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August 17, 2017

The Forgotten Fighters: The PKK in Syria

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, “The Forgotten Foreign Fighters: The PKK in Syria”, has highlighted the urgent need for the government to prevent British citizens joining a violent organisation with a record of war crimes.
We report on how …

Posted in Publication, Spotlight, Syria, The Orton Report, Turkey
July 29, 2017

The Coalition Targets Islamic State Propagandists and External Terrorists

The United States announced on 27 July that it had killed seven “senior ISIS propagandists and facilitators in Iraq and Syria” since late March. The removal of these terrorists takes from the Islamic State “extensive experience and training, and degrades …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
July 28, 2017

The Fall of Islamic State’s Caliphate Won’t End the Foreign Attacks

The Islamic State (IS) has escalated a campaign of global terrorism over the past few years, exactly as it was losing overt control of territory. In 2016, IS consolidated a model of guiding and claiming attacks in the West and …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
July 5, 2017

Foreign Funded Islamist Extremism in the UK

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, “Foreign Funded Islamist Extremism in the UK”, has highlighted the need for a public inquiry into the foreign-based funding of Islamist extremism.
We report on a growing body of evidence on the considerable …

Posted in CRT Report, CRT Research, Extremism, Middle East, Publication, Spotlight
June 19, 2017

Viewing the Coalition’s Flawed Anti-Islamic State Strategy From Raqqa’s Frontlines

At the end of May, Christoph Reuter, a journalist with Der Spiegel, embedded with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) as it made its way, supported by the U.S.-led Coalition, toward Raqqa city, the Syrian “capital” of the Islamic State’s (IS) …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
June 16, 2017

American Sanctions Hit Islamic State’s Finances, Propaganda, and Terrorism

Just three days after the U.S. government sanctioned two Islamic State (IS or ISIS) operatives for their role in helping the jihadists develop chemical weapons of mass destruction, another raft of sanctions were issued on 15 June against four IS …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
June 13, 2017

America Sanctions Operatives of the Islamic State’s Chemical Weapons Department

The U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced financial sanctions against an individual involved in the “development” of chemical weapons of mass destruction (CWMD) for the Islamic State (IS) on 12 June. Simultaneously, the State Department labelled …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
June 11, 2017

Senior Islamic State Cleric Turki al-Binali Killed in an Airstrike

It was reported on jihadist websites and by local activists that Turki al-Binali, a senior cleric of the Islamic State (IS) and perhaps the most important public proponent of the caliphate’s formation, had been killed in Syria by an airstrike …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
June 7, 2017

Islamic State Continues To Keep Its Enemies Divided

This article was originally posted at The Telegraph
In its choice of target and timing, Isil has shown, once again, its skill in exploiting the rivalries of its enemies – setting them against one another to buy itself greater room for …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
June 6, 2017

The West’s Plan for Defeating the Islamic State in Syria is Fatally Flawed

This article was originally published in The New York Times
The United States recently committed itself to arming the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, known as the Y.P.G., to help evict the Islamic State from its Syrian stronghold, Raqqa. This decision is likely to …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
June 4, 2017

HJS Statement on London Attack

Saturday night’s attack on London Bridge and the Borough Market area is another tragic instance of Islamist terrorism against British citizens. This represents the third such attack this year, following on from the Westminster Bridge and Manchester concert attacks. Our …

Posted in Islamism, Spotlight, Terrorism & Security
May 12, 2017

Crackdown Continues in Syrian Kurdish Areas

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) controls areas of northern Syria, operating under the name of the Democratic Union Party or PYD (its political wing) and the People’s Protection Units or YPG (its military wing). On Tuesday, President Donald Trump approved …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
May 4, 2017

Analysis: Jihadist Terror Remains a Significant Problem for Britain

Over the past week, the authorities have disrupted two potential terrorist attacks in London. This follows the Westminster Bridge attack last month, which was claimed by the Islamic State (IS). Britain has been one of the most targeted states by …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
April 26, 2017

Analysis: France Presents Evidence Assad Committed Chemical Weapons Atrocity

The French government has released its assessment of the 4 April chemical weapons attack in Syria, and “independently and categorically confirms that sarin was used”. France “deployed the required resources to obtain its own samples,” the report notes, and “collected …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report

Event: ‘Bernard-Henri Lévy on Mosul and the French elections’

TIME: 12:30 – 13:45, 26th April 2017
VENUE: Committee Room 10, House of Commons
Palace of Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA
Bernard-Henri Lévy
Bernard–Henri Lévy, Philosopher, Journalist and Writer
For a summary of this event click here
For a full transcript of this event click here
The evening before …

Posted in Event, Spotlight, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
April 25, 2017

Analysis: Russia and Iran Use Terrorism Against Western Interests

The evidence is mounting that Vladimir Putin’s government supports the Taliban as a means of thwarting NATO interests in Afghanistan. Russia has long manipulated terrorists, internally and abroad, to suit its policy aims, but as Moscow solidifies its relationship with …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
April 22, 2017

Analysis: ‘Signs of Recovery for the Islamic State’

The operation to clear the Islamic State (IS) from its Iraqi capital, Mosul, began on 17 October and is now 188 days old. IS was announced cleared from east Mosul on 25 January, and the offensive that began on 19 …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
April 20, 2017

Event: ‘Islamism’

TIME: 18:00 – 19:00, 20th April 2017
VENUE: Henry Jackson Society, 26th Floor, Millbank Tower,
21-24 Millbank, London,SW1P 4QP
Tarek Osman
Author, Islamism
To read a summary of this event click here
A political, social, and cultural battle is currently raging in the Middle East. On one …

Posted in Event, Spotlight, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
April 15, 2017

Analysis: ‘Islamic State Operative Connected to Charlie Hebdo Attack Might Still Be Alive’

Earlier today, an Iraqi military statement made public that the Iraqi government had provided coordinates to Bashar al-Assad’s air force, via the intelligence-sharing cell set up in Baghdad with Russia and Iran, for targets in Raqqa and al-Bukamal. One of …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
April 14, 2017

Analysis: ‘State Department Designates Two Canadian Jihadists in Syria’

The U.S. State Department added two Canadians to the list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT) on 13 April. One of them, Tarek Sakr, of Syrian descent, is associated with Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s Syrian branch, which has since been through …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
April 9, 2017

Analysis: ‘An American Jihadist At the Top of the Islamic State’

The eighth edition of the Islamic State’s magazine, Rumiyah (Rome), was released on 5 April 2017, and contained an obituary for one of the architects of the magazine itself. Named by his kunyas, Abu Sulayman al-Shami, Abu Sulayman al-Halabi, and …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
March 31, 2017

Analysis: ‘America Sanctions British Islamic State Jihadists, Terrorist Guides, Others’

The State Department designated five individuals on 30 March 2017 as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs), imposing sanctions on them for having “committed, or [for] pos[ing] a significant risk of committing, acts of terrorism that threaten the security of U.S. …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
March 23, 2017

Analysis: ‘The Caliphate is Crumbling Yet Islamic State’s Foreign Reach is Increasing’

Just after 2:30pm yesterday afternoon, a terrorist mowed down pedestrians with a car on Westminster Bridge before jumping out near Parliament and stabbing a police officer to death. Three people were murdered, forty were injured, and the attacker was shot …

Posted in Spotlight, The Orton Report
March 21, 2017

Mitigating the Risks? An Assessment of University Speaker Policies

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society and its Student Rights campaign, Mitigating the Risks? An Assessment of University Speaker Policies, analyses the speaker policies of 76 English universities to assess the extent to which the higher education sector …

Posted in Publication, Spotlight
March 20, 2017

Extremism in the Community: The Case of Shakeel Begg

Shakeel Begg, described in court by a judge as “an extremist Islamic speaker who espouses extremist Islamic positions”, has established himself as an influential figure within numerous public bodies and groups – even after the ruling, where he lost a …

Posted in CRT Report, Publication, Spotlight
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