Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #365 The Ties That Bind, Part 4: Geopolitics and 9/11

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This broadcast highlights and analyzes some of the political, economic and strategic alliances, relationships and conflicts underlying the 9/11 attacks. If one could sum up the 9/11 attacks in one sentence, it might be as follows. If Adolf Hitler had been in the White House when Pearl Harbor was attacked this is what you would be seeing.

1. The program begins with James Stewart Martin’s observations about the perpetuation of the economic forces that backed Hitler, as well as their attitude toward the Third Reich. (One should bear in mind that the Bush family and Allen Dulles were a prominent part of the American half of this “networking” relationship. The writer (James Stewart Martin) was in charge of the economic warfare section of the antitrust division of the Department of Justice during the Second World War. As such, he was in charge of attempting to interdict the economic forces underlying the Third Reich. “Our observations in postwar Germany did not support the theory that the Nazi regime was a runaway affair. Propaganda has been turned out in an effort to convince people that the industrialists who backed the Hitler coup did not realize they were opening a Pandora’s box. We are to believe that the troubles they set loose plagued them no less than the rest of mankind. On the contrary, from all that we could gather in talking with German industrialists, the big-industry group in Germany regrets the Hitler period only because the Nazis lost the war. We found no evidence that the leading industrial groups had acquired a fundamental distaste for German nationalism as such. They are still working toward the organization of Europe in such a way as to support a dominant German industrial economy, and the organization of Germany’s own economic life around a concentration of heavy industries.” (All Honorable Men; James Stewart Martin; Copyright 1950 [HC]; Little, Brown & Co.; p. 292.) The European Monetary Union and EU are controlled by Germany. The political and economic goals of the Third Reich industrialists and financiers and the ecopolitical control of Europe were realized.

2. “Except for its military outcome, the Nazi experiment appears to have been a success in the eyes of its original sponsors. The unity of German business and finance in backing the Nazis was matched only by the precision with which the Nazi government moved in to support the aims and interests of the dominant financiers and industrialists. They, in turn, have been waging a hard postwar fight to keep the economic lines of the Nazi system intact.” (Idem.) As has been seen in numerous programs, the Third Reich perpetuated itself in an underground fashion, emanating from the remarkable Bormann organization, and its deadly intelligence component under ex-Gestapo chief Heinrich Muller. The Bush family is inextricably linked with the Thyssen economic interests, a primary element of the Bormann nexus. The Muller out fit, in turn wielded powerful influence within both the U.S. and international intelligence communities.

3. Next, the program discusses what the Nazis called “geo-politics.” The central element in that concept was what the German geo-politicians called “the Earth Island.” This referred to the huge landmass stretching from the Straits of Gibraltar, all the way across Europe, the Middle East, the former Soviet Union, China, India and Pakistan. This territory embraces the bulk of the world’s land-mass and most of its oil resources. Across the middle of this “Earth Island” is a vast stretch of primarily Muslim population. The Third Reich saw the control of this Muslim population as the key to controlling the world-its land and petroleum reserves. “The Nazi effort came as near to military success as it did because German military planners took advantage of the lessons of geo-politics. The relation of strategically placed land masses and national resources to the control over larger areas of the earth’s surface had been studied with great care not only by Professor Haushofer and his “geo-political institute” but by a great number of other German scientists, economists, and political analysts. In the same way, the German planners shaped the economic war, not only as a supplement to military operations but as a substitute to hedge against military defeat. The German high command made use of what we might call ecopolitical organizations, combining both economic and political forces under common control. Though they had no political institute labeled as such, the Germans arranged the strategic control of large areas of economic activity both at home and abroad by maintaining control of bottleneck points. It was this feature of the ‘cartel system’ that General Clay and his economic advisers tended to ignore placing their chief emphasis on so-called ‘war potential.'” (Ibid.; pp. 292-293.)

4. “The German ecopolitical organizations-I.G. Farben, United Steel, the Deutsche Bank and Dresdner bank and all the rest-did not die with the dismemberment of the German military machine. When our military government took over, the Germans had the stage set for really fatal blunders on our side. The occupiers failed to realize that the German ecopolitical forces still existed and that their complete overhaul was a first order of business. Instead, by delaying reorganizations and by taking the leaders of the combines into the management of the new economic revival, General Clay’s military government entangled itself with the very forces it came in to crush.” (Ibid.; p. 293.)

5. The failure of the United States to come to terms with the ecopolitical realities underlying 9/11 is evident in the statement of an American military official, commenting about Saudi Arabia. In that same context, one should lose sight of the profound connections between Saudi Arabia and the Third Reich in its above-ground and underground phases. “Another factor is Saudi Arabia’s internal politics, which require the royal family to carefully balance security needs with the sentiment of Saudi citizenry, many of whom dislike the U.S. military presence on the peninsula. ‘Once they realized they had scared us too much, they started to edge back the other way,’ a senior U.S. Navy official said. ‘They realized they had taken things too far.'” Kind of like the Japanese did at Pearl Harbor. (“Saudis Strengthen Ties With U.S. Military” by Greg Jaffe; The Wall Street Journal; 6/13/2002; pp. A14-15.)

6. The intelligence community’s failure to interdict 9/11 appears to stem from a policy failure. The U.S. continues its failure to deal with Saudi Arabia. “FBI and military intelligence officials in Washington say they were prevented for political reasons from carrying out full investigations into members of the Bin Laden family in the U.S. before the terrorist attacks of September 11.” (“FBI And U.S. Spy Agents Say Bush Spiked Bin Laden Probes Before 11 September” by Greg Palast and David Pallister; The Guardian; 11/7/2001; p. 1.)

7. “U.S. intelligence agencies have come under criticism for their wholesale failure to predict the catastrophe at the World Trade Center. But some are complaining that their hands were tied.” (Idem.)

8. “FBI documents shown on ‘BBC Newsnight’ last night and obtained by The Guardian show that they had earlier sought to investigate two of Osama bin Laden’s relatives in Washington and a Muslim organization, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), with which they were linked.” (Idem.)

9. “The FBI file, marked Secret and coded 199, which means a case involving national security, records that Abdullah bin Laden, who lived in Washington, had originally had a file opened on him ‘because of his relationship with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth-a suspected terrorist organization.'” (Idem.)

10. “Abdullah, who lived with his brother Omar at the time in Falls Church, a town just outside Washington, was the U.S. director of WAMY, whose offices were in a basement nearby.” (Idem.)

11. “But the FBI files were closed in 1996, apparently before any conclusions could be reached on either the Bin Laden brothers or the organization itself. High-placed intelligence sources in Washington told The Guardian this week: ‘There were always constraints on investigating the Saudis.'” (Idem.)

12. “They said the restrictions became worse after the Bush administration took over this year. The intelligence agencies had been told to ‘back off’ from investigations involving other members of the Bin Laden family, the Saudi royals, and possible Saudi links to the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Pakistan.” (Idem.)

13. ” ‘There were particular investigations that were effectively killed.'” (Idem.)

14. “But as long as 10 years ago, it was named as a discreet channel for public and private Saudi donations to hardline Islamic organizations. One of the recipients of its largesse has been the militant Students Islamic Movement of India, which has lent support to Pakistani-backed terrorists in Kashmir and seeks to set up an Islamic state in India.” (Ibid.; p. 2.)

15. “Since September 11, WAMY has been investigated in the U.S. along with a number of other Muslim charities. There have been several grand jury investigations but no findings have been made against any of them.” (Idem.)

16. Further evidence of the Saudi/Al Qaeda/9/11 links is to be found in discussion of NSA intercepts of Al Qaeda operatives communicating with their command structure. “Conversations intercepted the day before September 11 caught Al-Qaeda operatives boasting in Arabic, ‘The match begins tomorrow’ and ‘Tomorrow is Zero Hour.’ But U.S. intelligence didn’t translate them until September 12, congressional and administration sources disclosed Wednesday.” (“Heard 9/10: ‘Tomorrow is Zero Hour’ by John Diamond and Kathy Kiely; USA Today; p. 1A.)

17. “[NSA chief General Michael] Hayden told the lawmakers the intercepts captured al-Qaeda members communicating with allies in Saudi Arabia, according to one of the officials.” (Idem.)

18. Bin Laden’s conversations, also being monitored, are indicative of an impending operation. ” ‘This was an example that something was up,’ the official said of the September 10 calls. ‘But it doesn’t tell you where it was, what it was or how we could stop it.’ U.S. officials said last fall that Osama Bin Laden had telephoned his wife and his mother in Damascus, Syria, on September 10. He reportedly urged his wife to return to Afghanistan, and told his mother she would not hear from him for a long time.” (“Two Al Qaeda Messages Were Intercepted on Sept. 10, Officials Confirm” by Josh Meyer, Janet Hook, Eric Lichtblau; Los Angeles Times; 6/20/2002; p. A10.)

19. Next, the program discusses conflicts between German and U.S. intelligence concerning the investigation of 9/11. These conflicts (like the US war against Islamofascism) are part of what is, quite literally, a continuation of the Second World War, with the ecopolitical elements of the Underground Reich waging war against the United States. “Intelligence officials in Washington have not responded to requests for information about a visit to Germany by Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, an operative for Al Qaeda who has emerged as a central figure in the September 11 attacks, German officials said today. They added that their own checks had turned up no trace of Mr. Mohammed’s ever visiting or living here.” (“Germany Says Qaeda Figure Was Never in Country” by Steven Erlanger; The New York Times; 6/11/2002; p. A19.)

20. Note the reticence of U.S. intelligence to disclose too much to the Germans. “The officials said they had first heard from the American press, not American officials, about a possible visit by Mr. Mohammed to Hamburg in 1999.” (Idem.)

21. “Their own requests for information have not been answered, the senior German officials said, expressing annoyance at the way information was apparently leaked by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency in Washington. They suggested that in trying to deflect the blame for intelligence failures, the American agencies may be unfairly pointing the finger at German officials.” (Idem.)

22. “Mr. Mohammed has been described by some American officials as the mastermind of the September 11 attacks, which were carried out by a group that included Mohamed Atta, Ziad al-Jarrah and Marwan al-Shehhi, who had lived in Hamburg.” (Idem.)

23. ” ‘We have no record of him living in Germany,’ a senior German intelligence official said, ‘and we have no information about him visiting Germany in 1999.'” (Idem.)

24. One should also note the French and German reticence to provide information about Zaccharias Moussaoui to the United States–ostensibly because Moussaoui (an apparent would-be suicide attacker) could get the death penalty. “While the German authorities shared what they knew about Mr. Moussaoui with the F.B.I. and C.I.A. on an informal, investigative basis, the Germans and the French have balked at providing evidence that could eventually serve to execute Mr. Moussaoui. For example, the Germans have the original bank transfer documents used to get money to Mr. Moussaoui and said to bear Mr. Shibh’s fingerprints, but they have thus far provided Washington only copies. The copies would not be admissible in court.” (Idem.) Moussaoui’s connections include liaisons with the milieu of Francois Genoud.

25. Still more conflict between the U.S. and German intelligence systems involves obfuscation concerning Heidar Zammar (who eventually turned up in Moroccan custody.) “While the United States denies having the man, Mohamed Heidar Zammar, in its custody, a senior German intelligence official said, ‘I would be glad if the Americans would tell us if they have Zammar under their control or not in some other country.'” (“German Officials Deny Knowing Whereabouts of Important Figure in Hamburg Plot” by Steven Erlanger; The New York Times; 6/13/2002; p. A20.)

26. “Mr. Zammar, 41, A Syrian-born German citizen, is under investigation for his ties to Al Qaeda. He was not arrested after September 11, but was not arrested after September 11, but was allowed to go to Morocco on October 27 with American knowledge, German officials say. He then disappeared.” (Idem.)

27. “Mr. Zammar’s role in the terrorist plot has been underestimated, German officials say. An imposing man of over 300 pounds, Mr. Zammar was a vocal advocate of holy war in Hamburg mosques and gave young Muslims advice on how to go to Afghanistan for military training. He befriended Mohamed Atta and some of the Hamburg-based hijackers, German officials and residents said, and he was a witness at the wedding of a cell member Said Bahaji.” (Idem.)

28. “But a senior German intelligence official said the Germans had no evidence to support a report in The Washington Post today that says investigators have identified Mr. Zammar as the person who first recruited Mr. Atta into Al Qaeda and played a key role in connecting him with the Qaeda leadership in Afghanistan.” (Idem.)

29. “But the officials supported a strong suggestion in the Post article that Mr. Zammar might be in custody, and said that American officials have given the Germans only limited information about him or about Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who the Americans say orchestrated much of the planning behind the September 11 plot. Mr. Mohammed also visited Germany and is said to be a key connection between Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the Hamburg cell.” (Idem.)

30. “After September 11, in the apartment of Mr. Bahaji, the cell member, German investigators found books and holy war in which Mr. Zammar had written dedications. There were 94 copies of Mr. Bin Laden’s call for war against the infidels, also seized, which had been photocopied by Mr. Zammar, he told friends.” (Idem.)

31. “When German officials searched Mr. Zammar’s apartment in mid-November, they found documents from Pakistan and two cartridges from Kalashnikov combat rifle. In addition, according to Der Spiegel, two of his young recruits on their way from Germany to Afghanistan, a 27-year-old German from Kosovo and a 22-year-old from Lebanon, were arrested in Pakistan on September 10.” (Idem.)

32. Another probable arena of political and intelligence conflict focuses on the Balkans and the war crimes trial of Slobodan Milosevic. Islamist elements connected to the Saudi/Al Qaeda milieu, as well as to the milieu of the Grand Mufti and the Balkan Waffen SS (13th [Hanjar] and 21st [Skanderbeg] divisions) worked against the former Yugoslavia under Milosevic. There is strong evidence of U.S. involvement with this milieu during the Balkans wars of the 1990’s. The sensitivity of this relationship may account for U.S. reticence in letting the “architect of the Dayton peace accords” (Richard Holbrooke) testify at Milosevic’s trial. “The U.S. is jeopradizing the war crimes trial of Slobodan Milosevic, the former Serbian president, by demanding that a key witness testifies behind closed doors, according to diplomats.” (“Milosevic War Crimes Trial threatened by U.S. Demand” by Carola Hoyos; Financial Times; 6/12/2002; p. 1.)

33. “The State Department is pushing for the court in The Hague to keep secret the testimony of Richard Holbrooke, architect of Bosnia’s Dayton peace accords.” (Idem.)

34. Considering the potential embarrassing questions US/Saudi/Al Aaeda collaboration in the Balkans might raise, one should not lose sight of who is in charge of the Milosevic proceedings. “Negotiations with the State Department have become so difficult that Carla del Ponte, the United Nations’ prosecutor who has been given 14 months to present her case, is said to be considering not calling the witness.” (Idem.) Del Ponte is connected to the Youssef Nada/Al Taqwa milieu, as well as the Shakarchi family, who were heavily involved with the European Bin Laden interests, as well as the Iran-Contra and Mujahadeen networks of the 1980’s.

35. The U.S. has recently encountered difficulty in attempting to neutralize Al Taqwa, as well as some of the other funding conduits based in Europe. ” ‘The Americans are good at intelligence information,’ says an Italian official who has followed Bank al Taqwa, a Bahamas-based lender that the U.S. alleges financed the al Qaeda terrorist network. ‘But they provide little that can be used in court. We’re still waiting for real information.’ ” (“Bush Faces Widening Gap with Europe” by Ian Johnson, Christopher Cooper and Philip Shishkin; Wall Street Journal; 5/21/2002; p. A15.)

36. Like Al Taqwa, the PFLP has been the beneficiary of European good will. “Indeed, Europe’s list omits several groups whose U.S. assets Washington has frozen. They include the anti-Israel Hezbollah group and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Syria-backed group that Israel holds responsible for the recent murder of its tourism minister. This reflects Europe’s efforts to distinguish between terrorist groups and organizations deemed to have legitimate political and humanitarian goals.” (Ibid.; p. A16.) Both Al Taqwa and the PFLP have connections to the Underground Reich and to the milieu of Francois Genoud.

37. The conflict between the U.S. and EU over some of these Islamofascist money trails constitutes another element of the geopolitical/ecopolitical war between the Underground Reich and the United States. “Mohamed Mansour-Switzerland may push to have the director of Bank al Taqwa removed from terrorism lists.” (Idem.)

38. Continuing this line of inquiry, the program analyzes the erosion of some of the money-laundering vehicles essential to the operations of the Underground Reich’s Islamofascist vanguard. “The US-led crackdown on terrorist funding is being undermined by a lack of co-operation in the international financial community, secret talks between the world’s top financial investigators have concluded.” (“Tracking of Terror Funds ‘Undermined'” by Jimmy Burns; Financial Times; 6/10/2002; p. 1.)

39. “After making a gloomy assessment of efforts since September 11 to close down the financial resources of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, investigators believe it is virtually impossible to hit the deadline of the end of this month for implementing measures to combat terrorist funding.” (Idem.)

40. “The new measures, from making terrorist funding a criminal offense to laws requiring financial institutions to provide detailed information on money transfers, were recommended last autumn by the Financial Action Task Force, created by the Group of Seven leading industrialized nations, which set the deadline.” (Idem.) That such delay may well be the product of deliberate obstruction by European and Islamofascist elements of the Underground Reich is not one to be too readily dismissed.

41. Another front in the war between the United States and the Underground Reich constitutes the economic situation within the United States itself. Treasury Secretary O’Neill gave voice to some of these anxieties. “Mr. O’Neill said that recent movements in equities-which dropped sharply last week-belied the underlying strength of the U.S. economy. ‘I don’t know why markets are where they are today,’ he said. ‘Eventually it will go back up, perhaps sooner than later. There is an unbelievable movement in the market without what I believe to be substantive information.'” (“Share Price Falls Are Inexplicable, Says O’Neill” by Alan Beattie; Financial Times; 6/17/2002; p. 3.)

42. The economic effect the threat of terrorism was highlighted by O’Neill. “He said that there were ‘a couple of clouds’ over U.S. confidence-fears of another terrorist attack and concerns about Enron and other corporate bankruptcies-but that this should be outweighed by the strong fundamentals of the U.S. economy. The meeting did not discuss the recent falls in the dollar, and Mr. O’Neill said the U.S.’s strong dollar policy remained unchanged.” (Idem.)

43. There were tangible indications of Switzerland’s role in obstructing the mauney-laundering reforms. “The communique issued by the [G8] group also contained a thinly veiled threat to Switzerland that it would not be allowed to continue blocking information flows to other governments on tax payments.” (Idem.)

44. “Many countries have become irritated with Switzerland’s banking secrecy laws, which they say prevent effective campaigns against tax evasion and money laundering.” (Idem.)

45. Another possible area of conflict concerns the issue of Holocaust-era payments. Past programs have examined the economic and political issue of Holocaust-era payments. These payments have recently become a source of conflict between the United States and the Swiss. “The US judge overseeing payouts to Holocaust survivors whose money was left in Swiss banks has provoked an international dispute by forcing the resignations of lawyers in Zurich dealing with the claims.” (“Judge angers Swiss on Holocaust Cash” by John Authers and William Hall; Financial Times; 6/12/2002; p. 6.)

46. “The Swiss media have complained that Judge Korman has been replacing the respected international judges with young Americans who knew little about Switzerland or its languages.” (Idem.)

47. “Judge Korman’s reported comment that ‘it’s because of young Americans that every mess in Europe was cleaned up this century’ has particularly upset the Swiss.” (Idem.) Judge Korman’s obvious reference to the Second World War should not be overlooked.

48. In the context of the US war against the Underground Reich/Islamofascist mileiu, the program reviews the Saudi relationship to the Holocaust lawsuits. “The affair of the ‘Nazi gold,’ and the fact that Swiss banks have recently been obliged to return funds to several Jewish associations, have encouraged Gulf financiers to prefer the Swiss money market, according to several financial experts who confirm that Saudi capital plays a central role in Swiss banking circles. The publication of a confidential report from the Foreign Office on September 10, 1996, relating to the deposits of Nazi gold in Switzerland (estimated at the end of the war to be between $200 and $500 million), set off the powder keg and launched the affair known as the ‘Jewish funds.” Switzerland took on the commitment to restore several billion dollars to the World Jewish Congress, “In return, this event has caused a sympathetic reaction among certain Arab financial milieux, especially Saudi, for the Swiss money market,’ the banker adds. ‘But independently of this incident, Saudi funds are regarded as vital for the future of Swiss finance.” (Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam; by Richard Labeviere; Copyright 2000 [SC]; Algora Publishing; ISBN 1-892941-06-6; pp. 339-340.)

49. The last major area of discussion concerns the effect of terrorism on the U.S. investment climate. In addition to being frightened by the draconian prospects of annihilation of their investment through destructive force, investor confidence has been undermined by Bush administration policy. “Foreigners have been wildly enthusiastic about America for years-an attitude we have come to count on, because we need $1.2 billion in capital inflows every day to cover out foreign-trade deficit. What happens as they lose their enthusiasm?” (“Where’s The Boom” by Paul Krugman; The New York Times; 5/28/2002; p. A23.)

50. “One of the largely unreported stories of the last few months-in the U.S. media, anyway-is the precipitous decline of foreign confidence in American leadership and institutions. Enron, aggressive accounting, budget deficits, steel tariffs, the farm bill, F.B.I. bungling-all of it adds up, in European minds in particular, to what Barton Biggs of Morgan Stanley calls a ‘fall from grace.’ Foreign purchases of U.S. stocks, foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies, are way off.” (Idem.) One should bear in mind the fact that the Soviet Union was not destroyed on the battlefield, but economically. In that context, one should not lose sight of the consummate economic power of the Bormann organization or its intimate connections to the Bush administration.

51. One can imagine the effect on investor confidence of Dick Cheney’s recent observations. “Vice-President Dick Cheney said yesterday that future terrorist attacks on the U.S. were ‘almost certain.'” (“More Terrorist Attacks ‘Almost Certain’-Cheney” by Peronet Despeignes; Financial Times; 5/20/2002; p. 4.)

52. “Mr. Cheney, interviewed on NBC’s Meet the Press, said: ‘Prospects of another attack on the U.S. are almost certain. The possibility is just as real as it was on September 11. It’s not a matter of if, but when.” (Idem.) Many have noted the possibility of opportunism in Mr. Cheney’s comments. Cheney’s warning also comes at a time when the administration is under criticism for its handling of the war on terror. (This is not to say that terrorism is not a major and devastating threat. Rather, one wonders if Cheney is actually concerned with the threat, or covering his own rear end.)

53. Investors should be greatly cheered by Mr. Rumsfeld’s recent statements. “Terrorists will inevitably get their hands on chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and use them against the U.S., Donald Rumsfeld, the U.S. defense secretary, said yesterday.” (“Mass Destruction Weapons Attack ‘Inevitable'” by Lydia Adetunji; Financial Times; 5/22/2002; p. 6.)

54. The same day that Rumsfeld’s comments were made, the capital markets reflected investor anxiety. “U.S. equities fell sharply, accelerating losses late in the session as more warnings of possible terrorist attacks sent jitters through Wall Street.” (“Terror Alerts Accelerate Wall Street Losses” by Mary Chung; Financial Times; 5/22/2002; p. 36.)

55. “A slide in stocks yesterday helped government bonds hold on to their gains of Monday with investors also favoring Treasuries amid nervousness over further possible terrorist attacks . . . Concerns are mounting over a possible fall in foreign investment as the U.S. dollar weakens against the yen.” (“Terror Fears Trigger Run for Havens” by Jenny Wiggins, James Politi, and Ken Hijino; Financial Times; 5/22/2002; p. 24.)

56. Many of the people acting in concert in this war with the ecopolitical objectives of the Underground Reich may be doing so for altogether cynical reasons, not necessarily conscious collaboration. In order to understand some of the complexities involved in this conflict, listeners are enjoined to read The Prince by Nicolo Machiavelli, The Art of War by Sun-Tzu and On War by Carl Von Clausewitz.


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