Mum turns her back 'for one second', immediately regrets it

Oh dear - when makeup and toddlers don't mix.
Oh dear - when makeup and toddlers don't mix. Photo: Facebook/ Capri Quiles

Toddlers. They simply can't be trusted when left to their own devices.

It's a parenthood truth most of us learn the hard way, with a cracked iphone, or a wall covered in permanent marker.

For mum, Capri Quiles, who turned her back on her little boy for "one second", the casualty was her (expensive) makeup collection. And her extremely OTT reaction, posted to Facebook, is priceless.

"Which palette is that?" we hear Quiles asking her little boy. "Oh my god," she says, "I'm putting you up for adoption."

As she assesses the damage surrounding her very unfazed (and colourful) son, she says, "He did every one, you guys. He even did my blush!"

"I'm going to need serious therapy after this," she writes. "He seriously scarred me for LIFE with this one."

Oh dear. Straight into the bath, little one.