Slate Magazine - Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts

Why Didn’t Trump Warn the Pentagon About His Transgender Ban?

A Key Senate Official Is Throwing a Wrench Into the GOP’s Health Care Plan

Expelling Transgender Troops Motivates Bigoted Midwestern Voters, White House Says

Did a Twitter User Figure Out the Origin of Jay-Z’s Album Title 4:44?

T.J. Miller Is the Worst Kind of Grad-School Bro


Should Sessions Stay or Go?

Progressives aren’t sure whether to root for him against Trump or welcome the villain’s departure.

Gentrifiers’ Crass Nostalgia

A Brooklyn bar with decorative bullet holes reveals a misplaced pining for the past.

Should Progressives Root for Donald Trump to Fire Jeff Sessions?

What a Brooklyn Bar With Decorative Bullet Holes Really Means

Why Young Men Might Be Playing Video Games Instead of Working. (It’s Not Just Because They’re Fun.)

What the Heck Has Happened to the Senate? Norm Ornstein Has Ideas.

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In Case You Missed It
Trump Hasn’t Killed Comedy He’s just killed our dumb contemporary idea of comedy.
The Killer Nurse She didn’t brag. She didn’t leave clues. She killed her patients, then went home to play computer games.
Even Christopher Nolan Skeptics Will Be Wowed by Dunkirk
Metropolis When Diverse Neighborhoods Are Still Segregated
A Dangerous Command Trump told service members to support the GOP agenda. That breaks centuries of military tradition.
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  • Culture Gabfest Maybe the Apes Should Be in Charge
  • Dear Prudence Help! Strangers Keep Telling Me I’m Not Brown Enough.
  • The Gist Ian Bremmer on the Secret Trump-Putin Meetup

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Dear Prudence
July 26 2017 7:15 AM Dear Prudence: The “Radical Unfriendliness” Edition Strangers keep telling me I’m not brown enough to be Indian. Help!
  Health & Science
Medical Examiner
July 25 2017 7:15 AM America Should Adapt New Zealand’s Method of Handling Medical Malpractice Cases If you ask doctors about the barriers to providing affordable care, they’ll inevitably bring up medical malpractice suits. We can fix that—other countries have.