Showing posts with label Davie Provan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Davie Provan. Show all posts

Monday, November 05, 2007

When? Where? Why?

I think this YouTube clip should be flagged. It's nasty, nasty stuff and not for the fainthearted:

  • 05/19/80 Dundee 5 Celtic 1
  • Christ, look at the state of Dens Park back in 1980.The stadium is just one step up from Hackney Marshes. Hard to believe that Dundee were relegated that season; even harder to believe that Celtic won the cup that year. And for the stat-geeks amongst you, Celtic actually lost the title by one point to Alex Ferguson's Aberdeen that year.

    I also have to ask myself what did Ma & Pa Latchford feed Peter and Bob when they were growing up? By the looks of Peter, I think it might have been the Desperate Dan diet. I can't remember him that *cough* barrel-chested.

    Strange what you can and can't remember from seasons past. I'd totally blanked out that spanking from Dundee, but I did remember Baillieston beating Benburb in the final of the Scottish Junior Cup. And how could I forget Celtic beating Real Madrid 2-0 in the (old) European Cup that same year?

  • 03/05/80 Celtic 2 Real Madrid 0
  • Twenty-seven years after actually attending the game, I finally get a decent view of the goals scored that night. Thank you, YouTube.