Showing posts with label Philosophy Football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophy Football. Show all posts

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Eton Trifles

Not a particularly good idea but a rather nice T shirt from the Philosophy Football crowd.

Update Afterthought

Wait up; if I post an image of the T shirt on the blog, does that mean I can also blag a free T-shirt?

Duly done. I'll have a large one, Bob.

PS - That's the General Election officially mentioned on the blog, btw.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

For my next trick, I'll be solving cryptic crosswords . . .

Bill Shankly Socialism T Shirt update

I was (half) right. Quick blogsearch reveals that it was Sheridan who was wearing the T shirt in the CBB house:

"Tommy has already been using the show to promote his left-wing beliefs.

Yesterday he wore a sweatshirt with legendary Liverpool boss Bill Shankly's famous socialism quote.

His jumper read: "The socialism I believe in is everybody working for the same goal and everybody having a share in the rewards.

"That's how I see football, that's how I see life." (Via The Sunday Mail)

Philosophy Football will be minted after that wee plug from TS.

Hunting four Shankly

Has Bill Shankly died or something?

The sitemeter keeps throwing up hits from people who've found the blog via typing in 'bill shankly t shirt socialism' into the google search engine. Poor bastards are looking for this, but instead they're stumbling across this past doggerel from the vaults of the blog.

Yes, I did have the t shirt - the long sleeved version - and rather than it making the intended everyman political statement, it looked more like I was going to a fancy dress party dressed as a post box.

A Thought

What's the odds that either Tommy Sheridan or Terry Christian have been talking about or wearing the Shankly socialist T shirt in the Celebrity Big Brother Household? I'm guessing the former as Sheridan's a hun by all accounts and TC is a Man Utd supporter.