Susan Matthews
Susan Matthews

Susan Matthews is Slate’s science editor.

Medical Examiner
July 14 2017 6:52 PMPlease Don’t Panic Over the Chemicals in Your Mac and CheeseA recent New York Times story raised concerns but missed some key facts.
June 23 2017 12:54 PMGrizzly Bears Are Now the Victims of the Trump Administration’s Climate DenialismWe can’t trust this administration to make science-based decisions.
May 31 2017 4:57 PMThe World Is Better Off if We Leave the Paris AgreementWill America finally realize that we are no longer the world leader we think we are?
Brow Beat
April 13 2017 7:02 AMWhy John B.’s Climate Change Obsession in S-Town Is So Unsettling
March 30 2017 4:03 PMThe New York Times’ Coal Miner Interview Is Why We Won’t Stop Climate ChangeJournalists must serve facts, not emotions. 
The Slatest
March 23 2017 5:34 PMWatch a Gorsuch Defender Say a Dead Victim of Gun Violence Would Support Gorsuch
The Slatest
March 21 2017 6:27 PMFranken to Gorsuch: “I Had a Career in Identifying Absurdity, and I Know It When I See It”
Feb. 24 2017 4:17 PMThe First Thing You Should Do When You Wake Up? Share Your Dreams.
Jan. 27 2017 3:56 PMScientists Are About to Be Censored. They Shouldn’t Censor Themselves.Don’t make the Trump administration’s job any easier.
Medical Examiner
Jan. 10 2017 5:35 PMDonald Trump and RFK Jr. Are Vaccine-Skeptical SoulmatesThey present their skepticism of established science as reasonable. And that makes their views even scarier.
Cover Story
Dec. 11 2016 11:07 PMIt’s Not OverStanding Rock was never just about the pipeline. It’s about an existential fight against the corporate interests who would sacrifice people and the planet on the altar of short-term gain.
Nov. 1 2016 11:06 AMAIDS’ “Patient Zero” Has Already Been Exonerated. Why Do Scientists Keep Debunking the Myth?
The XX Factor
Oct. 7 2016 6:07 PMTrump Says Misogynistic Things All the Time. The Lewd Video Is Still Sickening.
Oct. 3 2016 11:00 AMAre You Eating Cereal the Right Way?
Medical Examiner
Sept. 12 2016 4:06 PMMedical Records Won’t Tell Us Anything Useful About the Candidates’ HealthThe “concern” over Clinton’s pneumonia is about politics, not medical precision.
July 10 2017 6:43 PMAlarmism Is the Argument We Need to Fight Climate ChangeNew York magazine’s global-warming horror story isn’t too scary. It’s not scary enough.
June 1 2017 9:12 PMThe Planet’s Loss Is Trump’s GainPulling America out of the climate accord serves his short-term needs. To him, that’s all that matters.
April 30 2017 10:52 AMBret Stephens’ First Column for the New York Times Is Classic Climate Change DenialismIt doesn’t outright reject the facts—which makes it all the more insidious.
April 11 2017 12:51 PMA Surprising Number of People Think United Is Not the Villain. Here Are the Worst Takes.
March 28 2017 3:36 PMTrump’s Environmental Executive Order Is As Stupid As It Is DamagingHis move to roll back regulations will harm our health and won’t grow the economy.
The Slatest
March 21 2017 7:20 PMGosh, Golly, Goodness: Neil Gorsuch Sure Does Avoid Answering Questions in a Folksy Way
The XX Factor
March 20 2017 4:02 PMNice Piece New York, but Kellyanne Conway Is Not the First Lady
Feb. 13 2017 9:13 AMI Can’t Stop Looking at Naked BirdsYou should try it.
The Slatest
Jan. 18 2017 3:15 PMScott Pruitt’s Answer on Lead in Water Wasn’t As Egregious As Critics Claim
Dec. 16 2016 7:22 PMI Am Glad the Harlem Deer Is DeadAnd you should be, too.
The Slatest
Nov. 9 2016 4:01 PMTrump’s Pick to Lead the EPA Transition Team Is a Proud Climate Skeptic
Medical Examiner
Oct. 26 2016 5:15 AMWe’ve Misdiagnosed the Problem With Donald TrumpIt’s not what’s in his head that matters. It’s what’s in ours.
Oct. 3 2016 2:46 PMWe Don’t Know Whether Roller Coasters Cure Kidney StonesBut we do tend to accept even the smallest, most preliminary studies as fact. We should stop.  
The Slatest
Sept. 15 2016 2:51 PMEveryone Says Trump Is 6-Foot-2. So Why Does Trump’s Doctor Say He’s 6-Foot-3? A Theory.
Future Tense
Sept. 1 2016 11:21 AMSpaceX Rocket Explodes During Test-Fire, No Casualties Reported