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Valls, Humiliated by Macron, Now Faces Charge of Electoral Fraud.

Former French prime minister Manuel Valls said Tuesday he was leaving the Socialist Party, with a source adding that he would now be allied to President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist group.

 “Part of my political life is coming to an end. I am leaving the Socialist Party, or the Socialist Party is leaving me,” the 54-year-old told RTL radio.

Valls, who was prime minister under Socialist president Francois Hollande from 2014 to 2016, was rejected by Socialist voters in the party’s primary to choose a candidate for this year’s presidential election.

The party chose hard-left candidate Benoit Hamon instead and he failed to reach the run-off of the presidential election in May as France’s two main parties fell at the first hurdle for the first time since 1958.


Emmanuel Macron sealed the humiliation of his Socialist former bosses yesterday when Manuel Valls was allowed to sit with the president’s MPs in parliament but excluded from any post of responsibility.

Mr Valls, right, the former prime minister whose own presidential ambitions were sunk by his young economy minister, said that he was quitting the Socialist party and would sit as an ally of La République en Marche, Mr Macron’s new centrist group.

“Part of my political life is coming to an end,” Mr Valls, who served for nearly three years as President Hollande’s prime minister, said. “I am leaving the Socialist Party, or the Socialist Party is leaving me.”

His passenger status with the all-conquering La République en Marche is likely to be bitter…

The Times

Latest news:

Valls Faces Challenge to his election. His  La France insoumise (FI) opponent Farida Amrani who lost out to Valls in the recent legislative contest by a narrow 139 votes,  alleges forged signatures, voter intimidation and the shredding of  ballot papers cast for his opponents.

Farida Amrani a déposé un recours contre l’élection de Manuel Valls : “Des dizaines de signatures ne correspondent pas” Radio Bleu.

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La candidate de La France insoumise dépose un recours pour faire annuler la victoire de son adversaire dans la 1re circonscription de l’Essonne. RTL