GROW is our campaign for better ways to grow together, share together and live together.

Today almost 900 million people are going hungry—most of them women and girls. This is happening because of deep injustice in the global food system. We're calling for a dramatic change in the way we produce and share food so that everyone has enough to eat always.

GROW is a vision for a brighter future. It starts here and it starts with all of us.  



Join others around the world who have signed on to the GROW campaign. We'll send you occasional e-mail messages with quick actions you can take to fix the broken food system - so that everyone has enough to eat always.

Behind the Brands Oxfam launched Behind the Brands in February 2013. The campaign ranks the “Big 10” food companies on the strength of their policies on transparency, women and other workers, farmers, land, water and climate. In the first year, nine of those companies listened and improved their policies.
Food and Climate Justice
 Food and Climate Justice: Hunger is not and need never be inevitable. However climate change threatens to put back the fight to eradicate it by decades. In the face of this challenge, Oxfam has analysed how well the world’s food system is prepared for the impacts of climate change.

Good Enough to Eat


Oxfam has released Good Enough to Eat – a global food index that looks at whether people have enough to eat. We look at food quality, affordability, and dietary health in 125 countries.

Stop Land Grabs

Globally, an area more than double the size of British Columbia has been sold off in the last decade, in the rush for land. Find out more about big land grabs and how they are forcing hardworking families from their homes, jobs and food. 

Celebrate Female Food Heroes 

Female Food Heroes are women who are working to build a movement for good food – food that is grown well and shared fairly. This could be you, your neighbor, your sister, your friend or your colleague.

GROW Action Centre Check out our GROW Action Centre for more ways to join our GROW campaign and take action!

Learn more about land and GROW
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