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Mayor of Bristol to lead protest against austerity

Mayor of Bristol to lead protest against austerity

Latest News July 20, 2017

The move by Marvin Rees provides a significant opportunity for the anti-austerity movement

For Whose Benefit? The Everyday Realities of Welfare Reform

For Whose Benefit? The Everyday Realities of Welfare Reform

Book Reviews July 20, 2017

For Whose Benefit? shows how the hard-won rights to social security have become stigmatised through a series of in-depth interviews, finds Jacqueline Mulhall...

Trump and Macron: tangoing in Paris

Trump and Macron: tangoing in Paris

Analysis July 16, 2017

Macron’s lovefest with Trump rests on a raft of converging policies, writes Susan Ram

Theresa’s new deal for workers? Give me a break. A paid one preferably

Theresa’s new deal for workers? Give me a break. A paid one preferably

Analysis July 12, 2017

Do the Tories really want to improve the lot of workers? Don't be silly

First the DUP, now Corbyn: Theresa May's inability to govern

First the DUP, now Corbyn: Theresa May's inability to govern

Opinion July 11, 2017

May's time is up. Let's push her out

Eyewitness account: G20 protests in Hamburg

Eyewitness account: G20 protests in Hamburg

Opinion July 10, 2017

Hamburg's G20 protests can provide immense inspiration, argues Marta Music  



We will not be silenced: Palestine will be free

We will not be silenced: Palestine will be free

The demand for change is growing

July 22, 2017 Chris Nineham

Nolan's Dunkirk - film review

Nolan's Dunkirk - film review

Christopher Nolan's epic depiction of the Dunkirk evacuation misses the point, argues Tom Lock Griffiths

July 21, 2017 Tom Griffiths

Can Vince Cable save the Lib Dems?

Can Vince Cable save the Lib Dems?

What does the future hold for the party?

July 20, 2017 Jonathan Maunders

The radical cinema of George A. Romero

The radical cinema of George A. Romero

The late horror director changed the way we see the monstrous Other, writes Jack Brindelli

July 20, 2017 Jack Brindelli


Georg Lukacs and the actuality of revolution

Georg Lukacs and the actuality of revolution

Hungarian Marxist Georg Lukacs is under attack. We repost a talk given by Chris Nineham at the recent conference in Budapest to defend him   ...

May 6, 2017 Chris Nineham

The Jews, Israel and the Holocaust - key texts

The Jews, Israel and the Holocaust - key texts

The Blairites' crocodile tears are about defending empire, writes David Moyles in this introduction to The Jews, Israel and the Holocaust  ...

May 3, 2016 David Moyles

The Communist Manifesto - key texts

The Communist Manifesto - key texts

The Communist Manifesto is a pamphlet that refuses to die. As incendiary as the day it was published, Paul Vernell unpacks this founding document

April 8, 2016 Paul Vernell


The Dilemmas of Lenin

The Dilemmas of Lenin

Tariq Ali finds a fresh approach to Lenin that enables a rediscovery of the importance of his revolutionary politics for today, finds Lindsey German ...

July 13, 2017 Lindsey German

Sound System: The Political Power of Music

Sound System: The Political Power of Music

Dave Randall’s Sound System is a wide ranging and highly engaging discussion of politics and music that you just can’t put down, finds Sofie Maso...

July 6, 2017 Sofie Mason

The Long Depression: How It Happened, Why It Happened, and What Happens Next

The Long Depression: How It Happened, Why It Happened, and What Happens Next

An understanding of capitalist crisis needs to make use of all parts of Marx’s theory, including the declining rate of profit, argues Dominic Alexander...

June 29, 2017 Dominic Alexander

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