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More MPs could be at risk as dual citizenship crisis threatens to widen

Mark Kenny

Published: July 26 2017 - 6:34PM

Fears are growing that the dual citizenship crisis which has already cost two senators their political careers and forced the resignation of cabinet minister Matt Canavan could take down other MPs, threatening the government's majority.

Constitutional experts were yesterday scrambling to consider the range of legal possibilities when the government asks the High Court of Australia to rule on Senator Canavan's eligibility to stand at the last election, now that it has emerged he was a dual Italian-Australian citizen at the time.

That case, which is expected to be expedited, could nonetheless, run for up to six months.

Fuelling concerns is the growing realisation that Senator Canavan's stated ignorance of his Italian citizenship may be immaterial in the court's interpretation of the constitution. It states that no person can be capable of election to parliament who is a foreign citizen "or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power".

Senator Canavan resigned from cabinet on Tuesday evening stating that he had played no part in acquiring Italian citizenship, and had at no time known that it had been conferred.

He argues that the Italians erred in process by not requiring his assent before conferring citizenship.

Constitutional law expert Professor Anne Twomey said his case was worth testing in court.

"The difficulty with Senator Canavan was that he'd been born in Australia, his parents had been born in Australia. Unless he had otherwise been told, he wouldn't have been aware that there was an issue at all about citizenship," she told the ABC.

Kim Rubenstein, Professor in the ANU College of Law and Australia's citizenship law expert, warned that his ignorance whether established as a fact or not, may not be the issue.

She said the onus was on someone running for parliament to ascertain their citizenship status - especially as it came from one of the three orthodox sources: overseas birth, as in the case of the Greens senators, Larissa Waters and Scott Ludlam; ancestral descent, as in Senator Canavan's case; or through residence - living in another country.

"What your parents tell you is not enough, in terms of checks before running for parliament," she said.

"If born overseas, you must at least be making inquiries and if your parents, or their parents were born overseas, you would be expected to investigate your status."

University of NSW law expert George Williams said section 44 was unsuited to modern Australia calling it a "Pandora's box".

"I'll be surprised if more people are not caught up because it turns on the laws of another country," he said.

Professor Williams said it was more a matter for the Italian courts to determine his citizenship, noting that even if it turns out to be unsound in process, the ruling may take time and in any event, not be retrospective.

Senator Canavan's mother, Maria, was born in Australia to Italian parents, which under Italian citizenship rules, entitles him to Italian citizenship rights, including a passport.

However, he claims he was unaware that his mother had secured this citizenship for him on his behalf in 2006 - some seven years before he nominated for parliament and was first elected at the 2013 election.

Amid the shockwaves from the dual citizenship crisis, a number of names, some of them prominent political figures on both sides of the aisle, have become the subject of speculation in Canberra.  Questions are being asked, usually because of ethnic lineage, over the steps taken to renounce links to countries of ancestral origin.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale, who lost both deputies to the little-known prohibition on dual citizenship set out at section 44 of the constitution, has called for a parliament-wide eligibility audit.

"The advice we received is that ignorance is no excuse," Senator Di Natale said, calling on Senator Canavan to follow his senators out of Parliament.

"I have sympathy for Senator Canavan but our job is to uphold the law. If we don't, what example are we setting for the community?"

"The Greens are calling for an urgent review to establish who is eligible to sit in our Parliament and who is not.

"People have lost faith in the system because it looks like there's one set of rules for some people but another for everyone else, and that is unacceptable."

Both of the major parties have rejected that proposal, with the government directing responsibility to state divisions while also quietly encouraging its members to ensure their citizenship rights pertain exclusively to Australia.

Labor had already issued reassurances saying it worked "closely with all our candidates to ensure that their nomination is sound and compliant with the constitution," according to acting national secretary, Paul Erickson. 

"This is a critical part of our nomination processes," he had said, adding: "We are confident that every member of the Labor caucus has been properly elected."

With a one-seat majority, there are concerns within the Coalition that vetting processes in individual state divisions of the Liberal and Nationals parties may have failed to detect MPs holding dual citizenship rights either knowingly or unwittingly.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce swung into action on Wednesday, defending Senator Canavan as an "exemplary person" who had acted at all times in good faith.

Senator Canavan resigned from the Turnbull government ministry on Tuesday night with his ministerial responsibilities transferred to Mr Joyce in the hope that he will survive the High Court adjudication and be cleared to return to cabinet.

Asked how Senator Canavan could have achieved Italian citizenship without doing anything himself, Mr Joyce said: "Well, Senator Canavan has stated to me that he did not complete any forms, so it was a discussion the family had and he thought that's where it rested. I think they've found the forms and they're unsigned."

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