Economic Update: Economics Taught Badly

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on United Airlines' profits from customer abuse; bankster blames government; China's rapid economic growth; and worker coop news from...READ MORE

The Lottery Economy- The Big Picture RT

Prof. Wolff joins Thom Hartmann's The Big Picture to discuss the financialization of our economy, why the fed is unwinding stimulus and how US consumers are set to be given power to sue banks.

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Economic Update: Capitalism's 'Leaders'

On this week's show, Prof. Richard D. Wolff presents updates on dueling health bills, cutting minimum wages, Pope on...READ MORE

What is Politics? What are Conservatives, Liberals, Socialists and Communists?

Prof. Wolff joins acTVism Munich to talk about the different political ideologies.

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Global Capitalism July 2017 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism: "Evaluating 6 months of the Trump/GOP economy"
with Richard D. Wolff 
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum & Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30min of short updates on important economic events of the last month...READ MORE

Richard D. Wolff on the Basic Universal Income & Role of Technology in Capitalism

Prof. Wolff talks with acTVism Munich about the Basic Universal Income and whether it poses any dangers. In addition, he discusses the role of technological progress in our society and how it should be implemented in the workplace.

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Economic Update: Addiction, Capitalism, and 12 Steps

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff provides updates on car loans, sales showing falsity of "recovery" claims, airline profits vs service, the G-20 meetings coordinate global austerity, July 4 and capitalism, and the...READ MORE


Economic Update: Capitalism's Shadow: Poverty

On this week's episode, Prof.Wolff presents updates on European sanctuary cities, McDonald's automation, Travis Kalanic, and...READ MORE

The Death Economy, Opioids & Capitalism Exposed - The Big Picture RT

Prof. Wolff joins Thom Hartmann on The Big Picture RT to discuss the GOP healthcare bill. As Republicans push for this murderous healthcare, Americans are literally dying, increasingly as a result of opioid overdoses. Does this omnipresence of death in American society tell us something about capitalism?

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Economic Update: Capitalism's Self-Destruction

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on declining Cal State University system, Trump vs coal industry realities, Hudson Yards for mega-rich vs New York's social needs, lotteries' and legalized...READ MORE


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