- published: 17 Oct 2011
- views: 389214
The Space Race was a 20th-century competition between two Cold War rivals, the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (US), for supremacy in spaceflight capability. It had its origins in the missile-based nuclear arms race between the two nations that occurred following World War II, enabled by captured German rocket technology and personnel. The technological superiority required for such supremacy was seen as necessary for national security, and symbolic of ideological superiority. The Space Race spawned pioneering efforts to launch artificial satellites, unmanned space probes of the Moon, Venus, and Mars, and human spaceflight in low Earth orbit and to the Moon. The competition began on August 2, 1955, when the Soviet Union responded to the US announcement four days earlier of intent to launch artificial satellites for the International Geophysical Year, by declaring they would also launch a satellite "in the near future". The Soviet Union beat the US to this, with the October 4, 1957 orbiting of Sputnik 1, and later beat the US to the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin, on April 12, 1961. The Space Race peaked with the July 20, 1969 US landing of the first humans on the Moon with Apollo 11. The USSR tried but failed manned lunar missions, and eventually cancelled them and concentrated on Earth orbital space stations. A period of détente followed with the April 1972 agreement on a co-operative Apollo–Soyuz Test Project, resulting in the July 1975 rendezvous in Earth orbit of a US astronaut crew with a Soviet cosmonaut crew.
Space is a three-dimensional framework in which we can sense direction and quantify distances between objects or points.
Space, spacing or the space may also refer to:
The Cold War was a state of political and military tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc (the United States, its NATO allies and others) and powers in the Eastern Bloc (the Soviet Union and its allies in the Warsaw Pact).
Historians do not fully agree on the dates, but 1947–91 is common. The term "cold" is used because there was no large-scale fighting directly between the two sides, although there were major regional wars, known as proxy wars, supported by the two sides. The Cold War split the temporary wartime alliance against Nazi Germany, leaving the USSR and the US as two superpowers with profound economic and political differences: the former being a single-party Marxist–Leninist state operating a planned economy and controlled press and owning exclusively the right to establish and govern communities, and the latter being a capitalist state with generally free elections and press, which also granted freedom of expression and freedom of association to its citizens. A self-proclaimed neutral bloc arose with the Non-Aligned Movement founded by Egypt, India, Indonesia and Yugoslavia; this faction rejected association with either the US-led West or the Soviet-led East. The two superpowers never engaged directly in full-scale armed combat, but they were heavily armed in preparation for a possible all-out nuclear world war. Each side had a nuclear deterrent that deterred an attack by the other side, on the basis that such an attack would lead to total destruction of the attacker: the doctrine of mutually assured destruction (MAD). Aside from the development of the two sides' nuclear arsenals, and deployment of conventional military forces, the struggle for dominance was expressed via proxy wars around the globe, psychological warfare, massive propaganda campaigns and espionage, rivalry at sports events, and technological competitions such as the Space Race.
Race, RACE or "The Race" may refer to:
Space is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction. Physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions, although modern physicists usually consider it, with time, to be part of a boundless four-dimensional continuum known as spacetime. The concept of space is considered to be of fundamental importance to an understanding of the physical universe. However, disagreement continues between philosophers over whether it is itself an entity, a relationship between entities, or part of a conceptual framework.
Space Race 1 of 4 Race For Rockets
The Space Race (1955-1975)
The Space Race
NAT GEO documentary 2015 - The Space Race - American Genius 2015
Who won the space race? - Jeff Steers
Space Race 2 of 4 Race For Satellites
BBC Space Race (2005): Episode four: Race For The Moon (1964--1969)
How The Cold War Launched The Space Race
The New Space Race to the Moon between NASA, SpaceX and Blue Origin
United Kingdom Documentary / Drama 240 minutes (mini-series, 4 parts) directed by Christopher Spencer and Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby and Ravil Isyanov Space Race tells the story of the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union's most powerful rocket design and thus to control the world during the Cold War. Central to the competition between two driven, but also reckless scientists: the charismatic ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun on the American side, and the mysterious leader of the Soviets that they only knew as 'The Chief Designer'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Великобритания Документальный / Драма 240 минут (мини-сериал, 4 части) Режиссер Кристофер Спенсер, Марк Эверест Ричард Dillan...
The Cold War saw a competition between the world’s two great powers–the democratic, capitalist United States and the communist Soviet Union. Both sides would fight to have the best technology in space and who could achieve the ‘firsts’. Support the cartoons on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/simplehistory?ty=c Get your copy of Simple History: The Space Race today! https://www.amazon.com/Simple-History-Space-Daniel-Turner/dp/1495347125/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Get your copy of Simple History: The Cold War today! https://www.amazon.com/Simple-History-Cold-Daniel-Turner/dp/153703619X/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA http://www.amazon.com/Daniel-Turner/e/B00H5TYLAE/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1457289367&sr;=8-1 Amazo...
Signup for your FREE trial to The Great Courses Plus here: http://ow.ly/A5rL30b1QFp The United States and Soviets took their rivalry to space. But what exactly caused this? Why did they both care so much about beating each other? Music by: Abashi-Ambient Piece 1 Parvus Decree- Digital Wind Ambient Mix "The Great Courses Plus is currently available to watch through a web browser to almost anyone in the world and optimized for the US market. The Great Courses Plus is currently working to both optimize the product globally and accept credit card payments globally."
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-was-the-point-of-the-space-race-jeff-steers On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the satellite Sputnik and, with it, an international space race. The United States and the Soviet Union rushed to declare dominance of space for 18 years, until the two countries agreed to a more collaborative model. The real winner? Science. Jeff Steers describes the history -- and the benefits -- of the space race. Lesson by Jeff Steers, animation by The Moving Company Animation Studio.
United Kingdom Documentary / Drama 240 minutes (mini-series, 4 parts) directed by Christopher Spencer and Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby and Ravil Isyanov Space Race tells the story of the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union's most powerful rocket design and thus to control the world during the Cold War. Central to the competition between two driven, but also reckless scientists: the charismatic ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun on the American side, and the mysterious leader of the Soviets that they only knew as 'The Chief Designer'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Великобритания Документальный / Драма 240 минут (мини-сериал, 4 части) Режиссер Кристофер Спенсер, Марк Эверест Ричард Dillan...
Both sides now plan to put a man on the Moon - the Americans pull ahead in the space race with Project Gemini, but then suffer a disaster with the Apollo 1 fire. Meanwhile, despite a few notable successes such as the first space walk by Alexei Leonov, the Soviet space programme struggles to keep up amid internal strife. Glushko and Korolev permanently fall out in an argument about fuel; Korolev turns to Nikolai Kuznetsov to develop engines instead. Kuznetsov delivers the NK-33, very efficient but much less powerful than the Americans' F-1. The Soviet program suffers further blows when Korolev dies during surgery, Gagarin dies in a jet crash, Soyuz 1 crashes and kills Vladimir Komarov, and the prototype booster for the moon shot, the N-1 rocket, fails to successfully launch. In America, von...
Why The Gemini Space Program Revolutionized Space Travel http://bit.ly/1U3Wpjl Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml During the Cold War, the U.S. and Russia had many rivalries, but none as fierce as the race to space. So just how did the space race start? Learn More: History: The Space Race http://www.history.com/topics/space-race Space.com: Sputnik: The Space Race's Opening Shot http://www.space.com/17563-sputnik.html NASA: July 20, 1969: One Giant Leap For Mankind http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/apollo11.html Royal Air Force Museum: Space Race http://www.nationalcoldwarexhibition.org/schools-colleges/national-curriculum/space-race/ Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Unravelled" Subscribe to Seeker Daily! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml _____________...
On October 4, 1957, the Space Age dawned with the red hue of the Communist flag when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite. Sputnik I stunned the world and spurred a surge in science education and innovation that changed our world forever. But was Sputnik I really a shock to America's leaders, and how close was the U.S. to getting into space first? NOVA draws on previously classified documents to tell the real story behind the opening chapter in the space race.
Moon missions are becoming a bit like buses, it seems as though you wait the best part of 50 years for a return trip to the moon, then within a matter weeks, two, turn up at once. You can now translate this and other curious droid videos, see my video about it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLPVgIytKyg The Curious Droid merchandise shop is now open too on Teespring : https://teespring.com/stores/curious-droid This is quickly turning in to the new space race but this time it’s not between nation states but between private companies as Jeff Bezos, boss of Amazon and space company Blue Origin has said that they are looking to set up a base on the moon by the mid 2020’s. This comes within a week or so after Elon Musk releveled SpaceX’s plans to send a couple of paying space tourists ...
United Kingdom Documentary / Drama 240 minutes (mini-series, 4 parts) directed by Christopher Spencer and Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby and Ravil Isyanov Space Race tells the story of the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union's most powerful rocket design and thus to control the world during the Cold War. Central to the competition between two driven, but also reckless scientists: the charismatic ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun on the American side, and the mysterious leader of the Soviets that they only knew as 'The Chief Designer'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Великобритания Документальный / Драма 240 минут (мини-сериал, 4 части) Режиссер Кристофер Спенсер, Марк Эверест Ричард Dillan...
The Cold War saw a competition between the world’s two great powers–the democratic, capitalist United States and the communist Soviet Union. Both sides would fight to have the best technology in space and who could achieve the ‘firsts’. Support the cartoons on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/simplehistory?ty=c Get your copy of Simple History: The Space Race today! https://www.amazon.com/Simple-History-Space-Daniel-Turner/dp/1495347125/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Get your copy of Simple History: The Cold War today! https://www.amazon.com/Simple-History-Cold-Daniel-Turner/dp/153703619X/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA http://www.amazon.com/Daniel-Turner/e/B00H5TYLAE/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1457289367&sr;=8-1 Amazo...
Signup for your FREE trial to The Great Courses Plus here: http://ow.ly/A5rL30b1QFp The United States and Soviets took their rivalry to space. But what exactly caused this? Why did they both care so much about beating each other? Music by: Abashi-Ambient Piece 1 Parvus Decree- Digital Wind Ambient Mix "The Great Courses Plus is currently available to watch through a web browser to almost anyone in the world and optimized for the US market. The Great Courses Plus is currently working to both optimize the product globally and accept credit card payments globally."
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-was-the-point-of-the-space-race-jeff-steers On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the satellite Sputnik and, with it, an international space race. The United States and the Soviet Union rushed to declare dominance of space for 18 years, until the two countries agreed to a more collaborative model. The real winner? Science. Jeff Steers describes the history -- and the benefits -- of the space race. Lesson by Jeff Steers, animation by The Moving Company Animation Studio.
United Kingdom Documentary / Drama 240 minutes (mini-series, 4 parts) directed by Christopher Spencer and Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby and Ravil Isyanov Space Race tells the story of the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union's most powerful rocket design and thus to control the world during the Cold War. Central to the competition between two driven, but also reckless scientists: the charismatic ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun on the American side, and the mysterious leader of the Soviets that they only knew as 'The Chief Designer'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Великобритания Документальный / Драма 240 минут (мини-сериал, 4 части) Режиссер Кристофер Спенсер, Марк Эверест Ричард Dillan...
Both sides now plan to put a man on the Moon - the Americans pull ahead in the space race with Project Gemini, but then suffer a disaster with the Apollo 1 fire. Meanwhile, despite a few notable successes such as the first space walk by Alexei Leonov, the Soviet space programme struggles to keep up amid internal strife. Glushko and Korolev permanently fall out in an argument about fuel; Korolev turns to Nikolai Kuznetsov to develop engines instead. Kuznetsov delivers the NK-33, very efficient but much less powerful than the Americans' F-1. The Soviet program suffers further blows when Korolev dies during surgery, Gagarin dies in a jet crash, Soyuz 1 crashes and kills Vladimir Komarov, and the prototype booster for the moon shot, the N-1 rocket, fails to successfully launch. In America, von...
Why The Gemini Space Program Revolutionized Space Travel http://bit.ly/1U3Wpjl Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml During the Cold War, the U.S. and Russia had many rivalries, but none as fierce as the race to space. So just how did the space race start? Learn More: History: The Space Race http://www.history.com/topics/space-race Space.com: Sputnik: The Space Race's Opening Shot http://www.space.com/17563-sputnik.html NASA: July 20, 1969: One Giant Leap For Mankind http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/apollo11.html Royal Air Force Museum: Space Race http://www.nationalcoldwarexhibition.org/schools-colleges/national-curriculum/space-race/ Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Unravelled" Subscribe to Seeker Daily! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml _____________...
On October 4, 1957, the Space Age dawned with the red hue of the Communist flag when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite. Sputnik I stunned the world and spurred a surge in science education and innovation that changed our world forever. But was Sputnik I really a shock to America's leaders, and how close was the U.S. to getting into space first? NOVA draws on previously classified documents to tell the real story behind the opening chapter in the space race.
Moon missions are becoming a bit like buses, it seems as though you wait the best part of 50 years for a return trip to the moon, then within a matter weeks, two, turn up at once. You can now translate this and other curious droid videos, see my video about it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLPVgIytKyg The Curious Droid merchandise shop is now open too on Teespring : https://teespring.com/stores/curious-droid This is quickly turning in to the new space race but this time it’s not between nation states but between private companies as Jeff Bezos, boss of Amazon and space company Blue Origin has said that they are looking to set up a base on the moon by the mid 2020’s. This comes within a week or so after Elon Musk releveled SpaceX’s plans to send a couple of paying space tourists ...
United Kingdom Documentary / Drama 240 minutes (mini-series, 4 parts) directed by Christopher Spencer and Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby and Ravil Isyanov Space Race tells the story of the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union's most powerful rocket design and thus to control the world during the Cold War. Central to the competition between two driven, but also reckless scientists: the charismatic ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun on the American side, and the mysterious leader of the Soviets that they only knew as 'The Chief Designer'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Великобритания Документальный / Драма 240 минут (мини-сериал, 4 части) Режиссер Кристофер Спенсер, Марк Эверест Ричард Dillan...
United Kingdom Documentary / Drama 240 minutes (mini-series, 4 parts) directed by Christopher Spencer and Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby and Ravil Isyanov Space Race tells the story of the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union's most powerful rocket design and thus to control the world during the Cold War. Central to the competition between two driven, but also reckless scientists: the charismatic ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun on the American side, and the mysterious leader of the Soviets that they only knew as 'The Chief Designer'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Великобритания Документальный / Драма 240 минут (мини-сериал, 4 части) Режиссер Кристофер Спенсер, Марк Эверест Ричард Dillan...
Both sides now plan to put a man on the Moon - the Americans pull ahead in the space race with Project Gemini, but then suffer a disaster with the Apollo 1 fire. Meanwhile, despite a few notable successes such as the first space walk by Alexei Leonov, the Soviet space programme struggles to keep up amid internal strife. Glushko and Korolev permanently fall out in an argument about fuel; Korolev turns to Nikolai Kuznetsov to develop engines instead. Kuznetsov delivers the NK-33, very efficient but much less powerful than the Americans' F-1. The Soviet program suffers further blows when Korolev dies during surgery, Gagarin dies in a jet crash, Soyuz 1 crashes and kills Vladimir Komarov, and the prototype booster for the moon shot, the N-1 rocket, fails to successfully launch. In America, von...
United Kingdom Documentary / Drama 240 minutes (mini-series, 4 parts) directed by Christopher Spencer and Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby and Ravil Isyanov Space Race tells the story of the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union's most powerful rocket design and thus to control the world during the Cold War. Central to the competition between two driven, but also reckless scientists: the charismatic ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun on the American side, and the mysterious leader of the Soviets that they only knew as 'The Chief Designer'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Великобритания Документальный / Драма 240 минут (мини-сериал, 4 части) Режиссер Кристофер Спенсер, Марк Эверест Ричард Dillan...
Doco from Project Mercury to Apollo. The Space Race. Sensational Viewing. P.s. Dont forget to comment and like :)
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On October 4, 1957, the Space Age dawned with the red hue of the Communist flag when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite. Sputnik I stunned the world and spurred a surge in science education and innovation that changed our world forever. But was Sputnik I really a shock to America's leaders, and how close was the U.S. to getting into space first? NOVA draws on previously classified documents to tell the real story behind the opening chapter in the space race.
The Soviet space program was the rocketry and space exploration programs conducted by the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the Soviet Union or . April 12th 2011 was the fiftieth anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight into space, hailed by the Soviet Union as a triumph for socialist science over capitalism. But the . Red Space: The Secret Russian Space Program. This four part documentary uses photos, videos, and interviews to piece together the turbulent Russian Space . A documentary of soviet space history using interviews with several original cosmonauts. (Russian with English subtitles.)
Well I wonder why it is
that we have rascals rogues and losers
We've got roustabouts rapscallions and a bucket load of boozers
We've got balladeers and blowhards of all sorts
We've got poets priests and pirates
but we have no astronauts
They say there was a space race
if there was I think I missed it
From the earth up to the moon and back,
doesn't that take the biscuit
Well I wouldn't mind a little ride in zero gravity
as long as they could promise I'd be home in time for tea
I've got me two good legs if I wanna take a trip,
I've got no use for a rocket ship
I walk if you don't mind
It's how I always get around
I might be staring at the stars
but I keep both feet on the ground
both feet on the ground
I've got both feet on the ground
There's a great big giant vacuum
up there in the sky
Ah but where's the place to plug it in
I think it's all a lie
I've heard of Halley's Comet
And I'll tell you what I think
It's just a kind of chemical for cleaning out the sink
I've got me two good legs if I wanna take a trip,
I've got no use for a rocket ship
I walk if you don't mind
It's how I always get around
I might be staring at the stars
but I keep both feet on the ground
both feet on the ground
I've got both feet on the ground
We've got no use for Sputnik
We've got sponge to go around
And you'll never see the shuttle land
on the streets of Newlyn Town
Well in the fields of "Vatimbly"
there's not a launching pad in sight
We've got no "Mersa voyageurs"
and we turned out all right
I've got me two good legs if I wanna take a trip,
I've got no use for a rocket ship
I walk if you don't mind
It's how I always get around
I might be staring at the stars
but I keep both feet on the ground
I keep my both feet on the ground