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Category Archives: Nigeria

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September 27, 2016

Event Transcript: ‘The Challenge of Corruption in Nigeria’

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Posted in Democracy & Development, Economy, Event Transcript, Nigeria
September 21, 2016

Event Summary: ‘The Challenge of Corruption in Nigeria’

By Alexis David
On Tuesday 20th September, the Henry Jackson Society welcomed Professor Abdullahi Shehu to discuss ‘The Challenge of Corruption in Nigeria’, and highlight the obstacles that corruption poses to democratic governance, foreign investment and sustainable development in Nigeria.
In 2015 …

Posted in Event Summaries, Nigeria
September 20, 2016

Event: ‘The Challenge of Corruption in Nigeria’

Professor Abdullahi Shehu, Former Director General of The Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA) and Professor of Criminology, National Open University of Nigeria
TIME: 13:00-14:00, Tuesday 20th September 2016
VENUE: The Henry Jackson Society, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, …

Posted in Democracy & Development, Economy, Event, Nigeria, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
June 4, 2015

‘Religious Freedom: An Antidote to Violent Religious Extremism’

SPEAKER: Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett
Chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
TIME: 1 – 2pm, Thursday 4 June 2015
VENUE: Committee Room 3, House of Lords, London, SW1A 0AA
There has been a dramatic increase in religious persecution worldwide in the past six …

Posted in Boko Haram, Event, Extremism, Iraq, ISIS, Nigeria, Religious Fundamentalism, Syria, United States
March 24, 2015

‘War in West Africa? Nigeria Ahead of the Elections’

Christian Whiton
Former Senior Advisor at the U.S. State Department
Sohrab Ahmari
Editorial Page Writer at The Wall Street Journal
Robin Simcox
Research Fellow at The Henry Jackson Society
TIME: 6 – 7pm, Tuesday 24 March 2015
VENUE: The Henry Jackson Society, 26th Floor, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, …

Posted in Boko Haram, Event, ISIS, Nigeria, Terrorism & Security

Event Summary: ‘War in West Africa? Nigeria Ahead of the Elections’

This is a summary of an event with Christian Whiton, Sohrab Ahmari and Robin Simcox, chaired by Davis Lewin, on 24 March 2015; it reflects the views expressed by the speaker and not those of The Henry Jackson Society or …

Posted in Boko Haram, China, Democracy & Development, Event Summaries, Extremism, ISIS, Nigeria, Religious Fundamentalism, United Kingdom

Event Transcript: ‘War in West Africa? Nigeria Ahead of the Elections’

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Posted in Boko Haram, China, Democracy & Development, Event Transcript, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism, Nigeria, United Kingdom

Audio: ‘War in West Africa? Nigeria Ahead of the Elections’

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Posted in Boko Haram, Event Audio, Extremism, Nigeria, Religious Fundamentalism
January 15, 2015

Jihadist-controlled territory: How do Boko Haram, Isis and the Afghan Taliban compare?

Originally posted in the IB Times.
The rapid expansion of territory seized by jihadist groups is one of the worst geo-political developments in recent years.
Boko Haram in Nigeria, the Islamic State (Isis) in Syria and Iraq and the Afghan Taliban have …

Posted in Boko Haram, Extremism, Iraq, ISIS, News Coverage, Nigeria, Syria, Terrorism & Security
July 13, 2014

UK probes APC’s alleged link with Boko Haram • We will react appropriately —Lai Mohammed

Originally published in Nigerian Tribune
‘Opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) may have come under the spotlight of the British government over allegations that it has links with the dreaded Boko Haram terrorist group. Feelers from the British parliament gave this indication …

Posted in News Coverage, Nigeria, Terrorism & Security
July 6, 2014

Boko Haram Trades Terrorist Tactics With Somalia’s Al Shabaab

Originally published in NBC News
‘Boko Haram is trading tips with other terrorist groups as it plows on with a bloody campaign to carve out an Islamic state and deepens a crisis threatening to engulf central Africa in religious violence.
Emboldened by …

Posted in Boko Haram, News Coverage, Nigeria, Spotlight
June 27, 2014

Murderous Islamists or islamophobia?

Originally published in The Spectator
I have a nominee for idiot of the week. I had never heard of him until yesterday, but he is one ‘Andreas Krieg’ who the Daily Mail has referred to as ‘a Middle East security analyst …

Posted in Africa, Iraq, Islamism, Middle East, Nigeria, Opinion Editorial, Spotlight, Syria, Terrorism & Security
June 23, 2014

La guerre contre les djihadistes au Nigeria est également la nôtre

Originally published in Le Huffington Post
Le 14 avril 2014, le groupe terroriste Boko Haram a enlevé 329 jeunes filles d’un pensionnat à Chibok, dans le nord du Nigeria. Ces enlèvements ont récemment suscité un intérêt important de la part des …

Posted in Africa, Boko Haram, Extremism, Nigeria, Opinion Editorial, Spotlight
June 19, 2014

Why the West cannot ignore Boko Haram

Originally published on Conservative Home.
‘Earlier this month, London hosted a follow-up meeting to the Paris Summit on security in Nigeria. This took place in the context of ever-increasing attacks perpetrated by Boko Haram, such as the one on 3 June …

Posted in Africa, Boko Haram, Nigeria, Opinion Editorial, Spotlight, Terrorism & Security
June 17, 2014

Event Transcript: ‘What Now in the Fight Against Terror? Nigeria, Iraq and Radical Islam’s Assault on the Nation State’

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Posted in Event Transcript, Iraq, Nigeria, Terrorism & Security
June 16, 2014

The West cannot afford for any more of Nigeria to be run by jihadists

Originally published in National Post
‘Last week, London hosted a follow-up meeting to the Paris Summit on security in Nigeria. This took place in the context of ever-increasing attacks perpetrated by Boko Haram, such as the one on June 3, where hundreds …

Posted in Boko Haram, Nigeria, Opinion Editorial, Spotlight
June 10, 2014

Senator: Clinton State Dept. Broke Law, Lied About Boko Haram Terror Threat

Originally published in The Washington Free Beacon
‘The State Department’s own reports from 2009 to 2013 further demonstrate that Boko Haram “steadily increased in deadliness and its connectivity to terrorist organizations,” according to Vitter’s letter.
Boko Haram has even gone on to …

Posted in Boko Haram, News Coverage, Nigeria
June 9, 2014

More than 600 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram militants

Originally published in The Times
‘[Mr. Davis, unofficial mediator between Boko Haram and the Nigerian government] said that the only way to resolve the hostage crisis would be for a peace deal to be reached with members of the Boko Haram …

Posted in Boko Haram, News Coverage, Nigeria

Terrorism in Nigeria: The Threat from Boko Haram and Ansaru

In light of the massacre of upwards of 500 people by Boko Haram in Nigeria on 3 June 2014, following the kidnapping of 329 girls in Chibok, Nigeria on 14 April 2014, the latest strategic briefing from The Henry Jackson …

Posted in Boko Haram, Briefing, Nigeria, Opinion Editorial, Spotlight

New HJS Briefing Exposes The Extent Of Security Threats Posed By Boko Haram

In light of the massacre of upwards of 500 people by Boko Haram in Nigeria on 3 June 2014, following the kidnapping of 329 girls in Chibok, Nigeria on 14 April 2014, the latest strategic briefing from The Henry Jackson …

Posted in Boko Haram, Nigeria, Press Release
June 8, 2014

Boko Haram and defining the ‘al-Qaeda network’

Originally published on Al-Jazeera
‘Over 200 of the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls are still missing. These kidnappings have led to an increased focus on the threat posed by the perpetrators: Boko Haram. This group has been conducting a vicious insurgency in Nigeria since 2009 in …

Posted in Boko Haram, Nigeria, Opinion Editorial, Spotlight
May 17, 2014

Davis Lewin discusses the Nigerian government’s response to Boko Haram on Sky News

On the 17th May, HJS Political Director appeared on Sky News to comment on the political difficulties the government of Nigeria is beginning to face, amid increased media coverage of terrorist violence in the north of the country. Davis went …

Posted in Boko Haram, Broadcast Appearances, Nigeria, Terrorism & Security

How Nyanya blast suspect, Sodiq Ogwuche was radicalized in the UK

Originally published in the Daily Post (Nigeria)
HJS Research Fellow Robin Simcox has been quoted in the Daily Post on his surprise as to the length of time it has taken for British-born Islamic extremists to rally to the cause of Boko …

Posted in Boko Haram, News Coverage, Nigeria, Terrorism & Security
May 16, 2014

The British face of Boko Haram: Man suspected of masterminding Nigerian bomb attacks was ‘radicalised’ at Welsh university

Originally published in The Independent
HJS Research Fellow and expert in extremism Robin Simcox has commented on claims that Aminu Sadiq Ogwuche, a British-born Boko Haram militant, was radicalised while he attended a university in Wales. Robin said that it was now …

Posted in Boko Haram, News Coverage, Nigeria, Terrorism & Security
May 8, 2014

Boko Haram and the kidnap of Nigerian schoolchildren is an outrage we cannot ignore

Originally published in the Daily Express
‘At first it sounded impossible. How could a terrorist group – even one as ideologically crazed as Boko Haram – succeed in kidnapping more than 200 girls from a boarding school in Nigeria? And then threaten …

Posted in Boko Haram, Nigeria, Opinion Editorial, Spotlight
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