Showing posts with label The shit you post on Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The shit you post on Facebook. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2015

We've been here before . . .

Facial hair - check.
No tie - check.
Looking messianically into the distance - check,
Pointing out the class traitors in the audience - cheka.

Shame on me. Not for the piss-poor Cheka pun but because it's my first mention of Corbyn on the blog, and, then, it's only to post my half-arsed attempt at a political meme.

There is a silver lining, however.  I'm thinking of trying to sell the above pic - with the accompanying bad Cheka joke, naturally. Do you think the Daily Mail and Left Foot Forward might enter into a bidding war for the exclusive rights? I won't sell it for less than $2.

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Another soul-sucking year on Facebook

In what has now become an annual tradition on the blog, My 2014 Year in Status from Facebook:

Football, kids driving me up the wall and strange dreams which make me seem more interesting than I actually am. That sounds about right.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

For Pete's sake

94 was a good innings, but enough already. I can't have any more You Tube clips of the fingers-in-ears folkie stuff clogging up my social media timeline. Sentiment is not enough. I need a bastard tune as well.

The obligatory Pete Seeger Socialist Standard article.

Monday, April 08, 2013

She's Gone

I'm afraid I wont be gloating over the death of someone in their eighties. Hated her government and all that she stood for . . . and she certainly doesn't merit a state funeral . . . but the bastards are still in charge.