Showing posts with label Stone Roses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stone Roses. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Stone the Roses

I knew that Manchester's Timperley's Monkey Man was long in the tooth, but I wasn't expecting him to be staring back at me at the bottom of the page of this excellent post from Mine For Life music blog.

It's the cheek bones and insolent stare that gives the game away, but does he go by Robin George or Ian Brown when curled up on the sofa with his laminated copy of the Timperley Village Anarchist? And you have to check out the chorus to 'Robin George's' 1985 non-hit, 'Spy':

"The FBI or the CIA or MI5 or the Red Brigade

I don't know

They're getting closer

Moving in on you

The FBI or the CIA or MI5 or the Red Brigade

I don't know you, moving in on you

Pisses all over 'Illegal Attacks'.