Showing posts with label Phil Evans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phil Evans. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dalek, I heart you

Weekly Bulletin of The Socialist Party of Great Britain 116

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the 116th of our weekly bulletins to keep you informed of changes at Socialist Party of Great Britain @ MySpace.

We now have 1523 friends!

Recent blogs:

  • The problem that never went away
  • A salaried economy, no thanks
  • Hunting in the morning
  • Coming Events:

    Adam Smith and the Free Marketeers

    Speaker: Adam Buick

    Wednesday 16 September, 7.30pm.

    52 Clapham High St, London SW4


    Speaker: R.Donnelly

    Wednesday 16 September, 8.30pm.

    Community Central Halls, 304 Maryhill Road, Glasgow


    Speaker: Dick Field

    Sunday 20 September, 6.00pm.

    52 Clapham High St, London SW4


    Monday 28 September, 8.30 pm.

    Unicorn, Church Street, Manchester City Centre

    Quote for the week:

    "Modern methods of production have given us the possibility of ease and security for all; we have chosen, instead, to have overwork for some and starvation for the others. Hitherto we have continued to be as energetic as we were before there were machines; in this we have been foolish, but there is no reason to go on being foolish for ever." Bertrand Russell, In Praise of Idleness, 1932.

    Continuing luck with your MySpace adventures!

    Robert and Piers

    Socialist Party of Great Britain

    Wednesday, August 27, 2008

    Abraham, Mark and (no mention of) John

    "Mark strikes up an unlikely friendship with Bob Monkhouse, started surreally by Bob approaching Mark in the Television Centre car park and saying how much he loved Reasons to be Cheerful, which he’d got as a 75th birthday present from Jeremy Beadle."

    Hop on over to Splintered Sunrise for his must-read review of Mark Steel's 'What’s Going On?' (Previously mentioned on the blog here.)

    Very funny, very informative and the only reason I can think why Splintered Sunrise didn't make Iain Dale's recent Top 10 Northern Irish blogs is because Splintered rises in the South. (It can be confusing sometimes working out if he's working out of Belfast or out of Dublin when he's working over the SWP.)

    And as much as I like Mark Steel, kudos to Splinty for taking Steel to task with this wee barb at the end of the review which is, in the main, largely positive:

    ". . . But, and I have to make this point as a small criticism, Mark may be a good bloke but he’s also a little bit of an asshole. What I mean by that is, the history of the SWP, and other left organisations, is full of people in privileged positions who have known all about the organisational skulduggery that goes on, and haven’t said a word until they have been targeted themselves. I think there is a particular responsibility on people like Mark Steel or Paul Foot or Eamonn McCann, who function as a human face of their organisation and make people feel good about being in it, and who could function as a sort of conscience of the organisation. But normally they don’t. Paul Foot, who I miss a lot, was a lovely man, a brilliant journalist and one of the best speakers I’ve ever heard. But it must be said that, when confronted with the SWP leadership and with Cliff in particular, Paul could be the most awful creep. Eamonn has gone along with all sorts of hair-raising stuff, as long as he’s been allowed to plough his own furrow in Derry. And so on."

    There's a hell of a lot of truth in that. Of course, it's now much too late for Steel to take on any sort of constructively critical role with regards to his old organisation because if he so much as coughs in the direction of the SWP his former comrades will be quickly on hand to dismiss him as nothing more than a political apostate. Such is life in (and out) of a political organisation.

    PS - You got that Abraham is Tony Cliff, right? I posted one of Phil Evans's excellent cartoons to make the point and everything. I was originally going to go with 'Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide' as the post title, but who but the most avid Marvin Gaye fanatic will know that that was his first single on Motown back in '61?

    Tuesday, February 19, 2008

    Phil Evans - Political Cartoonist

    I'm forever getting hits on the blog from people searching for info on the brilliant political cartoonist, Phil Evans, but because of my novice blogging skills at the time they never get a taste of Evans's work, just the blurb about his work from this old post.

    Therefore, to make amends, I thought I'd repost an example of his work on the blog again - with the appropriate post title this time - to ensure that future Phil-Evans-Seekers don't miss out.

    I'm good like that.

    Wednesday, March 23, 2005

    Phil Evans

    Picasa is playing silly buggers again so I have to write a separate post to accompany the wonderful Phil Evans cartoon that I have just uploaded below.
    It's amazing the amount of crap that you accumulate over a number of years. The bloke who spoke of the paperless office all those years ago should be taken outside and battered senseless with a rolled up copy of a Viking Catalogue*, but you do occasionally stumble across a wee gem and lucky enough this cartoon that had been cut out of an old copy of Tribune from March 1994 - when I still pretended to read Tribune - fell out from amongst some papers I was sifting through this morning.
    I've always loved Phil Evans cartoons. I will still try and root out old International Socialist/Socialist Workers Party pamphlets in dusty secondhand lefty bookshops (otherwise known as Porcupine) to see if any of his cartoons are included within, when he was their leading cadre-toonist**, and however much I love the acerbic wit of Jim Higgins in his More Years For The Locust, I know I love the book just as much because of the wonderfully funny cartoons from Phil Evans that accompany the text.
    My admiration for Evans is such that I made myself look a bit of an arse when I attended a Free Speech special event late last year to celebrate an anniversary held at Conway Hall in honour of the South Place Ethical Society. A friend who also attended the event briefly introduced me to Martin Rowson, who he knew in some professional capacity, and rather than me making pleasant noises about how much I admired his work in the Guardian and elsewhere, and that his Scenes From The Lives of Great Socialists is arguable the greatest collection of bad socialist puns*** this side of a Socialist Standard Editorial Committee meeting, I instead became all manic and enthused: "Do you know Phil Evans? Do you, do you? Whatever happened to him? Where can I see his work?" in a manner that would have made Robin Williams in his manic cocaine fuelled days look like the human equivalent of a sloth. Rowson**** just looked at me with lofty disdain - in doing this, it helps that he looks a bit like Peter Hitchens - probably thinking something along the lines of who is this idiot, and why are we sharing the same air and I beat a hasty exit stage left to snaffle some more of the wee posh sandwiches you get at these sort of dos.
    Though you will stumble across his cartoons occasionally on the net, lifted from the aforementioned IS pamphlets and old copies of Socialist Worker and elsewhere, it seems a crying shame that there doesn't appear to be a webpage anywhere specifically devoted to his work. I think he is up there with Steve Bell in the political cartoon stakes and if me scanning this one brilliant pic in so that it now appears in the google search engine when someone types in the words 'Phil Evans', then it wouldn't have been too bad a day.
    * Before anyone says anything, I will flog varitations of that hackneyed joke until the ravens finally leave the Tower of London.
    ** That particularly bad pun is especially dedicated to Hak Mao.
    *** I refuse to elaborate for reasons of not wishing to inflict too much bad humour in my footnotes (see ** for what I'm referring to) but if I was to mention the phrases "trained seal" and "Proper tea is theft" I think you can get the gist. If you can't, think yourself fortunate. I wish I was in your Chuck Taylors.
    **** Before I get stabbed with a blunt ink nib one dark night by a bloke who looks like - or was it sounds like? - Peter Hitchens, it has to be said that Martin Rowson gave an absolutely brilliant speech from the platform. One of the funniest and most incisive speakers I have ever seen at a public meeting. And bearing in mind, I've seen this guy speak, that is no mean feat. I'm glad my social faux pas earlier on in the evening helped gee him up for his speech. He had a point to prove.

    Phil Evans - The Man who decided to redefine Socialism