
‘Works in that interesting margin where myth, futurism, literature and pop culture all inter-breed.’ The Times

Jon Courtenay Grimwood was born in Malta and christened in the upturned bell of a ship. He grew up in the Far East, Britain and Scandinavia. He has written for The TimesThe Telegraph, The Guardian and The Independent.

Felaheen, the third of his novels featuring Asraf Bey, a half-Berber detective, won the BSFA Award for Best Novel. So did End of the World Blues, about a British sniper absent without leave from Iraq and running an Irish bar in Tokyo. His novels have been shortlisted for numerous other awards including the Arthur C Clake, the British Fantasy Award, the John W Campbell, and Le Prix Montesquieu.

His work is published in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Russian, Turkish, Japanese, Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Estonian and American, among others

Other flavours available. Is this the Grimwood you were looking for? 
Jonathan Grimwood
Jack Grimwood

‘The writing flares into brilliance…’
The Guardian 

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