Chaos Reigns

Corbyn, May, and the Future of Britain

  • Monday, 3. July 2017
  • TBC

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When Theresa May announced a snap election in April, a divided opposition with an unpopular leader looked set for electoral oblivion. But the result has delivered yet another unexpected political earthquake. How were so many polls, politicos and pundits so wrong about Corbyn? With Brexit negotiations looming, are we heading towards another destabilising general election? What’s behind the intense volatility that seems to have become a hallmark of British politics, and what does this mean for the left?

Join the New Statesman for an evening of insight and analysis into Britain's fraught political landscape, with Jess Phillips MP, Armando Iannuci Television Director and Annosh Chakelian, New Statesman Senior Writer as esteemed guests from the world of politics and political journalism.

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