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Back from upgrade. WebFaction upgraded our server, and it took a little while to put the ferrets back in their cages. Please let the editor or our tech-wizard know about any issues you notice through the usual channels.

Ferretbrain is an easy-going, irreverent e-zine about stuff - we publish reviews, essays, opinion pieces, podcasts and whatever else we thought was cool at the time. For our articles, you can click on the articles link on the sidebar or browse this very front page for updates. Podcasts can be found under podcasts. The playpen is where we talk about things we found on the internet, or what happened to be on our mind at the time.

If you'd like to join our wayward repository of ideas, you can comment on any article using Open ID or you can email the editor (editor at ferretbrain dot com) for a Ferretbrain account, which has the added bonus of letting you post in the playpen.

For more information about Ferretbrain, or joining Ferretbrain, check out our about page (currently left as our previous editor last revised it - mild revisions forthcoming).

The recent bug affecting article dating has been resolved, thanks to our tech-wizard Rami. (Thank you, Rami!) If you've been sitting on an idea for an article, now's the perfect time to press on with it.
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  • A couple of my sisters and I watched the movie again with our dad and his second wife this weekend. My father's second wife grew up reading Wonder Woman comics in the 50s, and she wasn'... at 18:02 on 20-06-2017 by Robinson L - link
  • Went to see it with my mom and all three of my sisters on Saturday. It's rare for us to all go to a movie together these days, though because it was evening and on a weekend, we had to take se... at 15:30 on 12-06-2017 by Robinson L - link
  • [skips right past all the recent political... Stuff]  Wonder Woman! What did people think? at 20:33 on 10-06-2017 by Alice - link
  • We had a bit of downtime there due to a server upgrade - please poke if you notice any issues. at 13:25 on 07-06-2017 by Arthur B - link
  • It definitely has that "newly made antique" look that was so inspirational to The Man In the High Castle. at 11:36 on 23-05-2017 by Arthur B - link
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