Showing posts with label Elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elections. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2010

"What's Wrong With Using Parliament?"

Via the SPGB's MeetUp Page:

Saturday, 20th November 5pm.

Official launch of The Socialist Party's latest publication:

"What's Wrong With Using Parliament?",

with an introduction by Stair.

"Stair has had a long interest and involvement with what he may have described at one time as "anti-authoritarian politics".

Housmans was one of the destinations he had on his agenda pre-internet on numerous trips to London when further exploring these ideas.

His employment meant he did his "time" in the "retail and service sector" and will talk about his experience of the attitudes and positions of his fellow workers and how some of these observations tie into the question of "how we get from here to there", a classless, wageless, moneyless, stateless society.

This pamphlet comes at a time when many people are questioning the destructive effects of capitalism and also with it a rejection of leaders and the traditional left. This is something that can be encouraged. The aim of the pamphlet is to show that there is another view of social change that may be a "blind spot" with those who get involved with "anti-capitalist", "activist" or/and "anarchist" politics".

Location: Housmans Bookshop

5 Caledonian Road,

Kings Cross,

London N1 9DX

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Doing The Lambeth Talk

Possibilist Impossibilist Bill informs the blogosphere that Vaux Populi, the "vauxhall socialist election campaign blog", is up and running again.

Four more posts! FOUR MORE POSTS!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Personal Endorsement

Apparently there are elections taking place today in Britain.

What with my innate "sectarian . . . lumpen, apolitical . . . self-disenfranchised" self, I don't have much of a take on the matter - my inner psephologist geek says otherwise - except:

  • Put it down to little more than ultra-leftoid sectarianism, but I'd love it if Sheridan got a sour coupon face at some point later tonight. If, for nothing else, for this exercise in maniacal self-aggrandisement. Never was the term 'you tube' so appropriately employed.
    Peter Mullan . . . you let me down, man.
  • For personal as much as political reasons, I hope that the SPGB candidate, John Bissett, gets a good vote in the Monkton ward in the local South Tyneside council election tonight. John's one of the best there is. An absolute diamond of a bloke.
    For a (very personalised) account of his election campaign, you can check out his personal blog. Not sure if Will Makem had a role in writing the election commentary, but it's safe to say that it falls into the category of 'unparliamentary language'.