- published: 11 May 2016
- views: 16707
Kevin MacLeod or Kevin McLeod may refer to:
TWS may stand for:
How To set up Interactive Brokers TWS!
Frostgrave: Einsteiger-Guide #2/3 (Tabletop-Spiel, TWS)
Atelier: Mini-Vitrine / cabinet & showcase (Tabletop-Zubehör, TWS)
Bemalung: Römer-Armee für SAGA #1/3 / roman army (Tabletop-Miniaturen, Malathon, TWS)
Shuriken Shannon: TWS Park | TransWorld SKATEboarding
Teaser: Malathon 2017 (Bemal-Projekt vom TWS und MAGABOTATO)
IBM Workload Scheduler - What is TWS?
Frostgrave: Einsteiger-Guide #1/3 (Tabletop-Spiel, TWS)
Atelier: Wald & Wälder / forest & woods (Tabletop-Gelände, TWS)
TWS Chart Configuration
This a Video on How to set up a theoretical Interactive brokers trader platform, Charts, Stop Loss Profit Takers, Indicators and More! Follow me on Twitter @RubenLDante IG: RubenLDante and check out my website for more Trading Articles at www.RubenDante.com All trading involves risk where you man loose all of more money than you may have in your account. This video is purely for instructional purposes and No buy, sell or shorting selections shold be made from this video.
Willkommen zurück in Felstad, dem eisigen Schauplatz des Tabletop-Spiels "Frostgrave". Im zweiten Teil unserer Serie erklären wir die wichtigsten Grundregeln für Bewegung, Nah- und Fernkampf. Zudem gehen wir ausführlich auf die verschiedenen Phasen einer Spielrunde ein. Alle Regel- und Erweiterungs-Bücher, Zauberspruch-Karten sowie die offiziellen Miniaturen bekommt Ihr bei http://www.miniaturicum.de Der direkte Link zur "Frostgrave"-Sektion lautet: http://www.miniaturicum.de/index.php?infoBox=1&cPath;=2027 Für Einsteiger hat Miniaturicum übrigens grad ein günstiges und versandkostenfreies Set parat, bestehend aus - 1 deutschen Regelbuch - 1 Set deutsche Zauberspruch-Karten - 1 Magier-Set nach Wahl (Zauberer & Lehrling) - 2 Krieger-Gußrahmen zum Bau von 10 individuellen Kriegern - 6 Scha...
Miniaturen kann man als Tabletopper bekanntlich nie genug haben - doch wohin dann mit all den bemalten Modellen? Wir haben da eine kleine aber feine Lösung, die obendrein nicht die Welt kostet ... Den Bilderrahmen "Kasseby" gibt's bei IKEA vor Ort oder in deren Online-Möbelhaus auf http://bit.ly/2sPyVWf Die Hartschaum-Platten namens "Protex" findet Ihr in den Filialen der Baumarkt-Kette "Bauhaus". Oder in deren Online-Shop auf http://bit.ly/2sPo6nn Abschließend möchten wir nochmals den Blog "arts n more" empfehlen. Klickt einfach mal rein auf https://artsnmore.wordpress.com So, nun viel Spaß beim Nachbauen – und bei Fragen einfach fragen! Den Tabletop Workshop findet Ihr auf: Facebook: https://facebook.com/TWSshow YouTube: https://youtube.com/TabletopWorkshop Musiken: - "Son Of A Ro...
Los geht's mit dem ersten Video zu unserem Sommer-Projekt 2017: Denn im Rahmen des Malathons bauen und bemalen wir eine rund 60 köpfige Römer-Armee für "SAGA". Alle Infos zum Malathon und unserem Gewinnspiel findet Ihr in diesem TWS-Video https://youtu.be/w9VplyPcW9s , auf unserer Facebook-Seite https://facebook.com/TWSshow und auf https://magabotato.de Die Römer-Miniaturen stammen von http://warlordgames.com Genauer gesagt sind es - 2 Boxen "Early Imperial Romans: Veterans plastic boxed set": http://bit.ly/2sTElMv - 1 Box "Early Imperial Romans: Legionaries and Scorpion boxed set": http://bit.ly/2tYRclw - Und 2 Boxen "Early Imperial Romans: Auxiliary Cavalry with Swords": http://bit.ly/2tx5fvF Die magnetisierten Bases gibt's bei https://stronghold-terrain.de Zu finden sind sie unter "...
Shuriken always puts it down in our park, so we had to invite him back to our new set-up and let him do his thing. Video / @collinhpx Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: http://twskate.co/gz8nsr Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: http://skateboarding.transworld.net/ Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TransWorldSkate Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: https://instagram.com/transworldskate/ Follow TransWorldSKATE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransWorldSKATE
Der Juli steht bei uns ganz im Zeichen des Malens. Genauer gesagt, dem Bemalen von Miniaturen und Geländestücken. Denn es ist Sommer und damit mal wieder Malathon-Zeit! ... Ihr wisst nicht, was der Malathon ist? Dann schnell das Video anschauen - viel Spaß! Alles zum Malathon 2017 findet Ihr auf unserer Facebook-Seite https://facebook.com/TWSshow und auf https://magabotato.de Ausführliches könnt Ihr auch hier nachlesen: https://magabotato.de/tabletop/item/der-malathon-naehert-sich Den Tabletop Workshop findet Ihr auf: Facebook: https://facebook.com/TWSshow YouTube: https://youtube.com/TabletopWorkshop Musiken: - "Son Of A Rocket" von Kevin MacLeod - "StarGate Odyssea - End Theme" von Xcyril - Soundeffekte von https://freesound.org
Presented by Clint Easterling Whether you are new to TWS, or just need a refresher, this presentation will walk you through all the pieces that make up the Workload Automation product. Table of Contents: 00:00 - Introduction 00:07 - 1-Intro 01:26 - 2-IWA product family 02:03 - 3-Single Point of Control 02:40 - 4-IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 02:44 - 5-IBM TWS Features 03:05 - 6-Key Differentiators 03:32 - 7-Modeling DB and Production Plan 04:06 - 8-TWS Scheduling Objects 04:10 - 9-Workstations 05:16 - 10-Calendars, Prompts, and Resource Objects 05:59 - 11-Jobs vs Job Streams 06:26 - 12-Job Definitions 07:14 - 13-Job Types 07:47 - 14-Job Streams 07:54 - 15-Variables and Variable Tables 08:12 - 16-Run Cycles and Time Dependency Options 08:52 - 17-Time Restrictions ...
Der Sommer 2017 wird eiskalt, denn wir stellen Euch in mehreren Videos das Tabletop-Spiel "Frostgrave" vor: Begleitet uns in eine von Schnee und Eis begrabene Stadt, um Schätze zu bergen, Monster zu plätten und Abenteuer zu bestehen. In Teil 1 starten mit dem Erschaffen eines Zauberers und Zusammenstellen einer Bande - viel Spaß! Alle Regel- und Erweiterungs-Bücher, Zauberspruch-Karten sowie die offiziellen Miniaturen bekommt Ihr bei http://www.miniaturicum.de Der direkte Link zur "Frostgrave"-Sektion lautet: http://www.miniaturicum.de/index.php?infoBox=1&cPath;=2027 Für Einsteiger hat Miniaturicum übrigens ein günstiges und versandkostenfreies Set parat, bestehend aus - 1 deutsches Regelbuch - 1 Set deutsche Zauberspruch-Karten - 1 Magier-Set nach Wahl (Zauberer & Lehrling) - 2 Krieger-...
Bekanntlich soll man als Tabletopper in seinem Leben ja mindestens einen Wald gepflan... Ähm, gebastelt haben. Wir zeigen Euch, wie einfach das geht und wie man praktischerweise gleich zwei Wälder auf die Spielplatte bekommt. Für die Wald-Base wird 3 mm dicke Schaumpappe benötigt – auch als Foambord bekannt. Natürlich geht auch ähnlich dicke Pappe von z. B. einem Umzugskarton. Wer kein Bastelgeschäft, Künstlerbedarf bzw. Schreibwarenhändler in seiner Nähe hat, kann Schaumpappe z.B. bei http://www.architekturbedarf.de bestellen. Dort bekommt Ihr auch Finnpappe: https://www.architekturbedarf.de/pappe-+-papier So, nun viel Spaß beim Nachbauen – und bei Fragen einfach fragen! Den Tabletop Workshop findet Ihr auf: Facebook: https://facebook.com/TWSshow YouTube: https://youtube.com/TabletopWo...
This short video is designed to assist you in configuring TWS charts. By the end of this demonstration you should be able to identify many of the fields displayed on this chart. And you will be able to easily locate the appropriate setting within Global Configuration to build charts the way you want to see them.
This was a FANTASTIC 30 minutes with Kevin. We discussed the Oscar nomination that included his music, his 800,000 attributed credits on YouTube, and we even played 'guess the mood' for the music. It was a lot of fun as well :D Check out www.incompetech.com for free music from Kevin.
He's been hiding in plain sight this whole time.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Animated by Alex Bale Narrated by Andrew Loitz Alex Character voiced by Alex Bale Music by Kevin MacLeod from freepd.com All the accusations about Kevin not existing and filing copyright strikes are all made up for satirical purposes. He's an amazing person for giving us the gift of free music. (This video has many easter eggs and secrets)
On this Ron’s Amazing Stories, we have the Kevin MacLeod Interview! He is a composer, producer, and has been the primary music provider to the show since 2011. He has a talent for creating musical scores that fits every situation. Be it Classic Rock or Bavarian Classical, Kevin has a title that fits the mood. The quality shines through on all of his works and you feel every emotion that he sets out to convey. The Stories - we have two great stories for you to enjoy this week. The first comes in the form of a Five Minute mystery. For the second we have, The Troubadour, which is written by Robert A. W. Lowndes. This a strange but spirited science fiction story that is worth listening to. It is short, but has a message for us all. A New Website for the RAS - I have created a new...
So you're producing an interview segment! Problem is most people suck at being interviewed. Like... almost everyone. What do you do? You could send the non-media professional to an improv class, you could do 5 pre-interview coachings, or you could schedule a 3-day "pre-interview" at an all-inclusive beach resort in hopes that you will "share a moment" and uncover some goddamn humanity in your interview subject. Or. You could just put some interesting music behind the segment. If your crap interview is longer than this piece Do NOT loop this music - fire your editor. ISRC: USUAN1600067 https://sellfy.com/p/3C2A/ permaFAQ software = Logic yes you can use this in your [whatever] - see my site for details. site = http://incompetech.com/
Grand Designs TV presenter and designer Kevin McCloud confesses his car fanaticism in a brilliant celebrity interview with Jeremy Clarkson before braving it on the Top Gear test track in the reasonably priced car and achieving possibly the most surprising lap time ever recorded. Go to http://www.youtube.com/TopGear to see a full list of all high quality videos available on the Top Gear YouTube channel and don't forget to visit http://www.topgear.com for all the latest news and car reviews.
Part One of the Sword of Ker Podcast Feature Interview with Kevin MacLeod.
Music by Kevin MacLeod. Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. Download link: https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1700030 MacLeod's description: Instruments: Synths, Percussion Feel: Bouncy, Grooving Interview-Mania! This piece does nothing and goes nowhere. Perfect for an energetic backdrop to your review or interview segments! ISRC: USUAN1700030
We finish our interview with the Brilliant and Stunning Overlord of incompetech.com, Kevin MacLeod
New videos every Tuesday & Thursday! Leave a comment, press that thumbs up and subscribe. :) Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/shimmycocopuffsss Personal Facebook: http://facebook.com/danielshim Twitter: http://twitter.com/Shimmycocopuffs Instagram: http://instagram.com/Shimmycocopuff Twitch: http://twitch.tv/shimmy Tumblr: http://shimmycocopuffsss.tumblr.com/ Snapchat: KawaiiSashimi Music: Kevin MacLeod @ Incompetech
Delve further into the mind of a genius: Kevin MacLeod.
Sister love, why don't you break it up?
You got to let someone look into your heart
Sister love, how do you keep it up?
If you don't let no-one look into your heart
As a kid, you couldn't live it up
You were so serious but always so smart
As a kid, you couldn't keep it up
And we were never close, so much apart
Here comes the sun smiling
How long have you been blue?
There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
All the time we lose
There was a time when you were being so proud
Could have been anythin' that you aspired
There was a time when you were never around
When somethin' good happened, somethin' good happened right
So sister love, I'll help you off the ground
You got to let someone look into your heart
You got to turn this situation around
You got to turn this, turn it around
Here comes the sun smiling
How long have you been blue?
There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
All the time we lose
'Cause it's plain to see
A storm is not the weather
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
7 days you should be givin' yourself
All your belongings, all that you treasure
7 weeks you think of nobody else
Is this what you want, is this what you are?
How did it come this far?
Here comes the sun smilin'
The only thing that's true
There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
All the time we lose
'Cause it's plain to see
A storm is not the weather
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
And I'm telling you girl