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Insta-imposters give Perth's real social media influencers a bad name

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Perth socialites Rayne Embley and Amy Zempilas have managed to establish thriving businesses for themselves, but being an Instagram influencer is more than just an overused buzzword.

In a nutshell, an Instagram influencer is generally someone who has a large following who can persuade others. The keywords being "persuade others".

If I was to look at buying a new car, whose advice would I trust more? My friend who has children the same age as mine and who I've known for over 20 years who recently bought a Toyota Kluger, or the person I follow on Instagram who has 30,000 followers and was paid to drive a SUV for the weekend? I can tell you it's not the latter.

West Australian brands are clamouring to use the services of Instagram influencers, but a lot of brands and businesses are still unsure how to capitalise of this new-age way of marketing and are unwittingly using people who have a large portion of fake followers or a low engagement rate, effectively giving their brand zero return on investment.

It seems to be a dream job – getting paid for or receiving free products in return for posting highly-stylised photos on your Instagram account, using a raft of hash tags to attract an interested crowd.

People are desperate for Instafame, they would do anything to be the next Kayla Itsines, who grew her personal training business into an empire through Instagram.


So it's unsurprising that Perth has seen an influx of 'Instagram influencers' who have built themselves on fake followings and brands are falling for it hook, line and sinker.

These 'imposter influencers' are receiving products and services from not-so-smart brands in the hope of increasing their sales. And these 'imposter influencers' are taking the free products and services, knowing they aren't going to be able to provide a strong return on investment, effectively committing #instafraud.

Funny thing is – you CAN buy popularity on Instagram. These fake influencers use bot services they pay a monthly fee for which mass follow, like, comment on the social media site, creating followers for their accounts along the way.

Instagram is trying to shut down major bot players like Instagress, which should indicate how illegitimate the followings generated by bots are.

You can also flat out just buy followers. You link your account to a service, pay an amount and watch your followers grow. Some tools promote "get 1000 followers for $9.95!".

This is what an Instagram “Influencer” with bought followers looks like.

This is what an Instagram “Influencer” with bought followers looks like.

The practice of buying fake followers is so rife that these Instagrammers have created a false economy.

A tell-tale sign for someone trying to capitalise of a fake following is when an 'influencer' asks for free products.

Recently I saw someone post that they were going on a European holiday and if anyone wanted to give her swimwear, clothes and accessories for the trip she would be happy to post on her Instagram.

Curious, I headed to her Instagram profile and right away I could tell she had fake followers. There is no brand advocacy from these players to those products, people see through that, and as a brand that's a big deal. You do not want to lose the trust and value of a customer.

For some reason brands are drawn to Instagram accounts with large followers. But what worth is a large following if the engagement of their posts is low?

According to influence.co April 2017 Influencer Rate and Engagement Report the higher the number of followers an influencer has, the lower the engagement rate. If you applied those statistics a good portion of 'influencers' in Perth they would be out of a job.

This is how the graph looks for an Instagram influencer with real followers.

This is how the graph looks for an Instagram influencer with real followers.

Fake influencers are giving the entire industry a bad name and undermining the hard work and time Perth's genuine players like Rayne Embley, Amy Zempilas and Jen Smith have put in to build a strong authentic following.

It's time for WA businesses to wise up to the act, do their research and be wary of jumping on the social influencer bandwagon.

And if you're an imposter…you might want to start thinking about another career option.

Megan Del Borrello is the director of Gloss Marketing Communications and Behind the Brands