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Category Archives: Press Release

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August 9, 2017

Three ways the UK can help resolve the North Korean crisis

The situation on the Korean Peninsula is at a level of tension only seen during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Henry Jackson Society (HJS) recognises that the capability and willingness of the DPRK regime to threaten the United States, Japan, South …

Posted in North Korea, Press Release | Tagged ,
July 18, 2017

UK Government should urgently consider new review process for Chinese investment in sensitive sectors

The UK Government should welcome inward investment from China, but ensure the national security of key infrastructure remains protected, our new report warns.
“Safeguarding our Systems: Managing Chinese Investment into the UK’s Digital and Critical National Infrastructure”, described by Sir Malcolm …

Posted in China, Press Release, Publication
July 11, 2017

Close Encounters: Russian Military Activities in the Vicinity of UK Air and Sea Space, 2005-2016

The true scale of the Russian military’s activities around UK territory is made clear for the first time, in a comprehensive report from The Henry Jackson Society’s Russia Studies Centre.
The report lists and categorises every open-ˇsource incident reported by the …

Posted in Press Release, Publication, RSC Report, Russia, Russia Studies Centre
June 19, 2017

Finsbury Park attack is latest example of growing far-right extremist threat

The UK authorities have indicated that the incident at Finsbury Park on Sunday evening was a terrorist attack. While it is too early to be definitive, all the signs point to a terrorist motivated by far-right hatred. The attack appears …

Posted in Extremism, Far-Right, Press Release, United Kingdom | Tagged ,
June 12, 2017

HJS Launches Global Britain Programme

Twelve years after the launch of The Henry Jackson Society, Founding Member James Rogers has returned to lead our new Global Britain Programme.
James holds expertise in British grand strategy, European geopolitics and Baltic security, as well as European influence in …

Posted in Press Release
June 6, 2017

Extremist Circle That Produced London Attackers Cannot Be Tolerated  

The ringleader in the London attacks was part of an Islamist group known to the authorities and tolerated for far too long. Such non-violent extremist groups must now be proscribed.
Police have named Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane, both from …

Posted in CRT Press Release, Press Release
May 26, 2017

Islamist Ideology, not Western Foreign Policy, is why ISIS Attack Us

The central cause driving Islamists, as they have repeatedly explained, is their desire to implement their version of shari’a. They have used several different narratives in the course of recruiting for this purpose.
In the 1990s, Islamists like al-Qaeda used the …

Posted in CRT Press Release, Press Release
May 23, 2017

HJS experts available for comment following Manchester attack

HJS experts available for comment following Manchester attack
At the Henry Jackson Society, we are shocked by the horrific attack in Manchester Arena where 22 people have died and 59 have been injured.
It is yet to be confirmed whether the attack, …

Posted in CRT, Press Release, Terrorism & Security
May 22, 2017

HJS welcomes new Senior Research Fellow at Centre for the Response to Radicalisation and Terrorism

We are delighted to announce that Nikita Malik will be joining the Centre for the Response to Radicalisation and Terrorism at the Henry Jackson Society as a Senior Research Fellow. Malik joins us from the Quilliam Foundation, where she headed …

Posted in Press Release
April 5, 2017

Human Cost of Failure to Enforce Red Lines in Syria Becomes Clear

The West’s repeated failure to respond to Bashar al-Assad’s slaughter of Syria’s people has given him complete confidence in his ability to continue without penalty. The Henry Jackson Society has long advocated action to deter this barbarism, and the costs …

Posted in Press Release
March 23, 2017


A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, Foreign Terrorist Attacks By The Islamic State, 2002-2016, documents 152 incidents of terrorism or attempted terrorism conducted in the name of the Islamic State and its predecessors, and assesses how directly the …

Posted in Press Release

Three-quarters of Islamist-Related Offences are Committed by Individuals Known to the Authorities

Two weeks ago, The Henry Jackson Society released the most in-depth study of terrorism on British shores for a generation. The report revealed that three-quarters of Islamist-related terrorism offences were committed by individuals who were previously known to the authorities.
Almost …

Posted in Press Release
March 22, 2017

Events Outside Parliament Fit the Pattern of Recent Terrorist Attacks

Information is still emerging about the terrorist attack near The Palace of Westminster and it is too soon to know what the motivations were.
In recent years there has been an increase in both vehicular attacks and the use of knives …

Posted in Press Release
March 21, 2017

New Report Examining University Speaker Policies Finds Robust Response to Prevent Duty

Report finds that universities have taken the legal requirements in the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 seriously and produced high-quality procedures for dealing with extreme or intolerant speakers. However, a number of institutions could do more to ensure their …

Posted in Press Release
March 20, 2017

New Report Reveals Known Extremist Infiltrated Numerous Public Bodies and Associated with Senior British Politicians

Shakeel Begg, described in court by a judge as “an extremist Islamic speaker who espouses extremist Islamic positions”, has established himself as an influential figure within numerous public bodies and groups – even after the ruling, where he lost a …

Posted in Press Release
March 3, 2017

Islamist terror offences have doubled in five years, reveals major new report that analyses every terror conviction on British shores since 1998

Sunday March 5th
For immediate release

Islamist terror offences have doubled in five years, reveals major new report that analyses every terror conviction on British shores since 1998

Women’s involvement in Islamist terrorism has trebled in five years

Total terror offences have nearly …

Posted in Press Release
January 4, 2017

New Report Details Threats to The Rule of Law in Romania

Romanian politicians are engaged in political score-settling and serious violations of human rights which are dressed up as anti-corruption efforts, a new report from The Henry Jackson Society has found. The report, Fighting Corruption with Con Tricks: Romania’s Assault on …

Posted in Europe, Press Release
December 23, 2016

New Report On Making Turkey’s Intervention Work

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, Turkey and The West in Syria: Course Correction, argues that Western policy towards Turkey must change in light of the nature of Turkish involvement in Syria. Having initially attempted to improve relations with …

Posted in CRT Press Release, Press Release
December 5, 2016

Casey Review Represents Invaluable Contribution to Managing Integration

The Casey Review, released today, honestly addresses many of the serious problems with integration and community cohesion in Britain. The Government is to be commended for publishing it, and the review process has been thorough. The Henry Jackson Society’s work …

Posted in Press Release
November 24, 2016

Conviction of Neo-Nazi Extremist, Thomas Mair, Highlights Necessity of Prevent Strategy

The brutal murder of Jo Cox last June was a tragic reminder of the danger posed by the far-right, and highlights the importance of a counter-radicalisation strategy that deals with all forms of extremism.
The assassination of the Labour MP, Jo …

Posted in CRT Press Release, Press Release
November 21, 2016

Britain Must Invest in Naval Defences as Part of New Global Role

The Defence Select Committee has just released a report which warns that the UK is “woefully low” on warships. As Britain seeks a new role in the world it is imperative that naval capability is maintained.
Members of Parliament have said …

Posted in Press Release
November 18, 2016

Obama Farewell Tour Masks Deterioration of Transatlantic Relations During his Presidency

Europeans would do well to remember that the Trump Presidency represents an opportunity rather than threat given President Obama’s disinterest for Europe during the past 8 years

Under Obama’s presidency the world has become significantly more dangerous. The decision not to …

Posted in Press Release
November 14, 2016

EU Foreign Ministers Urged to Show Mature Attitude to US Changes

Leading transatlantic thinktank calls for 2% defence budget commitment ‎to safeguard European-US relationship
Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States, and EU leaders need to adjust to this reality. In particular they must ensure that America remains bound …

Posted in Press Release
November 11, 2016

Trump’s Mature Performances so far and Friendliness to UK Justify UK Government’s Welcoming Approach his Presidency

Thus far Trump has made good on his earlier promises to behave differently after winning the election. Like it or not we have to engage with the president of the world’s most important country. It is better for everyone if …

Posted in Press Release
November 10, 2016

Western Leaders Should Allow Trump the Chance to Govern

A failure by some Western leaders, notably Chancellor Merkel, to welcome the new President appropriately risks driving him into the arms of those like Vladimir Putin whose interests are antithetical to our own. They should learn from the example of …

Posted in Press Release
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