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Guest Blogs
Jul 20

The First Modern Zombie Slayer

As most of you will probably know by now, George Romero, the man who defined the modern zombie, passed away and his legacy simply cannot be understated. If...

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Guest Blogs
Jul 19

The Father of Nightmares

George A. Romero is the father of a million nightmares. I was only two years old when Night of the Living Dead came out in theaters, and while I was already...

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Guest Blogs
Jul 18

Godspeed, Mr. Romero

Walking past a crowded hotel bar in the middle of a horror convention, I spotted him. The famous glasses, the splash of gray hair, all gave away...

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Guest Blogs
Jul 17

That's Not REAL Magic!

Deegie the witch wields some weird, wonderful magic in my series, The Complicated Life of Deegie Tibbs. With a cry of “Gynecomastia!” she casts...

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Guest Blogs
Jul 17

In Memory of George A. Romero

When asked to write a piece to honor Mr. George A. Romero, I couldn’t refuse. How could I? He was one of my heroes. The one who influenced me the most,...

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Nov 30

Patrick Duffy Talks Man From Atlantis

Permuted Press author Patrick Duffy sits down with Huffington Post podcast Nostalgia Theater to discuss his career, memories of filming the science fiction...

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Author Interviews
Oct 26

An Interview with Dawn Peers

Permuted: Hi Dawn! Thanks for chatting with us. Let's start at the very beginning, will you tell us a little bit about yourself, what books you've...

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Author Interviews
Aug 01

An Interview with Brian P. Easton


Permuted: Hi Brian! Thanks for chatting with us. Why don't we start at the very beginning. Will you tell us a little bit about yourself, what...

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Guest Blogs
Apr 04

Paradise - An Exclusive Short Story

Desert People, Desert Ghosts

On page 17 of Casualties, one of the main characters is learning about the area of southern Arizona where he and his family are...