- published: 28 May 2017
- views: 118010
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Yap or Wa′ab (Yapese: Waqab) classically refers to an island—the Yap Main Islands—located in the Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean, and a part of the Federated States of Micronesia. The name "Yap" in recent years has come to also refer to the state within the Federated States of Micronesia, inclusive of the Yap Main Islands and its various outer islands.
The Yap Main Islands is considered to be made up of four separate islands: Yap Island proper (Marbaq), Gagil-Tamil, Maap (Yapese: Maap′), and Rumung. The four are contiguous, though separated by water and are surrounded by a common coral reef. They are formed from an uplift of the Philippine Sea Plate, and are referred to as "high" islands as opposed to atolls. The land is mostly rolling hills, densely vegetated. Mangrove swamps line much of the shore, although there are beaches on the northern sides of the islands. Yap's indigenous cultures and traditions are strong compared to other states in Micronesia.
Colonia is the capital of the State of Yap which includes the Yap Main Islands and the Yap Neighboring Islands—the outer islands (mostly atolls) reaching to the east and south from the Yap Main Islands for some 800 km (500 mi), namely the atolls of Eauripik, Elato, Faraulep, Gaferut, Ifalik, Lamotrek, Ngulu, Olimarao, Piagailoe (West Fayu), Pikelot, Sorol, Ulithi, and Woleai, as well as the islands of Fais and Satawal (see map). Historically, a tributary system existed between the Neighboring Islands and the Yap Main Islands. This probably related to the need for goods from the high islands, including food, as well as wood for construction of seagoing vessels.
The Girl Without a Phone - A Cinderella Story
Thirteen - Young Actors Project
HoBZai Yap - 變色髮蠟 color wax (粵語) (CC中文字幕)
Yıpranmış Barbie Saç Bakımı ve Kıyafet Giydirme - İkinci El Barbie Dönüşümü - Oyuncak Yap
WATCH! Kris Aquino HAPPY to receive gift from James Yap GF Michela Cazzola
TELEFON KAPIŞMASI - Tanımadığın Kişiler Ne İsterse Yap
Hadi Bize Sihirbazlık Yap - JÜRİ SEÇİYOR
3 Japon Kendin Yap Şekeri Test Ettik
Yap Day - a cultural highlight on the micronesian island of Yap
YAP Class Improv with Nick Purcha - Young Actors Project
A magical phone transforms the life of the biggest loser at school. Written and Directed by Robert Randall - for the Young Actors Project. SUBSCRIBE and watch more YAP Movies: www.YouTube.com/YoungActorsProject instagram.com/young_actors_project twitter.com/dramatwit facebook.com/youngactorsproject Written & Directed by Robert Randall for the Young Actors Project.
More YAP movies: http://www.YouTube.com/YoungActorsProject Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/young_actors_project/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/dramatwit Thirteen year old Caroline and her family just moved halfway across the country. Her old life was easy - at her old school she was popular, but now, all this fitting in stuff seems weird. Mom tells her to join clubs. But it's not that easy... Dodgeball team - Ouch! Debate team - Yikes! How about the ABC's (the Anti-Bullying Committee) - not a chance. A group of desperate losers want her to be in their rap video. Sounds like fun, but does she dare? And when getting too friendly with the chess club nerd threatens her chances with the popular girls it seems she might not fit anywhere. Is she brave enough to stand on her own and b...
透過連結來邀請支持者為這部影片製作字幕 http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=gGLUQEaKy30&ref;=share ________________________________________ 影片產品名稱: 3D Colors Wax Bule/Gery ________________________________________ FaceBook :https://www.facebook.com/YeJIeHui instagram:http://instagram.com/hobzaiyap
Günlük Barbie Videolarımı Kaçırmamak Ve Kanalıma ÜCRETSİZ Abone Olmak İçin Tıkla: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJozvbotTdGjhD9hBr0TF6g? sub_confirmation=1 Yıpranmış Barbie Saç Bakımı ve Kıyafet Giydirme! Merhaba arkadaşlar! Bugün sizlerin isteği üzerine bir önceki ikinci el Barbie düzeltme videomdaki diğer bebeği düzeltmeye karar verdim! Bu zavallı yıpranmış Barbie bebek artık yeni alınmış gibi oldu! Umarım beğenirsiniz! Hadi izleyelim! Oyuncak Yap Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oyuncakyap/ ☛ Barbie Günlükleri izle: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5HpQ9n8aPxjteTCLMesgB98Lc82GQ2pr ☛ Barbie Eşya Yapımı izle: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5HpQ9n8aPxi6RpjRw-E4f8WipC7d_reP ☛ Barbie Saç Yapımı izle: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5HpQ9n8aPxg5rr-aUyz5d...
WATCH! Kris Aquino HAPPY to receive gift from James Yap GF Michela Cazzola
Yeni bir telefon kapışması ile karşınızdayız. BlindID uygulamasını kullanarak tanımadığımız kişiler bizden ne isterse onu yapıyoruz. ► BlindID iOS: https://goo.gl/47f7O6 ► BlindID Androıd: https://goo.gl/OLrJd4 Mediakraft'ın diğer kanallarındaki eğlenceli videoları izlemek için tıklayın: ► Yapyap: https://www.youtube.com/yapyap ► Oyun Delisi: https://www.youtube.com/oyundelisi ► BonbonTV https://www.youtube.com/bonbontv Bizi Facebook'ta takip edin: ► http://facebook.com/MediakraftTurk
Jürinin performanslara puan verdiği serimiz Jüri Seçiyor'da bu kez arkadaşlarımız sihirbazlık hünerlerini sergiliyor. Bakalım kim sihirbazlığa daha yatkın? ► Bu serinin diğer videoları tam şurada: https://goo.gl/ydNlyM Mediakraft'ın diğer kanallarındaki eğlenceli videoları izlemek için tıklayın: ► Oha Diyorum: https://www.youtube.com/ohaadiyorum ► Oyun Delisi: https://www.youtube.com/oyundelisi ► BonbonTV https://www.youtube.com/bonbontv Bizi Facebook'ta takip edin: ► http://facebook.com/MediakraftTurk
Bu videoda Japonya'da çok popüler olan kendin yap şekerleri var. Kutudan çıkanları uygun şekilde yaptıktan sonra tabii tadlarına bakıyoruz. Mediakraft'ın diğer kanallarındaki eğlenceli videoları izlemek için tıklayın: ► Yapyap: https://www.youtube.com/yapyap ► Oyun Delisi: https://www.youtube.com/oyundelisi ► BonbonTV https://www.youtube.com/bonbontv Bizi Facebook'ta takip edin: ► http://facebook.com/MediakraftTurk
Yap is a land steeped in ancient traditions, fascinating legends, and peopled by one of the most distinctive cultures in the Pacific.Dance is an art form in Yap. Through dance, legends are passed down, history is recorded and entertainment is created. The Yap Day Festival of Micronesia is one of the most important celebrations of the Yapese culture. All four of the Yap islands contribute to the merriment during the festival which make the customs and traditions performed here even more special. Yap Day is a carnival of joy and fulfillment, and the Yapese are deeply spiritual people, which reflects very strongly during the Yap Festival. THis is a short documentary about this fascinating culture of YAP- the island of the stone money.
A snippet from one of YAP's workshops with a special guest - former YAP actor Nick Purcha. SUBSCRIBE and watch more YAP Movies: www.YouTube.com/YoungActorsProject instagram.com/young_actors_project twitter.com/dramatwit facebook.com/youngactorsproject Check out Nick on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4729403/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Planning to visit Micronesia? Check out our Micronesia Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Micronesia. Top Places to visit in Micronesia: Truk Lagoon, Nan Madol, Kepirohi Waterfall, Stone Money of Yap, Sokehs Rock, Lelu Island, Ant Atoll, Liduduhniap Falls, Japanese Zeros, The Blue Hole, Kolonia Town, Chuuk, Kosrae Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1 To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1 Visit our Website: http://socialbubble.global Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBubbleNashik Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socialbubble Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SocialBubbleIn This Video...
The video shows the major tourist attractions in Singapore. It is a very good information guide for visitors to Singapore.
Yap is one of the four states of the Federated States of Micronesia and is served only twice a week with a flight from Guam or Palau. After my business trip to Singapore I had the luxury to visit several islands in the pacific region including Yap. Manta Ray Resort Yap was my home for three nights. Oh, did I regret I didn’t have a dive-license yet! I however did enjoy snorkeling, kayaking and the land tour with its unique stone money and WWII relics too. I did swim with sharks (see the movie)! Manta Ray Resort Yap is a great place to relax and I’ll show what to expect in this hotel review, but first a short video impression. Enjoy! Full text review at: http://www.christravelblog.com/micronesia-fsm-manta-ray-bay-resort-yap-on-remote-yap-island-is-the-luxury-place-to-stay-hotel-review
Kısa süreli çıktığım seyahatimde dekoratif parçalar ve kendin yap malzemelerinin olduğu yerleri gezdim. Umarım videom hoşunuza gider. Yorumlarınızı bekliyorum :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dİğer Münih Videolarım : https://goo.gl/UQM2Ir ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kendin Yap Videolarım : https://goo.gl/TfYxKK ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daha önce keşfettiğimiz diğer yerleri görmek isterseniz : http://goo.gl/Q9J9le ------------------------------------------------------------------------ İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler, Eğer videomu beğendiyseniz beğen tuşuna basabilir, Daha fazlası için kanalıma abone olabilirsiniz. ----------------------------------...
Hope you find it helpful.♥ --------- --------- --------- Please comment, share, like, fav, and SUBSCRIBE, if you think it's worth! --------- --------- --------- *Never rinse your contacts in regular tap water. This will just make them dirty.* *If your eyes are gritty or sore or red, do NOT put your contacts in.* *Always remove your contacts prior to sleeping.* *Do not swim or soak in a hot tub when wearing your lens. * *Clean your lens before wearing it everytime.* *When wearing makeup and contact lenses, make sure you put in the contact lenses in first, so they will not get contaminated. * *If discomfort persists, IMMEDIATELY remove your lenses and contact your eye care practitioner.* ** Always seek medical advice from your Optician if you have any problem.** (*)Color Co...
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Penang Pulau Pinang Gurney Gurney Drive Travel Guide Vlog Malaysia Malaysian Asia Like and Subscribe
Travelled to Japan this April with my best buds and had a super great time there!!! We managed to reach in time for the cherry blossoms that we all saw for the very first time. Hope you guys enjoy this video of us in Kyoto and stay tuned for the next part, of us in Osaka 8-D
our journey from Golden miles complex singapore to Berjaya Times Square Kuala Lumpur by Transtar Solitaire Bus
Our One World Dive & Travel group headed to Palau and Yap to dive with sharks and Manta Rays.
Girl you're too sexy
come and sit with me in V.I.P.
With those curves and cocoa skin
now where have you been
The tattoo on your belly's kinda hot
them about a shorty in the spot
You came in with a man
but I'm making plaaans
to be next to you
been checking out the rest and they just wont do
pretty young thing in a lexus coupe
been praying everyday to blessed with you (blessed with you)
but I am next to you
all I think about is undressing you
playing all alone just to touch with you
can we get it on in my bedroom
would ya mind
would ya mind
if I got to know ya better baby
your my type
and I really really want you lady so
make up your mind
do you want him or do you want me
take your time
its alright, I dont mind
I see ya checking out my rings and the platinum watch
your trying to figure out what I'm not
the keys to my range around my neck
and a legit royalty check
if ya looking for someone who has nice things
someone to give ya all the love you need
look no further I'm that man
and I got a plaaan
I wanna take ya home
get ya all alone
turn the lights down low
to a private show
kiss ya from head to toe
take off all your clothes
throw em on the floor
make a video
baby come stay awhile
you cant deny
what ya feel inside
its in your eyes
make up your mind
stop wasting time
baby its alright
would ya mind
I wanna take ya home
get ya all alone
turn the lights down low
to a private show
kiss ya from head to toe
take off all your clothes
throw em on the floor
make a video
baby come stay awhile
you cant deny
what ya feel inside
its in your eyes
make up your mind