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See how our live Twitter Q&A with Soner Cagaptay, author of ‘The New Sultan’, unfolded here
Current Affairs / Middle East / News / Politics

See how our live Twitter Q&A with Soner Cagaptay, author of ‘The New Sultan’, unfolded here

This week, we were delighted to welcome Soner Cagaptay, author of The New Sultan for a live Q&A session on Twitter. Read the full transcript below; thanks to everyone who took part! // The New Sultan: Erdogan and the Crisis of Modern Turkey is available now and can be ordered here. …and see more of our books on Turkey, … Continue reading

Exclusive extract from 2017 RGS Neville Shulman Challenge Award winner Leon McCarron’s ‘The Land Beyond’
Middle East / Travel

Exclusive extract from 2017 RGS Neville Shulman Challenge Award winner Leon McCarron’s ‘The Land Beyond’

We’re delighted to announce that Leon McCarron has received the 2017 Neville Shulman award, which aims to further the understanding and exploration of the planet: its cultures, peoples and environments, while promoting personal development through the intellectual or physical challenges involved in undertaking the research and/or expedition. To celebrate, we’re running an exclusive extract from McCarron’s … Continue reading

Extract from ‘The Kingdom of Women’ by Choo Waihong
Biography / China / Politics / Travel

Extract from ‘The Kingdom of Women’ by Choo Waihong

  By far the most remarkable tale of the Mosuo tribe is their story of love. Walking marriage is the most talked of, most bandied about narrative to come out of the Mosuo way of life.  Anthropologists and sociologists focus on the phenomenon, writers pen volumes on the subject and documentary filmmakers produce countless episodes … Continue reading

Saudi Arabia and the Trump Administration: a marriage of mutual needs
Current Affairs / Middle East / News / Politics

Saudi Arabia and the Trump Administration: a marriage of mutual needs

by Neil Partrick The Saudis have sent mixed messages in response to nascent Trumpian Middle Eastern policy. Domestic Saudi media likes the tough words toward Iran, whereas externally-based Saudi media has been more sceptical, in effect asking ‘where’s the beef?’ Saudi doublethink has long been a characteristic of the Kingdom’s foreign policy. Vague US talk … Continue reading

Black Art Matters – key artists from Conrad Murray’s ‘Queering Post-Black Art’
History / Lists / News / Visual Culture

Black Art Matters – key artists from Conrad Murray’s ‘Queering Post-Black Art’

As it’s black history month in the United States, I wanted to do a quick list of my favourite African American Artists. You can find out more information about some of them (noted in the text) in Derek Conrad Murray’s Queering Post-Black Art (I.B.Tauris 2016). If you like Matisse and Kandinsky, and have not yet … Continue reading

‘The Taste of Egypt’ by Dyna Eldaief – recipe extract: Okra, Lamb & Tomato Stew
Cookery / Middle East

‘The Taste of Egypt’ by Dyna Eldaief – recipe extract: Okra, Lamb & Tomato Stew

Bamya | Okra, Lamb and Tomato Stew Okra, which is also known as ‘ladies’ fingers’ is a small member of the mallow family, which also includes hollyhocks and hibiscus. The edible part is a thin, green vegetable pod containing small white seeds arranged in vertical rows. It is rich in nutrients, high in antioxidants, very … Continue reading

Q&A with Rachel Reeves MP, author of ‘Alice in Westminster: The Political Life of Alice Bacon’
History / News / Politics / Visual Culture

Q&A with Rachel Reeves MP, author of ‘Alice in Westminster: The Political Life of Alice Bacon’

Alice Bacon was one of the twentieth-century’s most remarkable female politicians. Born and raised in the Yorkshire town of Normanton, she defied the odds to be elected Labour MP for Leeds North East in the 1945 General Election. Famed in her home town for her unlikely love of sports cars, she was a much-respected, no-nonsense, … Continue reading

‘Make yourself disagreeable’ – Rafael Torrubia on Black Power in the past, present and future
Current Affairs / History / News / Politics

‘Make yourself disagreeable’ – Rafael Torrubia on Black Power in the past, present and future

As an uncertain and turbulent political era begins in the United States, the need for assertive and potent resistance has never been stronger. Rafael Torrubia’s new work Black Power and the American People provides both a comprehensive history of the movement –  and a powerful call to arms for today’s activists. Just a scant few days ago, the White House’s … Continue reading

The contrivance of the casual: Billie Holiday in ‘The Sound of Jazz’
Visual Culture

The contrivance of the casual: Billie Holiday in ‘The Sound of Jazz’

by Nicolas Pillai Tim Wall and Paul Long note that The Sound of Jazz (1957) was one of a series of CBS-TV arts programmes themed around Gilbert Seldes’ notion of The Seven Lively Arts. The sophisticated visual design of the programme provided candid access to musicians in performance, framing jazz history and performance within the … Continue reading

Foul Play: Doping and Corruption in World Athletics
Visual Culture

Foul Play: Doping and Corruption in World Athletics

By Anne-Christine Wegener Global athletics have been in crisis since 2015. The second edition of the report published by Richard McLaren on grand-scale doping in Russian athletics confirms what many had already suspected: corruption and doping in sports go hand-in-hand and the problem is not restricted to a few bad apples. The problem distorts the … Continue reading