Showing posts with label BBC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BBC. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

"Don't want to live in an Adidas world with the Adidas boys and the Adidas girls."

Is it the first of April?

"I suffered from a condition known as obsessive branding disorder - a combination of compulsive shopping and a reliance on status symbol brands for the maintenance of one's self esteem."

Nah, just turns out that he's got a book to sell.

Liked this knowing quote from an interview that Boorman did with the Press Gazette from a while back:

"Ultimately it's impossible to abandon brands altogether, says Boorman.
'The final twist in the book, if the book is a success, is it doesn't matter how many brands I get rid of, one new brand is created — and that's Neil Boorman, the anti-brand bloke.'"
[Quote found here.]

Perhaps the quote is too knowing.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

" . . . . the best fans in Europe"

It's been a protracted business, but R*ngers have finally got their man.

However, on spotting the cheeky juxtaposition of quotes on the online BBC Sports page, I can't help but wonder if the website tech geek at the Beeb is a Celtic fan with a sense of humour?

Btw, R*ngers are going to win the SPL title next year. Wish I was joking, but my sense of humour doesn't extend that far.