News & Politics

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The Cynical Cruelty of Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

The President’s tweets are a naked attempt to divert attention from his scandals.

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Will John McCain Save Obamacare—and Himself?

The Arizona senator has enjoyed bipartisan respect and even reverence. How he will be remembered may depend on what he does should a bill to repeal Obamacare come to a final vote.

5:44 P.M.

How Jared Kushner Helped the Russians Get Inside Access to the Trump Campaign

Russian officials would have seen their meeting with Kushner as a green light for more aggressive intervention in the U.S. election.

July 25, 2017

Donald Trump Tramples on Boy Scout Values

The President took another opportunity to show himself to be demagogic, non-inclusive, dishonest, and, at times, simply crude.

July 25, 2017

The Senate Health-Care Vote Is a Travesty

No major bill in recent history has been railroaded through the upper chamber in such a manner.

July 25, 2017

Donald Trump, John McCain, and the Politics of Decency

McCain has stressed the importance of fighting for a cause larger than yourself. Can anyone imagine Trump doing anything of the sort?

July 25, 2017
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How Not to Solve the Refugee Crisis

A case of mistaken identity put the wrong man in jail. Now it highlights the failure of prosecutions to tackle a humanitarian disaster.

Why Corrupt Bankers Avoid Jail

Prosecution of white-collar crime is at a twenty-year low.

Sadiq Khan Takes on Brexit and Terror

After a disastrous few months, London’s first Muslim mayor tries to protect his city’s future.

The Mothers Being Deported by Trump

The President has portrayed the undocumented as “bad hombres” who threaten the American family unit. But his crackdown has torn some families apart.


How Trump Is Transforming Rural America

In Colorado, the President’s tone has started rubbing off on residents.

The Life of a South Central Statistic

My cousin became a convicted felon in his teens. I tried to make sure he got a second chance. What went wrong?

The Meaning of the G.O.P.’s Health-Care Fiasco

The final drive to pass the bill will be another measure of how Trumpist the Republican Party has become.

A Veteran ICE Agent Speaks Out

A longtime immigration-enforcement officer has been unsettled by the new order under Trump.

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A Conversation with Trump’s Favorite Foe

The Times correspondent Maggie Haberman discusses covering a chaotic Administration, the rival gangs inside the White House, and more.

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