Doctor Who Endorsed Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop Now Says She “Can’t Endorse Goop”

Gwyneth Paltrow’s website Goop is notorious for selling overpriced, ineffective remedies for all your healthcare needs, but they recently posted a letter saying they had the support of doctors.

One of those doctors, Aviva Romm, is now going on the record to say she never gave a blanket endorsement of Goop at all.


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Catholic League to Cheese Shop: Don’t Joke About Mother Teresa’s Nether Regions

Somehow, a description of cheese caused the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue to have a nervous breakdown.


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The Bible Says Canaanites Were Killed, But New DNA Evidence Suggests Otherwise

Despite the biblical account of God telling Israelites to completely destroy the Canaanites, a new genetic analysis finds that Canaanites didn’t just live on after that time period, in that same region.

They thrived.


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This Version of Pat Robertson Interviewing Trump is Creepier Than the Original

Pat Robertson’s interview with Donald Trump was a complete was of time, but at least Vic Berger’s rendition of it is more tolerable to watch.


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Even if Our Existence is Temporary, There’s Reason to Celebrate

Religious people often criticize atheists for thinking “this is it.” As if we have to believe in an afterlife or there’s no point to anything.

But as this video brilliantly explains, there’s plenty of reason to be optimistic even if it’ll all be over in a blink of the universe’s eye.


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