The official Russell Hoban website

Welcome to, providing definitive information and news about the late novelist Russell Hoban and his work.

The Slickman A4 Quotation Event has taken place every 4th February since 2002, in commemoration of Russell Hoban's birth in 1925. Each year on the day, readers from around the world share their favourite quotations from his books by leaving them in public places, invariably written on yellow A4 paper (the sort he used). Fans also post photos of their quotations on this site, and these are gathered under Which quotes did you share this year? (Photo quoting Pilgermann by Sandra, 2017)

Latest news & features

Selected Russell Hoban quotation

Always in November there comes such a night, blue-black and shining and wild with rain and wind and brown leaves blowing. In the morning suddenly the plane trees on the far side of the common are bare winter trees.


Sample site content and links

Appreciation of Russell Hoban and the SA4QE fan event by Nick Campbell from the We Are Cult blog.
Fascinating story of how a "dilapidated, yet rare, Beetle Cat" found its way into a boatbuilding & restoration programme at the IYRS School of Technology & Trades, and was later found to originally belong to Russell Hoban. The IYRS got in touch with the website,...
Arifa Akbar reviews the RSC's The Mouse and His Child and talks to director Paul Hunter and playwright Tamsin Oglesby about the production and adaptation.
Short interview to promote Come Dance With Me. Quote: "It has been my aim to be as strange as I can be, and I've never been as strange as I'd like to be."
2010 interview mainly about Riddley Walker but touching on other books and the creative process.
All quotations come from Russell Hoban, Riddley Walker: Expanded Edition, Indiana University Press, 1998 Although he sets his novel Riddley Walker (published in 1980) in a post-apocalyptic future, Russell Hoban makes use of the medieval world to mark this future as a site of the "primitive." For...
1983 interview by Edward Blishen about Russell Hoban's then-new novel Pilgermann. From the ICA Talks series, hosted on the British Library website.
the kraken.jpg Between September 2002 and March 2005, Russell Hoban contributed to his own discussion forum, The Kraken. In the first of a 2-part feature, Richard Cooper looks back over a selection of his posts. "The Kraken" Yahoo Group was established as a Russell...
Russell Hoban's 1960 portrait of Montreal Canadiens' hockey hero Maurice Richard for Sports Illustrated magazine. This is also referred to in Chris Bell's essay "Russell Hoban the Illustrator" at A few years...
Lindsay Edmunds profiles Russell Hoban in The Huffington Post and quotes some of her favourite lines.
