Showing posts with label Clapham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clapham. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

'Searching for the 1588 Young Soul Rebels'


An invitation to a Socialist Party Open Day on the occasion of our 104th anniversary.

You are warmly invited to attend an open day at our Head Office on the 14th of June from 12 noon to 5 pm – when we are holding a book sale and exhibition in celebration of our 104th anniversary.

Young, old or prematurely armchair bound, it looks like the Campaigns Dept of the SPGB is hellbent on tracking down the 1588 hardy souls who voted for the Party at the recent London elections in Lambeth and Southwark.

A sweetener to get the local electorate in the door is the once in a lifetime offer of "For those who attend there will be a free Socialist Standard marking the month and year you were born."

So be sure to get along to Clapham High Street early: there's only so many loose bound copies of the Socialist Standard from 1923 still available.