Showing posts with label David Hare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Hare. Show all posts

Friday, September 12, 2008

Question of the Day

What's Helen Mirren doing on the front cover of the NME back in '76? (Looking like Hazel O'Connor in the grainy image, I might add.)

Just stumbled across that startling fact via this anorak page over at wiki. That page would be a thousand times better if the person who wrote up the page also scanned in a few of the front covers as well. I had to find the grainy image to your left via eBay. The paper is yours for a fiver, apparently. Get clicking.


OK, did a bit of internet digging, and I'm guessing that Helen Mirren is on the front cover because of 'Teeth 'N' Smiles', a David Hare play from the mid-seventies that's apparently "a searing look at the madness and excesses of the rock n’ roll years.". (More tangential info about 'Teeth 'N' Smiles' over here.)