- ::first-letter CSS pseudo-element selector
- ::placeholder CSS pseudo-element
- ::selection CSS pseudo-element
- :dir() CSS pseudo-class
- :in-range and :out-of-range CSS pseudo-classes
- :matches() CSS pseudo-class
- :placeholder-shown CSS pseudo-class
- @font-face Web fonts
- Blending of HTML/SVG elements
- calc() as CSS unit value
- ch (character) unit
- 2.1 selectors
- ::marker pseudo-element
- all property
- Animation
- Appearance
- background-attachment
- background-blend-mode
- background-position edge offsets
- background-repeat round and space
- box-decoration-break
- clip-path property (for HTML)
- Conical Gradients
- Counter Styles
- Counters
- currentColor value
- Device Adaptation
- display: contents
- element() function
- Exclusions Level 1
- Feature Queries
- Filter Effects
- filter() function
- first-line pseudo-element
- Flexible Box Layout Module
- font-feature-settings
- font-size-adjust
- font-stretch
- font-variant-alternates
- Generated content for pseudo-elements
- Gradients
- Grid Layout
- hanging-punctuation
- Hyphenation
- Initial Letter
- initial value
- inline-block
- Masks
- min/max-width/height
- namespaces
- outline properties
- overflow-anchor (Scroll Anchoring)
- page-break properties
- position:fixed
- position:sticky
- Regions
- Repeating Gradients
- resize property
- revert value
- Scroll snap points
- Shapes Level 1
- Table display
- text-indent
- text-justify
- text-orientation
- touch-action property
- unset value
- user-select: none
- Variables (Custom Properties)
- widows & orphans
- will-change property
- writing-mode property
- 2D Transforms
- 3D Transforms
- attr() function
- Background-image options
- Border images
- Border-radius (rounded corners)
- Box-shadow
- Box-sizing
- Colors
- Cursors (original values)
- Cursors: zoom-in & zoom-out
- font-kerning
- image-orientation
- Media Queries
- Multiple backgrounds
- Multiple column layout
- object-fit/object-position
- Opacity
- Overflow-wrap
- selectors
- tab-size
- text-align-last
- Text-overflow
- Text-shadow
- Transitions
- word-break
- OM Scroll-behavior
- display: flow-root
- Font unicode-range subsetting
- Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing
- letter-spacing CSS property
- Media Queries: interaction media features
- Media Queries: resolution feature
- Rebeccapurple color
- rem (root em) units
- selector list argument of :not()
- text-decoration styling
- text-emphasis styling
- TTF/OTF - TrueType and OpenType font support
- Viewport units: vw, vh, vmin, vmax
- #rrggbbaa hex color notation
- :default CSS pseudo-class
- :focus-within CSS pseudo-class
- :has() CSS relational pseudo-class
- :indeterminate CSS pseudo-class
- :optional CSS pseudo-class
- background-position-x & background-position-y
- Case-insensitive CSS attribute selectors
- Crisp edges/pixelated images
- @apply rule
- Backdrop Filter
- Canvas Drawings
- Containment
- Cross-Fade Function
- font-rendering controls
- font-smooth
- image-set
- line-clamp
- Logical Properties
- Motion Path
- pointer-events (for HTML)
- Reflections
- scrollbar styling
- text-size-adjust
- text-stroke and text-fill
- zoom
- Explicit descendant combinator >>
- Improved kerning pairs & ligatures
- selector list argument of :nth-child and :nth-last-child CSS pseudo-classes
- All CSS features
- accept attribute for file input
- Attributes for form submission
- Audio element
- Audio Tracks
- Autofocus attribute
- Canvas (basic support)
- Canvas blend modes
- classList (DOMTokenList)
- Color input type
- contenteditable attribute (basic support)
- Custom Elements v0
- Custom Elements v1
- Custom protocol handling
- Datalist element
- dataset & data-* attributes
- Date and time input types
- Details & Summary elements
- Dialog element
- disabled attribute of the fieldset element
- Download attribute
- Drag and Drop
- Email, telephone & URL input types
- Form attribute
- Form validation
- getElementsByClassName
- hidden attribute
- HTML Imports
- HTML Media Capture
- HTML templates
- HTML5 form features
- indeterminate checkbox
- input event
- input placeholder attribute
- meter element
- Minimum length attribute for input fields
- Multiple file selection
- naturalWidth & naturalHeight image properties
- New semantic elements
- Number input type
- Pattern attribute for input fields
- Picture element
- Ping attribute
- PNG favicons
- progress element
- Range input type
- readonly attribute of input and textarea elements
- rel=noopener
- relList (DOMTokenList)
- Reversed attribute of ordered lists
- Ruby annotation
- sandbox attribute for iframes
- Search input type
- Session history management
- Spellcheck attribute
- srcdoc attribute for iframes
- Srcset and sizes attributes
- Subresource Integrity
- tabindex global attribute
- Text API for Canvas
- Toolbar/context menu
- Video element
- Video Tracks
- wbr (word break opportunity) element
- Web App Manifest
- WebGL - 3D Canvas graphics
- WebGL 2.0
- Offline web applications
- Scoped CSS
- seamless attribute for iframes
- All HTML5 features
- 'SameSite' cookie attribute
- ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher suites for TLS
- Content Security Policy 1.0
- Content Security Policy Level 2
- Encrypted Media Extensions
- Link type "noreferrer"
- Public Key Pinning
- Referrer Policy
- Server Name Indication
- Strict Transport Security
- TLS 1.1
- TLS 1.2
- TLS 1.3
- Upgrade Insecure Requests
- X-Frame-Options HTTP header
- All Security features
- "once" event listener option
- AAC audio file format
- asm.js
- async attribute for external scripts
- autocomplete attribute: on & off values
- Brotli Accept-Encoding/Content-Encoding
- ChildNode.remove()
- Client Hints: DPR, Width, Viewport-Width
- CSS Paged Media (@page)
- Data URIs
- defer attribute for external scripts
- document.elementFromPoint()
- document.head
- DOM manipulation convenience methods
- DOMContentLoaded
- DOMMatrix
- Element.closest()
- Element.insertAdjacentElement() & Element.insertAdjacentText()
- EventTarget.addEventListener()
- EventTarget.dispatchEvent
- FLAC audio format
- focusin & focusout events
- getComputedStyle
- HEIF/ISO Base Media File Format
- HEVC/H.265 video format
- HTTP/2 protocol
- inputmode attribute
- JPEG 2000 image format
- JPEG XR image format
- KeyboardEvent.code
- KeyboardEvent.getModifierState()
- KeyboardEvent.key
- KeyboardEvent.location
- MathML
- MP3 audio format
- MPEG-4/H.264 video format
- Mutation events
- Node.compareDocumentPosition()
- Node.innerText
- Node.textContent
- Ogg Vorbis audio format
- Ogg/Theora video format
- Opus
- Passive event listeners
- PNG alpha transparency
- querySelector/querySelectorAll
- Resource Hints: dns-prefetch
- Resource Hints: preconnect
- Resource Hints: prefetch
- Resource Hints: preload
- Resource Hints: prerender
- SDCH Accept-Encoding/Content-Encoding
- Shadow DOM v0
- Shadow DOM v1
- WAI-ARIA Accessibility features
- Wav audio format
- WebAssembly
- WebM video format
- WebVTT - Web Video Text Tracks
- Window.devicePixelRatio
- WOFF - Web Open Font Format
- WOFF 2.0 - Web Open Font Format
- XHTML served as application/xhtml+xml
- Animated PNG (APNG)
- EOT - Embedded OpenType fonts
- HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
- KeyboardEvent.charCode
- KeyboardEvent.which
- Resource Hints: Lazyload
- SPDY protocol
- WebP image format
- XHTML+SMIL animation
- All Other features
- Ambient Light API
- Base64 encoding and decoding
- Basic console logging functions
- Battery Status API
- Beacon API
- Blob constructing
- Blob URLs
- BroadcastChannel
- Channel messaging
- Clipboard API
- Constraint Validation API
- Credential Management API
- Cross-document messaging
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- crypto.getRandomValues()
- CSS Font Loading
- CSS.supports() API
- CustomEvent
- DeviceOrientation & DeviceMotion events
- Document Object Model Range
- document.currentScript
- DOM Parsing and Serialization
- Element.getBoundingClientRect()
- Element.insertAdjacentHTML()
- Fetch
- File API
- FileReader API
- FileReaderSync
- Full Screen API
- Gamepad API
- Geolocation
- getUserMedia/Stream API
- Hashchange event
- High Resolution Time API
- IndexedDB
- Input Method Editor API
- Internationalization API
- matches() DOM method
- matchMedia
- maxlength attribute for input and textarea elements
- Media Source Extensions
- MediaRecorder API
- Mutation Observer
- Navigation Timing API
- navigator.hardwareConcurrency
- Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC
- Online/offline status
- Page Visibility
- PageTransitionEvent
- Payment Request API
- Pointer events
- PointerLock API
- Printing Events
- Proximity API
- Push API
- requestAnimationFrame
- requestIdleCallback
- Resource Timing
- Screen Orientation
- scrollIntoView
- Selection API
- Server-sent events
- Service Workers
- Shared Web Workers
- TextEncoder & TextDecoder
- Touch events
- URLSearchParams
- User Timing API
- Vibration API
- Web Animations API
- Web Audio API
- Web Cryptography
- Web Notifications
- Web Sockets
- Web Storage - name/value pairs
- Web Workers
- WebRTC Peer-to-peer connections
- XMLHttpRequest advanced features
- Directory selection from file input
- document.evaluate & XPath
- Document.execCommand()
- Efficient Script Yielding: setImmediate()
- Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded()
- Filesystem & FileWriter API
- IntersectionObserver
- Network Information API
- Permissions API
- Resize Observer
- Speech Recognition API
- Speech Synthesis API
- Web Bluetooth
- Web SQL Database
- All JS API features
Latest features
Most searched features
Did you know?
You can import usage data from your Google Analytics account and see exactly how well a feature is supported among your own site's visitors. Look under the Settings panel to get started!
Usage data for all countries and continents can be imported via the Settings panel.
By default, older browser versions are only shown if they have >= 0.5% usage share. You can increase or decrease this value from the Settings panel.
If a feature you're looking for is not available on the site, you can vote to have it included. Better yet, if you've done the research you can even submit it yourself!
Each feature support table includes a "Usage relative" button. This will resize each browser version cell to be relative to the amount of support it has for the selected usage source.
Browser scores
"Can I use" provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.
The site was built and is maintained by Alexis Deveria, with occasional updates provided by the web development community. The design used as of 2014 was largely created by Lennart Schoors.
May I use your data in my presentation/article/site, etc?
Yes, the support data on this site is free to use under the CC BY 4.0 license.
Is there a way to see the support data in colors other than red/green?
Yes, you can enable accessible colors from this link or from the option under Settings. This color scheme will be used again on revisit.
Do you have the data available in a raw format?
Yes, the raw support data is available on GitHub and is updated regularly.
Could you add feature X to the site?
Adding features takes quite some time and there are many requests for additions. Because of this I use GitHub issues to manage requests. Feel free to add/vote for your feature there.
If you've done the research yourself already, you can also submit a feature on GitHub.
Could you cover email clients too so I can see what I can use in HTML emails?
That certainly sounds useful, but for now I only intend to take on web browser support.
Which features do you choose to add to this list?
I use the following criteria:
- Useful to web designers/developers
- Likely to be eventually implemented by the majority of browsers
- Not already fully supported in even old browsers. These features can be made searchable but will not include support tables.
Most features are added in priority order from this list.
How do you test support?
I use a hand-crafted test suite to test features, which tests for basic support of each feature.
The test suite is publicly available at
Where do you get your information for upcoming versions?
Most information comes directly from the latest developer/preview/nightly builds.
When is a feature considered "supported"?
When its primary purpose is largely fulfilled. It does not mean it's 100% supported, just that it's usable in most cases.
How often is this page updated?
I try to keep it as current as possible, with new information being usually being processed within a few days. Follow the feed if you'd like keep up with all the changes made.