August 17, 2016

Who is an extremist? UK faces legal challenge over strategy to stop radicals

To his detractors, including the British government, Salman Butt is an extremist whose views on Islam fly in the face of Britain’s values and help foster an atmosphere where young Muslims can be radicalised by militants.
Even though he is not …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Extremism, Far-Right, ISIS, Islamism, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
April 25, 2016

Is Austria’s Right-wing Victory a Warning Sign?

Originally published by Voice of America.
Polls showing a clear victory for Austria’s anti-immigrant Freedom Party after a first round of elections Sunday could mean Europe’s migrant issue is driving voters across the continent to support less liberal politicians, according to analysts.
The …

Posted in Far-Right, News Coverage
December 15, 2015

Audio: The Prevent Duty on Campus – Reflections on First Term Experiences

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Posted in Event Audio, Extremism, Far-Right, Islamism, United Kingdom
November 3, 2015

The danger of non-violent extremism: Hannah Stuart on BBC Radio 4

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Extremism, Far-Right, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security
October 8, 2015

Hannah Stuart discusses the government’s deradicalisation programme “Channel” on BBC Radio 5 Live

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Extremism, Far-Right, Islamism, Media Centre, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
September 30, 2015

We Will Conquer Your Rome: A Study of Islamic State Terror Plots in the West

Martha Turnbull, Head of the National Security Research Group, National Security Directorate,Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Robin Simcox, National Security Research Fellow at the Henry Jackson Society and report author.
TIME: 18:00 – 19:00, Wednesday 30th September 2015
VENUE: The Henry Jackson Society, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, …

Posted in CRT Event, Defence, Event, Extremism, Far-Right, ISIS, Islamism, Terrorism & Security
July 8, 2015

Event Transcript: ‘The Golden Dawn’s ‘Nationalist Solution’: Explaining the Rise of the Far Right in Greece

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Posted in Event Transcript, Far-Right, Greece, Uncategorized

Event Summary: ‘The Golden Dawn’s ‘Nationalist Solution’: Explaining the Rise of the Far Right in Greec

This is a summary of the event with Dr Sofia Vasilopoulou, chaired by Derek Twigg MP, on 8th of July; it reflects views expressed by the speaker and not those of the Henry Jackson Society.
For a transcript of this event, …

Posted in Event Summaries, Far-Right, Greece
April 14, 2015

14 April: Dr Alan Mendoza discusses Europe’s far right going mainstream on Al Jazeera

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Far-Right, United Kingdom
March 19, 2015

Event Transcript: ‘The State of Democracy After 25 Years: Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe’

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Posted in Democracy & Development, Europe, European Union, Event Transcript, Far-Right, Human Rights, Media, Poland, Russia
February 20, 2015

Rupert Sutton on BBC London discussing student radicalisation

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Extremism, Far-Right, ISIS, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
February 8, 2015

Swarming around hero Monty, the hardline Muslims protesting AGAINST freedom of speech: Thousands gather outside Downing Street over ‘uncivilised’ Charlie Hebdo cartoonists

Originally posted in the Daily Mail
Hardline Muslims protesting against the depiction of the Prophet Mohammed in cartoons swarmed around a statue of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery yesterday. The show of disrespect to one of Britain’s greatest heroes in the war …

Posted in Extremism, Far-Right, Human Rights, News Coverage, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
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