Showing posts with label Anecdote of the Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anecdote of the Day. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Remembering Irving Kristol

A comment from 'stinker murdoch' in response to Dave Osler's post on the recently deceased Irving Kristol has to be marked down as my favourite anecdote of the day:

"Getting back to Kristol, I am reminded of the story of how he was chatting with a journalist about how when his son Bill needed to get into Harvard he picked up the phone and dialled a few contacts, and when Bill wanted to do postgrad work he did the same, and when Bill wanted to work for the Republican National Committee he did the same, and when Bill wanted to work for a neocon think tank he did the same, and when Bill fancied doing some journalism he did the same. The conversation then turned to affirmative action, and Irving revealed he was opposed to it because it was "damaging to meritocracy".