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Don Jr: more idiot than mastermind

No, Trump Jr’s Russian meeting is not proof of a conspiracy.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Paris: it’s not the end of the world

We need a serious debate about climate change, not anti-Trump fearmongering.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Remove Trump and you remove democracy

He’s a bad president, but the elitist agitation against him is worse.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Spiked podcast: Scandal-mongering won’t topple Trump

I spoke with Ella Whelan about the Trump-Comey scandal and talk of removing Trump from office, on the latest Spiked podcast. You can listen to it here.

Ella also talked with Tom Slater about what's at stake in the UK General Election,  and with Luke Gittos about the mass murderer Ian Brady.

The lessons of the Rebecca Tuvel witch-hunt

Let’s learn from this ugly, censorious mobbing.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Hillary’s sour grapes

Stop looking for someone to blame for your defeat — it was your fault.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Spiked podcast: Trump’s first 100 days

I joined the latest Spiked podcast, to talk with Ella Whelan about the first 100 days of the Trump administration. You can listen to it here.

Ella also discussed the upcoming General Election with Tom Slater,  and the state of French politics with Naomi Firsht.

100 days of anti-Trump hysteria

The Trump administration is a joke, but so is "the Resistance".

Read my Spiked article in full here.

The Trumpcare fail shows Trump isn’t evil – just useless

Both Trump and "the Resistance" stand exposed by this debacle.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

The Trump tax bombshell that wasn’t

Thumbnail : The Trump tax bombshell that wasn’t

Rachel Maddow drifts farther into conspiracy-theory territory.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

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