Andrew Kahn
Andrew Kahn

Andrew Kahn is Slate’s assistant interactives editor. Follow him on Twitter.

July 25 2017 4:17 PMThe Donald Trump Election Brag TrackerHow long has it been since the president reminded us of his “massive landslide victory”?
July 10 2017 11:59 AMLiberals Have Turned Trump Into a Gay Villain Because Our Worst Villains Must Be Gay
June 8 2017 10:56 AMWhat Twitter Pundits Are Saying About the Comey HearingCheck out the instant spin room.
May 10 2017 1:15 PMWhat Twitter Pundits Are Saying About the Comey FiringCheck out the instant spin room.
April 26 2017 4:26 PMTrump’s First 100 Days, in His Own WordsAll the tweets since Inauguration Day.
Low Concept
March 14 2017 1:48 PMThe Wayne Tracker Name GeneratorUse our widget to get a Texas oilman code name like the one Rex Tillerson used to discuss climate change.
Jan. 13 2017 6:11 PMWhat’s With All the Straight Men Kissing in Hollywood This Week?
Jan. 10 2017 2:55 PMJohn Kerry’s Apology for the “Lavender Scare” Obscures the State Department’s Shameful Anti-Gay History
Nov. 23 2016 11:22 AMThe Weirdest DreamWhy it was such a tricky high wire act for late-night comedians to cover Trump’s win.
Nov. 8 2016 7:08 AMWhat Twitter Pundits Are Saying About Election DayCheck out the instant spin room.
The Slatest
Oct. 28 2016 6:22 PMConservative Pundits Snicker at Hillary Clinton’s Weiner Problem
The Slatest
Oct. 22 2016 8:44 AM“Am I Still a Republican?”: Conservative Pundits Ponder the Post-Trump GOP
Oct. 19 2016 7:00 PMWhat Twitter Pundits Are Saying About the Final Presidential DebateCheck out the instant spin room.
The Slatest
Oct. 14 2016 5:35 PMAs Trump Melts Down, Conservative Pundits Move Toward … Evan McMullin
The Slatest
Oct. 7 2016 5:46 PMWill Anything Change These Conservative Pundits’ Minds?  
July 19 2017 3:56 PMTrump Hasn’t Killed ComedyHe’s just killed our dumb contemporary idea of comedy.
June 13 2017 1:52 PMWhat Twitter Pundits Are Saying About the Sessions HearingCheck out the instant spin room.
May 31 2017 5:55 AMYou Can Stop Wondering if You Have Sex More or Less Often Than Other PeopleIt doesn’t matter, but you’ve thought about it.
May 3 2017 11:12 PMWhy Are People on Twitter Trying to #FireColbert?
Brow Beat
April 7 2017 7:33 AMDoes This Band Name Start With “The”? A Quiz.
Feb. 10 2017 12:49 PMSabbath’s TweeterA scientific examination of the garbage Trump posts on Jared and Ivanka’s day of rest.
The Slatest
Jan. 11 2017 1:26 PMWhat Was Trump Thinking When He Compared the U.S. to Nazi Germany in a Tweet?
Brow Beat
Dec. 12 2016 4:14 PMInside Marina Abramovic’s Very Marina Abramovic–ian 70th Birthday Party
Nov. 8 2016 9:00 AMTrump vs. Clinton: Who’s Winning Today’s Forecasts of Who Will Win the Election?Find out with the Slate ~100 Percent Accurate Electoral Forecast Averagifier.
The Slatest
Nov. 5 2016 8:39 AMThe Election Is Almost, Finally Over. Here’s Where Our 25 Conflicted Conservative Pundits Landed.
Sports Nut
Oct. 25 2016 4:36 PMIt Might Be. It Could Be. It Is?Can you tell a home run from a fly ball? Take our video quiz.
Oct. 19 2016 11:27 PMThe Decline of American Political Civility, in One Chart
Oct. 17 2016 11:53 AMDid This Consumer Product Explode?Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 is part of an exclusive club. Can you identify its members?
Oct. 9 2016 7:01 PMWhat Twitter Pundits Are Saying About the Second DebateCheck out the instant spin room.
Oct. 7 2016 5:45 AMThe Funniest Living Writers Choose the Funniest Books in the WorldWe asked more than 30 writers for the books that make them laugh. They had a lot to say.