- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 3043315
William Thomas Tutte OC FRS FRSC, known as Bill Tutte (/tʌt/; May 14, 1917 – May 2, 2002), was a British, later Canadian, codebreaker and mathematician. During World War II he made a brilliant and fundamental advance in cryptanalysis of the Lorenz cipher, a major German cipher system, which was used for top-secret communications within the Wehrmacht High Command. The high-level, strategic nature of the intelligence obtained from Tutte's breakthroughs in the bulk decrypting of Lorenz-enciphered messages specifically, contributed significantly and perhaps even decisively, to the defeat of Nazi Germany. He also had a number of significant mathematical accomplishments, including foundation work in the fields of graph theory and matroid theory.
Tutte’s research in the field of graph theory proved to be of remarkable importance. At a time when graph theory was still a primitive subject, Tutte commenced the study of matroids and developed them into a theory by expanding from the work that Hassler Whitney had first developed around the mid 1930s. Even though Tutte’s contributions to graph theory have been influential to modern graph theory and many of his theorems have been used to keep making advances in the field, most of his terminology was not in agreement with their conventional usage and thus his terminology is not used by graph theorists today. "Tutte advanced graph theory from a subject with one text (D. König’s) toward its present extremely active state."
Così fan tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti (pronounced [koˈzi ffan ˈtutte osˈsiːa la ˈskwɔːla deʎʎ aˈmanti]; Thus Do They All, or The School for Lovers), K. 588, is an Italian-language opera buffa in two acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart first performed on 26 January 1790, at the Burgtheater in Vienna, Austria. The libretto was written by Lorenzo Da Ponte, who also wrote Le nozze di Figaro and Don Giovanni.
Although it is commonly held that Così fan tutte was written and composed at the suggestion of the Emperor Joseph II, recent research does not support this idea. There is evidence that Mozart's contemporary Antonio Salieri tried to set the libretto but left it unfinished. In 1994, John Rice uncovered two terzetti by Salieri in the Austrian National Library.
The title, Così fan tutte, literally means "Thus do all [women]," but is usually translated into English as "Women are like that". The words are sung by the three men in act 2, scene 13, just before the finale; this melodic phrase is also quoted in the overture to the opera. Da Ponte had used the line "Così fan tutte le belle" earlier in Le nozze di Figaro (in act 1, scene 7).
TUTTE LE NONNE... - iPantellas
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TUTTE LE ESCONO! || Come rimorchiare le ragazze
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Son tutte rose - Trailer
Ola Taistra on Cosi Fan Tutte 8c+
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Mozart: Cosi fan tutte - Showreel cut - Director Marcel Rudigkeit
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www.rudigkeit.de Some Movie Sequences from the "Cosi fan tutte" modern Opera. Premiere in Berlin, November 2009. Filmed with 7D Director & DP: Marcel Rudigkeit PRODUCER: Oliver Dresselhaus, Olaf Böttcher PRODUKTION: TOCC the official Website: http://www.cosi-im-ewerk.de/ feel free to comment. . .
Loïc Timmermans (loictimmermans.be) réalise Cosi fan Tutte 8c+ à Rodellar (Espagne)
Dans ce trio, Don Alfonso, le cynique, vient d'annoncer à Fiordiligi et Dorabella que leurs deux fiancés doivent partir à la guerre. Elles sont loin de se douter du piège qu'Alfonso leur tend à tous pour éprouver leur fidélité... Tous trois souhaitent qu'une "douce brise" et des vagues tranquilles accompagnent le voyage des jeunes soldats. Cette vidéo a été enregistrée à la Saint-Valentin 2011, lors d'un concert à Waterloo où Louis Couturiaux et moi-même avons eu le plaisir et l'honneur de partager l'affiche avec Marie-Noëlle de Callataÿ.
Il momento clou della manifestazione alassina è la doccia. Le ragazze, quest'anno a piccoli gruppetti, hanno ballato sotto la doccia e fatto le vj.
Ever wonder what Pikes Peak International Hill Climb Champions do on their day off before the race? Checkout Rod Millen, Greg Trachy and Steve Tutt fist laps with Formula Cross. Warning! White t-shirts be advised....
"30 Minut (30 Minutes)"
Zarevet ubezhat
Ili dver na zamok
I molchat I lezhat
Izuchat potolok
I mechtat ne kad vse
Tselovat nebesa
Potolok karusel
Polchasa polchasa
Polchasa poezda pod otkos
Palchasa ne tvoya polosa
Palchasa, palchasa v ne vopros
Ne otvet polchasa, polchasa
Polchasa bez tebya, polchasa
Polchasa on I ya, polchasa
Kazhdyi sam, kazhdyi sam Polchasa
po svoim adresam Polchasa
Sorvalas I kak vse
Kak vo sne
Ya ni ya
Ne moya karusel
I mechta ne moya
Ili dym, ili grust
Ili dozhd, po glazam
Ya vernus, ya vernus
Polachasa, polchasa
Polchasa poezda pod otkos
Palchasa ne tvoya polosa
Palchasa, palchasa v ne vopros
Ne otvet polchasa, polchasa
Polchasa bez tebya, polchasa
Polchasa on I ya, polchasa
Kazhdyi sam, kazhdyi sam Polchasa
po svoim adresam