21 Jul 2017, 1:53am
Zero Squared


Symptomatic Redness: Symbolic Kinship (pt. 2)

The Symptomatic Redness podcast presents conversations on political economy and history. Hosted by C. Derick Varn and Amogh Sahu, the program was an independent project for several years but is now hosted by Zero Books on the Zero Squared podcast feed. This podcast of Symptomatic Redness hosted by Zero Books is a continuation of a conversation between Amogh Sahu and C. Derick Varn on the history and prehistory of human societies.

Thanks goes out to Zero Books Club members. If you find this podcast helpful you might subscribe to the Zero Books podcast feed and keep listening or leave a review of the podcast on iTunes.

Zero Squared #118: Tweets, White Genocide, and Free Speech

George Ciccariello-Maher is a professor of Politics and Global Studies at Drexel University, the author of We Created Chavez: A People’s History of the Venezuelan Revolution, and at the center of ongoing twitter storms. On Christmas Eve of 2016 the professor tweeted “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide” and in March of of 2017 he tweeted that he had to hold back vomit when a soldier was given a first class seat on a flight he was on two days after the US bombing of Mosul. In this week’s episode we discuss his tweets, academic freedom, and free speech.

I want to remind you that Angela Nagle’s book Kill All Normies is available through Amazon and encourage you to ask your favorite bookstore or library to carry Zero Books titles.

If you enjoy this podcast consider joining the Zero Books Club. Zero Books Club members receive access to a Saturday podcast entitled Inside Zero Books which sometimes features the second half of conversations with Zero Squared guests and sometimes features conversations with Zero Books readers about the state of the left. Zero Books Club members are also invited to participate in youtube workshops with Zero Books authors and others.

6 Jul 2017, 12:14pm
Zero Squared


Zero Squared #117: Beyond the Black Body (pt. 1)

RL Stephens is an organizer in Chicago, founding editor of Orchestrated Pulse, and the A. Philip Randolph Fellow at Jacobin. His essay The Birthmark of Damnation: Ta-Nehisi Coates and the Black Body was published in May at Viewpoint Magazine and is the topic for this week’s Zero Books podcast.

It’s Wednesday, July 5th, 2017 and I’m Douglas Lain the publisher of Zero Books and the host of this podcast.
I want to remind you that Angela Nagle’s book and Joanna Demer’s book Anatomy of Thought-Fiction are both available through Amazon and other online vendors and encourage you to ask your favorite bookstore or library to carry Zero Books titles. Set some 200 years in the future, Demer’s Anatomy of Thought-Fiction treats a critique of the present, namely Demer’s own arguments about the connection between popular music, the collapse of liberal arts universities, and the current turn to the right as the McGuffin for a kind of meta science fiction.

If you enjoy this podcast consider joining the Zero Books Club. Zero Books Club members receive access to a Saturday podcast entitled Inside Zero Books which sometimes features the second half of conversations with Zero Squared guests and sometimes features conversations with Zero Books readers about the state of the left. Zero Books Club members are also invited to participate in youtube workshops with Zero Books authors and others.

Zero Squared #116: Shoving the Russia Conspiracy

Michael Tracey is a reporter for TYT politics and a freelance journalist who has written for Vice, The Nation, Rolling Stone, the Washington Post, The Intercept, and The New Republic, along with many other publications. He has also been a skeptic of the Russia collusion story and on this week’s episode of the Zero Books podcast we continue our discussion of that narrative and specifically take up the ideas in his piece for the New Republic entitled “Why Are Leftists Letting the Democratic Establishment Define the Trump Opposition?”

Also in this episode Tracey discusses a twitter scandal that followed after Tracey tweeted the following:

Rep. Maxine Waters just shoved me and angrily stormed off as I asked her questions. (Not a violent shove but she initiated physical contact)

I want to remind you that Angela Nagle’s book and Joanna Demer’s book Anatomy of Thought-Fiction are both available through Amazon and other online vendors and encourage you to ask your favorite bookstore or library to carry Zero Books titles. Set some 200 years in the future, Demer’s Anatomy of Thought-Fiction treats a critique of the present, namely Demer’s own arguments about the connection between popular music, the collapse of liberal arts universities, and the current turn to the right as the McGuffin for a kind of meta science fiction.

If you enjoy this podcast consider joining the Zero Books Club. Zero Books Club members receive access to a Saturday podcast entitled Inside Zero Books which sometimes features the second half of conversations with Zero Squared guests and sometimes features conversations with Zero Books readers about the state of the left. Zero Books Club members are also invited to participate in youtube workshops with Zero Books authors and others.