Our Work

At IPS, our work is centered in our vision: we believe everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Our intersecting programs and initiatives, led by a diverse group of expert staff and associate fellows, are helping to shape progressive movements toward this vision.

Economic and Racial Justice

Combating inequality means both lifting up and building power at the bottom, and breaking up concentration of wealth and power at the top. Learn more >

Climate Justice

In order to avert a climate catastrophe, we must transition away from fossil fuels to a clean energy economy rooted in economic and racial justice. Learn more >

Peace and Foreign Policy

To build peace, we must dislodge the economic and political foundations of war. Just foreign policy is based on human rights, international law, and diplomacy. Learn more >

Community Engagement

Our community-based work is done through partnership with movement building allies on the ground. Learn more >

Leadership Programs

In order to sustain the movement, we need to continuing growing new generations of social justice leaders. Learn more >

Latest Work


One Year Into Duterte's Bloody Regime

There are countless reasons why President Duterte’s Drug War isn’t helping Philippine society—and a $140 million reason President Trump might be willing to look the other way.

A Bipartisan Vote to Put the Brakes on War

By putting such a sinister face on it, Trump might have finally inspired lawmakers to rein in America’s post-9/11 war machine.

Why I’m (Reluctantly) Sitting Out ‘Wonder Woman’

As a Palestinian, I can't set aside my identity for two hours and root for an actor who spoke up for violence against people like me.
Jumping Over Taxes

Trump's Master Class in Tax Deceit

Three ways the president is selling tax cuts for the rich when no one actually wants them.

How to Honor Otto Warmbier

How should the United States respond to the detention and subsequent death of an American student who visited North Korea?

Is America’s Violent Century Coming to an End?

Quite the contrary: the United States, Dower argues, may have refined its techniques, but it has done nothing to minimize the brutality.

‘RussiaGate’ Alone Isn’t Going to Put Progressives Back in Power

Progressives have to devise a comprehensive alternative that responds to both the challenge of Russia and the failures of liberalism.

The Supreme Court’s ‘Muslim Ban’ Decision Is Terrifying

If the war on terror has taught us one thing, it's that harsh laws targeting non-citizens will eventually be extended to citizens, too.
college graduates looking onto horizon

Student Debt Means Fewer Public Servants — and More Bankers

Indebted students trained for public service are instead cutting bait and heading for Wall Street.

The U.S. Gives Refuge to Torture Victims from All Over — Except from Guantanamo

The U.S. hasn't agreed to resettle any of its own torture victims, much less offered any other form of accountability.

This Is What Reparations Could Actually Look Like In America

A tax on concentrated would have a positive impact on the economy for everyone, reducing the racialized, distorting impact of concentrated wealth.

Making Utility Bills Rise Again

The mercury is rising, and so are utility bills. So why does this administration want to scrap those Energy Star labels that help us save?

The Seattle Minimum Wage Study Is Utter B.S.

Fortunately for workers, credible research still points to raising the minimum wage as one reliable solution to the scourge of inequality.

How Wealth Managers Undermine Society and What We Can Do About It

An expert explains how shadowy practitioners of financial trickery help facilitate widespread tax evasion — and undermine democratic government.
Cuban flag

The Real Reason Trump's Trying to Derail Cuba Advances

Trump's motivations to reverse Obama-era policies have less to do with human rights, and more about fear of an example of a different kind of society, Netfa Freeman tells Rising Up with Sonali.


Josh Hoxie

Project Director, Opportunity and Taxation

Program on Inequality and the Common Good

Marcus Raskin

Distinguished Fellow and Founder

Basav Sen

Project Director

Climate Policy

Sanho Tree

Project Director

Drug Policy

Robert Alvarez

Project Director and Associate Fellow

Nuclear Policy

Julie Barnet

Associate Fellow

Marc Bayard

Project Director and Associate Fellow

Black Worker Initiative, Global Economy

Beverly Bell

Associate Fellow

Sarah Browning

Associate Fellow

Ron Carver

Associate Fellow

Global Economy

Steve Cobble

Associate Fellow

John Feffer

Project Director and Associate Fellow

Epicenter, Foreign Policy in Focus

Jim Lobe

Associate Fellow


Manuel Perez-Rocha

Project Director and Associate Fellow

Global Economy

Janet Redman

Associate Fellow

Climate Policy

Oscar Reyes

Associate Fellow

Climate Policy

Adil E. Shamoo

Associate Fellow

Emira Woods

Associate Fellow