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Category Archives: Human Rights

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November 2, 2016

Event: ‘The World’s Dictatorship Crisis Thor Halvorssen, President and CEO, Human Rights Foundation’

TIME: 18:00-19:00, 2nd November 2016
VENUE: Committee Room 3, House of Lords, Houses of Parliament, SW1A 0AA
SPEAKER: Thor Halvorssen, President and CEO, Human Rights Foundation
To attend please visit:
To see a summary of this event click here
To read a full transcript …

Posted in Event, Human Rights, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
October 24, 2016

Call for Rational Debate on Migrant Crisis & Calais from Davis Lewin

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Europe, France, Human Rights, Migration, United Kingdom

Douglas Murray on Migrant Crisis & Calais with Sky News

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Europe, France, Greece, Human Rights, Migration, United Kingdom
October 19, 2016

Douglas Murray Discussing Migrant Crisis on BBC Radio Ulster

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Extremism, Human Rights, ISIS, Middle East, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
October 16, 2016

Stop the War linked to Putin puppets

Originally published by The Sunday Times
An organisation funded by the Kremlin to undermine the West has named Stop the War, the hard-left group chaired until last year by Jeremy Corbyn, as its official UK partner.

Andrew Foxall, director of the Russia Studies …

Posted in Democracy & Development, Human Rights, News Coverage, RSC News Coverage, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom
October 15, 2016

Stop the War chief accused of hypocrisy

Originally published by The Times
The deputy leader of the Stop the War Coalition has refused to protest at the Russian embassy although has often been spotted demonstrating outside the Israeli and American missions.

Davis Lewin, of the Henry Jackson Society think tank, …

Posted in Defence, Democracy & Development, Human Rights, News Coverage, RSC News Coverage, Russia
October 13, 2016

Kyle Orton speaks about Syria to BBC Radio Oxford

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Democracy & Development, Extremism, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism, Syria, Terrorism & Security
October 12, 2016

If Stop The War wants peace, why does it indulge Russia’s wars?

Originally published by New Statesman
Wednesday’s House of Commons debate on Aleppo achieved little with regards to the establishment of no-fly zone over the besieged Syrian city, but it was notable for the foreign secretary’s call for “demonstrations” to take place outside Russia’s …

Posted in Defence, Democracy & Development, Human Rights, Opinion Editorial, RSC Editorial, Russia, Syria, United Kingdom
October 10, 2016

Why are some trying to turn life into one big hate-crime?

Originally published by the Spectator
After voting for Brexit earlier this year did you come over all homophobic? I mean after you did all the obvious stuff like beat up a few ethnic minorities and burn a Torah. A piece in the Guardian at the …

Posted in Human Rights, Opinion Editorial, United Kingdom
September 27, 2016

Event Transcript: ‘The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep: Russia’s Road to Terror and Dictatorship Under Yeltsin and Putin’

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Posted in Democracy & Development, Event Transcript, Human Rights, Russia, Terrorism & Security
September 13, 2016

Event: ‘The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep: Russia’s Road to Terror and Dictatorship Under Yeltsin and Putin’

TIME: 13:00-14:00, Tuesday 13th September 2016
VENUE: [Please note change in room] Committee Room 14, House of Commons, Houses of Parliament, London, SW1A 0AA
David Satter, Author, The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep; Senior Fellow, The Hudson Institute; Fellow, The Johns Hopkins School of …

Posted in Democracy & Development, Event, Human Rights, RSC Event, RSC Spotlight, Russia, Spotlight, Terrorism & Security, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
September 12, 2016

Assad vows to retake whole of Syria hours before start of ceasefire

A defiant President Bashar al-Assad on Monday vowed to retake the whole of Syria, hours before a ceasefire aimed at bringing an end to the bloodshed took effect.
In a rare public appearance at a mosque in the Damascus suburb of …

Posted in Human Rights, ISIS, Middle East, News Coverage, Syria, Terrorism & Security

Trump Wants Border Wall, but Britain Is Building One in France

Donald Trump wants to build a “big, beautiful wall” to stop illegal immigrants — but Britain and other European nations are already doing it.
The U.K. government has announced plans to begin constructing a 13-foot concrete roadside barrier at the French …

Posted in Defence, Europe, European Union, Human Rights, News Coverage, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
September 7, 2016

Event Summary: ‘Europe in Crisis – a Shattered Haven’

By Patrick Benjamin
On 6th September, by the kind invitation of Matthew Offord MP, the Henry Jackson Society held a film screening of the recently released documentary ‘Europe in Crisis – A Shattered Haven’. The film looked at rising European extremism, …

Posted in CRT Event, Europe, European Union, Event Summaries, Extremism, Far-Right, France, Hamas, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism, Israel/Palestine, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom

2 dead, scores wounded in alleged Syrian gas attack

Syrian government forces carried out a chlorine attack Wednesday that killed two civilians, including a 13-year-old girl, and caused respiratory injuries in scores of others in a rebel-held area near the besieged city of Aleppo, anti-government activists alleged.
Mohammed Abu Jaafar, head of forensics in the war-torn …

Posted in Human Rights, ISIS, Middle East, News Coverage, Syria

B’Tselem rep refuses to call Hamas terror organization

The far-left NGO B’Tselem drew criticism Tuesday for its apparent refusal to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization, as a B’Tselem representative repeatedly refused to describe characterize Hamas as a terror group during an interview with J-TV.
Sarit Michaeli, a spokeswoman …

Posted in Extremism, Hamas, Human Rights, Islamism, Israel, Israel/Palestine, Middle East, News Coverage, Palestine, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security
September 6, 2016

B’Tselem activist avoids calling Hamas a terror group

A spokesperson for Israeli NGO B’Tselem repeatedly refused to categorise Hamas as a terrorist organisation during an interview with a Jewish TV Channel.
Sarit Michaeli was being interviewed by Dr Alan Mendoza, Executive Director of the Henry Jackson Society, for a …

Posted in Extremism, Hamas, Human Rights, Islamism, Israel, Israel/Palestine, Middle East, News Coverage, Palestine, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security

B’Tselem spokesperson on Israel, human rights and whether Hamas is a terrorist organisation

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Democracy & Development, Extremism, Hamas, Human Rights, Israel, Middle East, News Coverage, Terrorism & Security

B’Tselem under pressure to denounce Hamas as terrorists

Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has come under pressure to denounce Hamas as a terrorist organisation, after refusing to name them as such in an interview.
It comes after Sarit Michaeli, a senior B’Tselem spokesperson, spoke to Alan Mendoza, director of …

Posted in Extremism, Hamas, Human Rights, Israel, Israel/Palestine, Middle East, News Coverage, Palestine, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security
August 27, 2016

Inside the ‘Caliphate Cubs’: ISIS grooming kid suicide bombers to wreak havoc in Europe

Only yesterday, ISIS released a vile propaganda clip of child executioners, one reported to be British, shooting prisoners in the back of the head.
Meanwhile, disturbing pictures emerged last week of a 15-year-old boy desperately trying to detonate his explosive belt …

Posted in Extremism, Human Rights, Iraq, ISIS, Islamism, Middle East, Middle East, News Coverage, Religious Fundamentalism, Syria, Terrorism & Security
August 25, 2016

Douglas Murray on Newsnight after France’s Burkini Row

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, France, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism

Of All The Bad Things About France’s Burkini Ban, This Is The Worst…

There are several reasons why burkini bans like the one currently being enforced in Nice, France are a seriously bad idea.
One, is that they inevitably lead to ugly, embarrassing, unhelpful stories like this one involving a hapless Muslim woman being …

Posted in Extremism, France, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism, News Coverage, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security
August 18, 2016

The Right to Dissent

It would be a fair assessment to conclude that many people consider some statements not what they would like to hear — whether by Salman Rushdie, Geert Wilders, Ingrid Carlqvist, Douglas Murray, Lars Hedegaard, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Theo van Gogh, the …

Posted in Extremism, Human Rights, News Coverage
August 16, 2016

Sweden: The Silence of the Jews

“There isn’t much of a desire to do anything about it [the problem of antisemitism]. It should also be said that the so-called interfaith outreach work… achieves almost nothing. A couple of old bearded men get together and agree on …

Posted in Extremism, Human Rights, News Coverage, Sweden
August 9, 2016

The gay community is in denial about Islamism

Originally published in the Spectator. 
It is almost two months since Omar Mateen walked around the Pulse nightclub in Florida, gunning people down while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’. During the assault Mateen spoke to American law enforcement and swore allegiance to Isis. …

Posted in Extremism, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism, Opinion Editorial, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security
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