Education & Play


"We like to believe we’re aware of the hazards of projecting our own unfulfilled dreams onto our kids. But are we ...

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Superbaby!

Feeling guilty that you might be depriving your child of opportunities? Considering enrolling him in classes and buying products that promise to 'make your child smarter'? You're worrying for nothing – just keep it simple, Pinky McKay explains.

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baby ipad

Are iPads rewiring our children’s brains?

Like so many preschoolers today, Amity Dry's daughter started using an iPad well before her first birthday. But is their use of technology harming our kids more than we might realise?

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Laundry love ... Finding ways to make household chores can benefit both you and your child.

Making washing day fun

In this age of instant technology it’s so easy to entertain our kids with the TV, iPad, iPhone and computer. But coming up with some fun activities can get them away from the screen to help you with your household tasks.

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Little bookworms ... Just spending time looking through a book can help build your child's literacy skills.

The building blocks of literacy

Learning to read and write is an important step for children. It's never too early to start building their literacy skills - in fact, in their toddler and preschool years, it might actually be easier than you think.

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