Greenland pens deal with Provectus Care to build aged care facilities in China

Shane Moran, scion of the Moran aged health care empire, outside family home Swifts in Sydney's Darling Point.
Shane Moran, scion of the Moran aged health care empire, outside family home Swifts in Sydney's Darling Point. Louie Douvis

One of China's largest real estate developers Greenland HK has penned a deal with Australian aged care group, Provectus Care, headed by Shane Moran of the famed nursing home family, to help build aged care facilities in China where there is an acute shortage of beds.

The intensely private Mr Moran talked exclusively to The Australian Financial Review Magazine, breaking his silence since his family's legal infighting and subsequent reconciliation, and about taking his aged care model to China, where senior care is seen as a major growth opportunity given the large ageing population.

"Australia carries a lot of goodwill in China," said Mr Moran, who speaks fluent Mandarin. "We probably don't quite realise this. The Australian brand of clean air and sunshine here ... it carries through to aged care."

Provectus – which was set up in 2001 and offers residents a boutique experience at its local properties which includes Rose Bay's Beresford Hall and Melbourne's Victoria By The Park – is looking to take advantage of the grey boom in China.

The number of people aged over 60 years at the end of last year was over 230 million, or 19.7 per cent of total Chinese population.

Greenland HK chairman Chen Jun said Mr Moran is a pioneer of the industry, bringing world-class service and quality control and senior care technology into the joint venture project dubbed Sunshine Australia, in which Greenland HK holds a 51 per cent interest.

"I'm very positive on the tremendous potential of China's senior care market, and this is a blue sea to be developed," Mr Jun told the Financial Review.

Provectus now has several Chinese partnerships, including with one of China's richest men Peixiang Feng, chairman of Sichuan Ying Xiang Group. Provectus also has a JV with the Shuntiantong Group in Beijing and operates Tiantong Hall, a 200-bed residential aged care facility.

Mr Jun said China now has the biggest and fastest ageing population in its history.

"Traditional care of the elderly where family care was at the home has been weakened," he said. "This brings tremendous development opportunity to whoever can build a senior facility."

Mr Moran – who wrote his PhD nearly 20 years ago on the impending aged care crisis in China – said the formation of the joint venture took over a year. Sunshine Australia's first aged care facility is in Wuxi in eastern China.

Agreement signed

Greenland HK in June signed an agreement with the the government of Yunnan province where it plans to invest about RMB30 billion ($5.6 billion) to build a high-end medical and aged care complex in the capital Kunming. Provectus is also working on this project where it will provide expertise in facility design and fitout, staff training and management.

"To do business in China you have do it with partners as an Australian," Mr Moran said.

"Choosing the right partner is not always easy. The parent company, Greenland Holdings, has got a good reputation throughout China. Because of their links with government it opens a lot of doors in terms of having access to good locations and the right investment opportunities."

More projects may be in the pipeline with the Yunnan government setting up a healthcare property trust, covering hospitals and rehabilitation and aged care. Sunshine Australia is in talks with the government investment trust about a possible partnership.

Greenland HK is owned by Shanghai-listed CNY94.3 billion ($17.68 billion) Greenland Holdings, which has hotel and other property investments around the globe, including Australia.

It is eyeing more investments in local property assets where it has several major projects in various stages in Sydney, including Greenland Centre Sydney, the 235-metre residential building on Bathurst Street, which will be the tallest in Sydney.

Mr Jun said Australia's population growth, well regulated property market and stable economy make it an attractive market in which to invest. Since first entering the local market in 2013, Mr Jun has remained "fully confident" about Australian property development.

"Australia is a well-established country with stable economy and political system," he said.

"The China-Australia relationship is also good. Many Chinese who are working, studying living in Australia have the intention of buying property in Australia. Australian property is an excellent investment. The price is lower than first-tier cities in China with a much smaller downpayment.

"The risk of buying property in Australia is much less compared to buying in many other Asian countries in the region. These reasons encourage property developers to make more investment in Australia."