Total eclipse of the sun


I got an unexpected opportunity to travel to Jackson, Wyoming, in the Grand Tetons,

Grand Tetons

to see the eclipse on August 21. I took a lot of pictures, but the bottom line is these phases of the eclipse:

Phases of the eclipse

The sky was clear, the time was near noon, and you could see the moon eat into the sun right along the ecliptic.

More below the fold.

Frost crystals


Photograph by Alan Rice.

Photography contest, Runner-up.

Frost crystals
Imprint of frost crystals preserved in dried mud, El Mirage Lake Bed, California, USA. Dry lake beds like this one hold small quantities of water after storms. Before this photo was taken, water froze into ice crystals which were recorded into the Playa surface. The marks were erased by the next storm.

Enallagma civile


Photograph by Vivian Dullien.

Photography contest, Winner.

Enallagma civile sp. – familiar bluet damselfly, emerging from nymph cast, Echo Lake, Colorado.

20 votes were cast for the 7 finalists. Dr. Dullien’s splendid picture of the damselfly earned 8 of those votes and therefore is the winner of the 2017 contest. She will be awarded an autographed copy of Why Evolution Works (and Creationism Fails) by Matt Young and Paul Strode. The runner-up, with 6 votes, was Alan Rice’s frost pattern preserved in mud; Mr. Rice’s photograph will be displayed in 2 weeks.

Photography Contest IX: Finalists


Here are the finalists of the 2017 photography contest. We received 30 photographs from 11 photographers. We had considerable difficulty choosing seven finalists – most of the pictures were excellent, as you will no doubt see during the coming months. As before, we enlisted our wife to help with the choices, which are displayed below the proverbial fold. Unfortunately, the submissions did not lend themselves to being divided into categories, so we present one general category (which includes as much variety as we could muster). The text was written by the photographers and lightly edited for consistency.

The finalists are presented in alphabetical order of last name. Please look through their photographs before voting for your favorite. Polling will close Friday, August 4, at approximately 12:00 MDT.

Reed Cartwright contributed to this post.

Help Requested To Improve Website


I am looking for a volunteer or two who are skilled at designing websites to help with some outstanding requests here at the Panda’s Thumb. Basically, I am currently too busy to implement several of the features that have been requested by our authors and readers.

I am looking for someone with the following skills and experience.

  • Static website design (if you try to use PHP, Prof. Steve Steve will cut you)
  • Jekyll
  • Javascript, CSS, HTML
  • Git and GitHub

The source code for PT is hosted on GitHub and is built on an external server using Jekyll. Everything is served statically using Nginx. No PHP, CGI, Java, or other backends are used.

If you are interested in volunteering, please leave a comment below with evidence of your skillsets.
