
Dear Jess: Should I talk to a colleague about her workplace drinking habits?

Q. I'm worried about a colleague openly pouring herself a glass of wine most afternoons while she works. Then she continues drinking with the boss in his office. Should I say something?

A. Worried Worker, I understand your concern about drinking in the workplace. What people do in their own time is none of your business, but when it starts to encroach into office life, it's a whole other issue.

My colleague has been drinking most afternoons at work.

My colleague has been drinking most afternoons at work.

Photo: Stocksy

Are you close to your colleague? If so, why not suggest a quick coffee and tell her that you're worried about her drinking. It's much better to be honest with her. As for the boss, that is trickier. Unfortunately, some executives behave as if the rules don't apply to them. For now, stick to supporting your colleague. HR, or karma, will catch up with your boss.

Q. My wife is always telling me she is too tired for sex. Is she no longer attracted to me? Or is she genuinely tired? How can I put the zing back into our sex lives?

Jessica Rowe answers your questions.

Jessica Rowe answers your questions.

Photo: Damian Bennett

A. Frisky Fella, this is a complaint I've heard from plenty of blokes. And I must confess that for me, sleep is still the ultimate aphrodisiac. I do wonder if your partner is simply weary after another day of juggling far too many tasks and looking after other people's needs.

Do you have kids? If they are still young, it can be tough for a woman to transform into a sex kitten after dealing with the stresses of dinner, bath, bedtime … then getting the kids to stay in bed. One suggestion is regular date nights, while sex therapist Nikki Goldstein recommends leaving cheeky notes around for your other half, setting aside "special time" that isn't bedtime, and even indulging in a quickie to reignite desire.

Apart from a good night's sleep, for me there's nothing sexier than a man cooking me a meal, doing the washing up and getting the kids to bed. Then booking a weekend away for the two of us and organising a babysitter.

These answers are simply my views, and I am far from perfect. I struggle through some days better than others with the help of my family, cats, chocolate and antidepressants. Unfortunately, I cannot personally reply to questions.

Contact me via Instagram: @jessjrowe. Twitter: @JessRowe.

Jessica Rowe

Jessica is a journalist, author and television personality.

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