
History, Evolution, and The Darwin Debate

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R48G: slashing tires of SUV’s?…the lunatic fringe left…?

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

The possibilities of guerilla warfare are so far beyond the current picnic left of saintly gandhians that we seem to have foreclosed on any chance of real change. I advocate nothing but I do know that the truly radical left exists and is silent. Whether it can manifest finally as a movement is unclear, but let us recall the price of citing the anniversary of 1917: perhaps the tacit encomniums are finally too timid to spell out the obvious.
Whatever is foreseen in the abstract, the time has come to move beyond penny ante to some realistic wagers…Virtual revolution again: at least get it on paper, wary of the Statistics of infiltration: how many can we expect are CIA plants in the current sprawl of ‘radical’ groups, and what can be discussed in private and what in public?

In any case, a determined ‘action group’ on the left could bring this system to a new focal point. Face it, the current leadership is a bunch of deadbeats at about the level of Tony Blair Socialist-in-Quotes….

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from last week…

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

http://darwiniana.com/2017/07/26/r48g-globallocal-revolution/ [

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 morituri reincarnenties te salutant: your future will be hot…//R48G: the revolutionary option

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Our many deliberate equivocations over the idea of ‘revolution’ have been a sort of ‘bluff’, but also a means to communicate with those who cannot see a path to revolutionary change. Can anyone? At this point the crisis we face is so severe that we risk becoming moral casualties of our own ‘couch potato’ inertias: [Read more →]

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R48G: nothing less than a socialist Democratic party…//“A Better Deal”? Dissecting the Democrats’ “Populist” Turn in Rhetoric and Reality

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

We have scotched ‘social democratic’ compromise politics, but…as a passing thought: these proposals, ‘A Better Deal’, are so pathetic we should consider democrats fascists in training for rightwing endtimes…a socialist Democratic party is…more than a gedanken experiment…
After the example of Sanders, why not consider that their converts are already there and move toward something even better than ‘social democracy’: [Read more →]

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If self-driving cars are possible, then planned economies are possible…AI and the twilight of ‘free markets’

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

In many ways we already live in a system of market socialism…the right senses this and wants to create the ultimate ‘pure capitalism’ but we can see that they are doomed to failure. In fact, we need to move toward a much fuller ‘market socialism’, if necessary by revolutionary means. In the age of AI (artificial intelligence) we can suspect that if self-driving cars are possible, then planned economies are possible…

archive: Red Fortyeight Group: From ‘market socialism’ to viable transitional socialist ad hoc hybrids….
July 28th, 2017 ·

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R48G: the left finally wins the economic calculation debate…//archive: last and First Economies: economic calculation debates

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

The economic calculation debate has lurked in the background as a confusion sowed in the ranks of the left, quite needlessly since in the end the radicals will carry the day:
new technologies will make planning a very viable option
the ‘last chance’ phase of planetary survival will make ‘efficient markets’ look like a parody
markets have shown themselves to be delusive ecological hallucinations far worse than anything in the socialist sphere

archive: Last and First Economies: economic calculation debates
December 26th, 2015 ·
I have ‘resumed’ (presumed) in Last and First Men a project to resurrect a neo-communinist/socialist perspective. [Read more →]

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R48G: was it ever? //archive: the american system is no longer a democracy….

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

The american system is no longer a democracy….
December 23rd, 2015 · [

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R48G: revolutionary pessimism a bluff? archive: cimate…the revolution has to start soon, but …will..notes toward a virtual/failsafe neo-communism…a step at a time…

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

We have often equivocated the revolutionary idea, but you will be glad to know that was a bluff and that the moment of truth is upon us…
archive: Cimate…the revolution has to start soon, but won’t..notes toward a virtual/failsafe neo-communism…a step at a time…
December 22nd, 2015 ·

Last and First Men was an attempt to revive the communist idea as ‘neo-communism’. The idea is almost moribund, but the issue has a secret surprise, we can be sure (consider the unexpected interest in Sanders’ socialism): events are already outpacing assumptions about the ‘end of history’. The idea should always have been there in the toolkits of all parties to social discussions, but it has been the victim of its proponents, followed by the coup de grace by neo-liberal propaganda.
The issue of climate change alone we are up the creek… [Read more →]

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archive: stages of history versus relative transformations and transitions

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Stages of history versus relative transformations and transitions
December 11th, 2015 ·

The classic stages of history in marxism are
primitive communism
slave society

But will this analysis really work? slave society is to follow primitive communism, but slavery is not clearly a very early stage of society. It is more like a pathology of civilizations and a primitve form of a later stage, capitalism, and the extreme form of system with a pathological labor theory of value. [Read more →]

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archive: what stage will produce communism? The Kardashev Scale – Type I, II, III, IV & V Civilization //The Kardashev scale and the macro effect

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

What stage will produce communism? The Kardashev Scale – Type I, II, III, IV & V Civilization
December 9th, 2015 ·

We have reached a turning point in society. [Read more →]

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archive: the sad fate of american civilization

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

The sad fate of american civilization
December 4th, 2015 ·
Americans need to wake up the reality of their sinking state. I was reading today an article citing a radical islamic view that america was a dying civilization. Actually, I fear Islam is a dying religion, while america is a dying democracy, and that’s quite different.
The problem is the way capitalism has overtaken a living culture like a cancer. And the results are almost grotesque. Destruction of constitutional government, government by bribery, cooptation by corporate power, rising inequality, corrupt covert agencies, imperialist economics, and imperialist phony wars, false-flagging by covert agencies in the most grotesque case of 9/11…
And there are innumerable other problems like gun control, where america is almost alone among planetary states for the stupidity of its policies….
The death of american democracy and the capture of a whole society by rogue capitalism is an ugly sight.

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archive: wake up, zizek…marxist brands of hegel and lacanian psychoanalysis are almost comically out the window at this point…

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Wake up, zizek…marxist brands of hegel and lacanian psychoanalysis are almost comically out the window at this point…
December 3rd, 2015 ·

Zizek, hegelian bullshit dead…at a time of crisis sacrifice your bullshit on a real revolutionary challenge to the powers that be…they don’t kill celebrities

I don’t see much promise in attacking Zizek, save that he indirectly ‘trashed’ my Last and First Men, so I can at least press my advantage in a field dominated by celebrities who are too confused to do anything. [Read more →]

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archive: last men at the onset of climate catastrophe…

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Last men at the onset of climate catastrophe…
December 1st, 2015 · No Comments

Last and First Men: Last men indeed! [

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archive: the failure of the left on 9/11

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Red Fortyeight Group: the failure of the left on 9/11 is a terminal judgment requiring…a new left
November 22nd, 2015 ·

The inability of anyone in leftist circles to speak openly on the 9/11 has left it dysfunctional and at times of crisis such as in the wake of the Paris events it allows a slew of vile governments to get ever more outrageous with little more than the clipped charges against Islamophobia.
I think that, simple fear of government power apart, something like Stockholm syndrome must have overtaken leftist opinion bodies. One of the major sources of confusion has been Chomsky has been consistently confused for decades on the subject of JFK and 9/11. How did this come about? We should be confronting a government neck deep in criminal behavior and we hear nothing in the way of protest. It is not a forgivable set of mistakes. We have to reinvent the whole field of left/marxist activism. Not that marxism is at fault, as such. whatever its limits it is very remote at this point. The silence of marxist groups therefore on 9/11 is simply an unsolved ideological lapse due to unconscious factors…

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a misanalysis? //There is Still Time to Prevent Civil War in Venezuela

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Compromise with the right is not going to solve anything. Why don’t the chavistas complete the revolution?

Source: There is Still Time to Prevent Civil War in Venezuela

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How the climate crisis could become a food crisis overnight – The Washington Post

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Source: How the climate crisis could become a food crisis overnight – The Washington Post

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Plastic Chokes the Seas

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Source: Plastic Chokes the Seas

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Amazon to seize the land of freed slaves’ descendants to lay power lines – World Socialist Web Site

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Source: Amazon to seize the land of freed slaves’ descendants to lay power lines – World Socialist Web Site

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Climate Change Means More Fuel for Toxic Algae Blooms | Climate Central

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Source: Climate Change Means More Fuel for Toxic Algae Blooms | Climate Central

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recent posts/archive

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Jacob Grimmer (attr) Ruine in Waldlandschaft
Link log 2013/4/5

http://darwiniana.com/2017/07/25/revolutionary-euphoria-making-a-come-backmourning-in-america-boston-review/ [

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On Human Origins, the Need for Theory Evaluation | Evolution News

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Source: On Human Origins, the Need for Theory Evaluation | Evolution News

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Plant scientists plan massive effort to sequence 10,000 genomes | Richard Dawkins Foundation

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Source: Plant scientists plan massive effort to sequence 10,000 genomes | Richard Dawkins Foundation

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Three species of tiny frogs discovered in Peruvian Andes

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Source: Three species of tiny frogs discovered in Peruvian Andes

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Longstanding biological mystery of DNA organization now solved — ScienceDaily

July 28th, 2017 · No Comments

Source: Longstanding biological mystery of DNA organization now solved — ScienceDaily

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