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Attempts to compel State Archivist to face estimates shut down

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Attempts to compel the State Archivist to front estimates hearings to answer questions about Minister Mark Bailey's emails have failed.

LNP Member for Broadwater Verity Barton tried multiple times to raise points of order in a bid to compel State Archivist Mike Summerell to appear before estimates so he could be questioned.

Mr Summerell is conducting an investigation into Mr Bailey's deletion of his private email account after the Crime and Corruption Commission found Mr Bailey raised a "reasonable suspicion of corrupt conduct" in deleting work-related emails and deactivating his private account, mangocube6@yahoo.co.uk.

But committee chair Scott Stewart shut down Ms Barton, saying there was no point of order.

Ms Barton said: "Stop running a protection racket for Minister Bailey."

Education Minister Kate Jones retorted: "No one ran a protection racket for you", seemingly alluding to Ms Barton's unsuccessful pre-selection against David Crisafulli for her Gold Coast seat.


Ms Barton continued: "This whole process is a farce if we're not being accountable."

"The whole point of estimates is to be transparent and accountable."

A spokesman for Innovation Minister Leeanne Enoch​ said the State Archivist was not listed as a witness for the department's estimates hearing. 

"It is convention for the director-general and their direct reports and CEOs of related entities to be listed as witnesses at estimates hearings," he said.

"The State Archivist is neither a direct report nor CEO of a related entity. The State Archivist has not appeared as a witness at estimates since the introduction of the Public Records Act in 2002."

Last week during estimates, Crime and Corruption Commission chair Alan MacSporran​ said the allegations against Mr Bailey were of a technical nature and the State Archivist was an expert in the area, but the CCC would monitor Mr Summerell's investigation.

Later on Tuesday, the LNP's attempts to quiz Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation director-general Jamie Merrick over matters related to the State Archivist were relatively unfruitful. 

Opposition Science spokeswoman Tarnya Smith asked: "Since the State Archivist isn't allowed to be here today, can the DG advise how widespread the use of [private] email accounts for ministerial business is in the Palaszczuk government ministry?" 

Mr Merrick said matters relating to records management under the Public Records Act were under the independent role of the State Archivist, so he could not answer.

"That's a matter for the State Archivist," he said.

Mr Merrick said the State Archivist answered to him but was independent of any direction from either him or the minister. 

Later, a frustrated Ms Smith said there had been a "bit of interest" in what the State Archivist was doing and it would have been prudent for him to attend.

But Ms Enoch interjected: "It's also prudent to follow conventions and to follow standing orders."

Labor MP Jo-Ann Miller then failed in being able to ask a question of acting Chief Scientist Christine Williams, who is also the assistant director-general science division. 

Dr Williams is acting in the role after chief scientist Suzanne Miller was charged with fraud.

Mr Stewart said the question needed to be directed to Ms Enoch or Mr Merrick. 

"No I don't, there's a list of witnesses," Ms Miller said.

But she was overruled by Mr Stewart, who said advisors could only answer questions referred to them by the minister, director-general or CEO. 

Estimates continue on Wednesday.